Entries by Bernard

Read Douglas Holt’s article

Read Douglas Holt’s article Read Douglas Holt’s article (on moodle, Lecture 1): How Consumers Consume that looks at what people do when they consume and how they interact with others. From his study of baseball matches, he develops a typology that shows how consumers use the sport in different ways: 1) consuming as experience; 2) […]

Unethical situations/ethical issues

Unethical situations/ethical issues In 400–500 words, please share a time in your professional life where you observed an unethical situation. What were your thoughts and opinions on this ethical issue? This assignment is a personal narrative and does not require any outside sources. It should be written entirely in your own words. This course requires […]

A Third Eye for the Blind

A Third Eye for the Blind Do only 3 parts of the business plan Report which are the following; 1- Management/ Operational Plan: Provided organizational chart with member’s roles, and qualifications. Additional stakeholders and solicited professional services defined. Qualifications of MGNT team. Explanation of how things will be done (roles and responsibilities of team/departments). 2- […]

ICS Ignitia Assignment Solved Example

ICS Ignitia Assignment Solved Example ICS Ignitia Assignment Assignment 1 Select a specific system in a program or a project in the UAE (Etihad Rail) ; and provide the following minimum requirements: 1. The name of the program/project and the stakeholders. 2. The estimated cost and timeframe 3. The architecture (Drawing) of the selected system […]

Evaluating the Doctrine of Consideration

Evaluating the Doctrine of Consideration Thread: In reading the first 3 chapters of the textbook, you’ve had a chance to learn a lot about how and when contracts are created. However, for as much as you learned how and when contracts are created, you have not had to think much about a bigger question: why […]

Nursing Theories and Concept

Nursing Theories and Concept Nursing Theories and Concept Using the nursing theory of Constructive learning and Helping Art of Clinical Nursing Model by Ernestine Wiedenbach incorporate the Critical Thinking Concept. Paper instructions attached. Please call for anymore clarification as this is a final paper and the grade weighs a lot.

How does the economics affect the environment negatively?

How does the economics affect the environment negatively? Your Research Paper will deal with how does the economic affect the environment negatively. In particular, your paper should address the problem above, explaining how theory was developed to address and solve it (from historical development/perspective to the present) . The paper should include the following components: […]