Entries by Bernard

Disease and Nutrition Patient Education

Disease and Nutrition Patient Education Final Research Paper: Disease & Nutrition Signature Assignment Details Part I The Diet Include the following in Part I: • Criterion 1: Determine if the person’s diet is deficient or in excess of CHO, PRO, and fat and explain why. • Criterion 2: Explain in detail how the person’s diet […]

Relapse Prevention Discussion

Relapse Prevention Discussion You should research your answer and cite at least one scholarly source when appropriate, and always use quality writing. Q1. Compare and contrast relapse prevention from relapse management. What are the various relapse prevention and relapse management strategies that clinicians can implement? Compare and contrast the models of relapse. What are the […]

Business Policy and Strategy

Business Policy and Strategy Read and study Christensen’s The Innovator’s Dilemma carefully. Your answers to the questions below should reflect your understanding of and mastery of Christensen’s principal points in the book. Any responses that fail to address Christensen’s arguments will be given a score of zero. The objective of this assignment is for you […]

Climate changes and technology development

Climate changes and technology development Basic needs for food, water, and health are today related in various ways to the stable climate in which we humans evolved. Yet, humaninduced climate change is forcing change to all of them. Moreover, one way or another, these changes are primarily linked to our use of technology. 1. What […]

Pick TWO of the following texts: Comfort Woman, M. Butterfly, Fun Home

Pick TWO of the following texts: Comfort Woman, M. Butterfly, Fun Home For this research paper, you will use the library database to find at least 3 scholarly articles on the texts. Remember that the sources MUST be scholarly sources from the database and should engage literary criticism specifically about the literary texts. Again, you […]

Request for Proposal Submissions

Request for Proposal Submissions Request for Proposal Submissions The proposal should respond to the following funding opportunity: Ohio State University Campus Improvement Projects The Ohio State University invites proposals for projects that will improve the student experience on the main campus located in Columbus, Ohio, and in the surrounding neighborhoods with dense student populations. Projects […]

CE340 Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders in Young Children

CE340 Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders in Young Children Historical and Theoretical Foundations of Autism Spectrum Disorder   Student Name: Fill in each cell. Consider the information provided, as this serves as a guide as you complete this template. Please delete all red type prior to submission and fill in with your original information.   […]

Examine the role of the DNP-prepared nurse in leading financial planning and management across healthcare settings

Examine the role of the DNP-prepared nurse in leading financial planning and management across healthcare settings Purpose Project planning will be an important aspect of your new DNP practice scholar role. The purpose of this assignment is to further explore the project planning process as you prepare for your DNP project. This assignment is an […]

Market Risk Estimation

Market Risk Estimation Instructions on Assessment The assessment for this module is by means of an assignment and this assignment accounts for 80% of the overall mark for the module. You must attempt all the parts to meet the learning outcomes. Length maximum of 3000 words (with a tolerance level of 10%) which must be […]

Credit Risk

Credit Risk Part D: Credit Risk Discuss Creditmetrics approach to calculating credit risk. What are benefits and shortcomings of the model? Suggest improvements in the model. (750 words, 20 marks)