Entries by Bernard

Foreign Exchange Risk

Foreign Exchange Risk Part C: Foreign Exchange Risk 3. Discuss with examples the types of foreign exchange risks faced by Financial Institutions. Also, illustrate the hedging strategies used for foreign exchange risk. (750 words, 20 marks)

Market Risk Estimation

Market Risk Estimation Part B: Market Risk Estimation You must select 5 corporations of your choice from the same industry. Assume that the analysis is performed on October 1st, 2020. All the data you need to collect must be consistent with this date. Compute VaR of your portfolio using Variance-Covariance, Historical Simulation and Monte-Carlo methods. […]

International Banking Regulation

Part A: International Banking Regulation                                     Critically discuss the significance of capital adequacy requirements of Basel III in making the banks safer. Support your arguments with relevant literature. (750 words, 20 marks)

Broken Window Theory

Broken Window Theory Other questions that should be discussed in the essay include: • What is the origin of the theory? • How was the theory implemented by politicians and law enforcement? • What were the consequences of the theory for citizens? • What evidence can you find to support the claim in your thesis […]

Application of Six Sigma in Daily Life

Application of Six Sigma in Daily Life Pick a area in your life (personal, club, work, etc) that you think Six Sigma would provide improvement opportunity. Describe how you would organize the effort, how you would build your team, identify some potential projects, metrics (data), etc. Address opportunities from Chapter 1-7. Propose several improvement projects […]

Supply Chain Management Individual Essay

Supply Chain Management Individual Essay You will write a professional essay (no more than 3 pages, including references) explaining potential “supply chain” risks facing Amazon.com Your analysis will focus on identifying the type and nature of the potential risks facing the company, the causes/sources and consequences of those risks, and potential strategies/tactics to tackle those. […]

Budgeting Procedures Budgeting Process

Budgeting Procedures Budgeting Process Part I. The Budget Process Remember as you write that the points in this section are strictly related to processes. 1. Discuss in detail the process for preparing and approving your organization’s budget. a. When and who prepares revenue forecasts? b. Do they have budget policies? c. How do they integrate […]

Mental Health Nurse practitioner Scholarship Application

Mental Health Nurse practitioner Scholarship Application Application Essay: Describe your experience that demonstrates leadership in addressing emerging health trends and creating innovative ideas to promote improved health outcomes. Please use this as a foundation into positions I held in the past and current, thanks. As a Mental Health Nurse of 12 years seeking scholarship to […]

Role of the Advanced Practice Nursing APN Roles

Role of the Advanced Practice Nursing APN Roles Overview/Description: The final written assignment will synthesize what you have discovered about the different advanced practice roles and scope of practice found in the master of nursing curriculum: APRNs, nurse educator, nurse informaticist, and nurse administrator/executive. You will review all roles and then examine the specialty for […]

Americans with Disabilities Act ADA Essay Help?

Americans with Disabilities Act ADA Essay Help? Recently, Green Branch Coffee mangers have approached you with questions regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), the Equal Pay Act (EPA), and the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). To address these questions, you have decided to prepare a presentation for […]