Entries by Bernard

XRay Medical Equipment Business Plan

XRay Medical Equipment Business Plan The project will assess your mastery of the core competencies and main objectives of this course. Students are expected to create a written business plan and accompany it with a visual presentation (e.g. PowerPoint, Video, or other media approved by the professor). The topic should be determined by Module 4. […]

Poverty and Economic Inequality

Poverty and Economic Inequality This is a research paper, meaning you will need to find multiple sources pertaining to your discussion in the paper, and cite them both within the paper and in the References page. Paper Formatting Requirements: Typed Thee page minimum, no maximum (3-5 pages recommended) Double spaced Font: Times New Roman Size: […]

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Employee Safety

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Employee Safety Research Paper Topic: OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) (employee’s safety) Each Student will pick an area of hospitality operations (hotels, restaurants, conference centers, private clubs, cruise ships, etc.) and research what laws apply to the specific area of operations.  As an example: hotel reservations and what […]

You will create a Folio that includes redesigned activities from prior coursework in your program

You will create a Folio that includes redesigned activities from prior coursework in your program You will create a Folio that includes redesigned activities from prior coursework in your program (MACI, MAECEL, MAED, MASE, or MATLT) that demonstrate your competency with your Programs Learning Outcomes, which are also the Course Learning Outcomes for EDU 696. […]

What Poses the Most Danger to Teams: Groupthink or Mismanaged Agreement?

What Poses the Most Danger to Teams: Groupthink or Mismanaged Agreement? Leaders who collaborate with groups on particular projects are much more capable of maximizing their productivity compared to working alone. However, there are a couple of concepts leaders must be aware of and that is both groupthink and mismanaged agreement. According to Social psychologist […]

Literature Review

Literature Review Write a literature review of at least 6 research articles related to your chosen PICO topic. Include the completed PICOT worksheet as an addendum. I have attached my PICO document /topic and the PICOT worksheet


COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT -OBESITY IN LAPEER COUMTY, MI In today’s fast paced, fluid, and complex health care environment, master’s-prepared advance practice nurses use leadership skills and strategies to collaborate and to build and manage effective teams. In this assignment, students will explore leadership strategies that promote collaboration and teamwork. As an advanced practice leader you are […]

Medical Insurance should cover art and music therapy (Persuasive speech)

Medical Insurance should cover art and music therapy (Persuasive speech) Persuasive speech on: Art and music therapy should be Be covered by basic medical insurance….. Need a source cited reference page (app format) Here is a grading rubric : Persuasive Speech (Detailed) Criteria Ratings Pts Introduction Clear and effective introduction; creative attention-getter, clear reveal of […]

The Bleeding Edge” Netflix documentary review

The Bleeding Edge” Netflix documentary review 1. Give a short synopsis of what the documentary was about. 2. How do you feel about the whole process and business of medical devices? 3. Given what you now know about Quality Improvement and the process to change – how would you begin to bring about a change […]

Kaltura Health Policy Analysis

Kaltura Health Policy Analysis Due Nov 22 by 11:59pm Points 200 Submitting a text entry box, a media recording, or a file upload Purpose This assignment will focus on developing a health policy analysis presentation that includes a problem statement, background, landscape, options and recommendations from the week’s readings. The health policy analysis presentation is […]