Entries by Bernard

Business Plan for Chinese Fast Food rRestaurant

Business Plan for Chinese Fast Food Restaurant Start adding to your papers from last week… some will go in order, but you will notice some things get added at different times. Introduction Market environment :Summarize specifically where you will advertise. Use the media kits to show these are the correct audiences. Television – what programs/channels […]

Enterprise Engineer in Apple Inc

Enterprise Engineer in Apple Inc You will do part 2, 3, and 4 in the guideline. The purpose of this project is to describe a business process. Based on that descriiption, we are able to extract ontological transactions, build OCD model, TPT, and PSD. Apple has many departments. You can choose one such as manufacturing, […]

Ocular Radiation Safety Technology

Ocular Radiation Safety Technology This paper is based on my Adobe Spark Presentation- that I have attached Identify an innovative technology project proposal pertinent to your practice environment or your scholarly project proposal. This proposal should include: a structured abstract (Introduction, Objective/s, Method, Results, Discussion); Introduction (problem statement); synthesis of evidence-based research; goal and objectives; […]

Why you should be selected to become a 51C Contracting NCO

Why you should be selected to become a 51C Contracting NCO Format as follows: 1. Introduction with thesis statement 2. Body A. What do you bring to the Army Acquisition workforce? B. How do you think you would be successful as a 51C? 3. Conclusion Use military writing style Use active voice

Quality and Safety Gap Analysis

Quality and Safety Gap Analysis Write an analysis, 4-pages in length, of the gap between current and desired performance, with respect to the provision of safe, high-quality patient care. Introduction Note: Each assessment in this course builds on the work you completed in the previous assessment. Therefore, you must complete the assessments in this course in […]

Controversial Issue Analysis in Sports Marketing

Controversial Issue Analysis in Sports Marketing For this project, students will conduct an in-depth examination of two controversial issues in sports marketing. In general, students will explain each issue and explicitly describe the probable positions/perspectives of various stakeholders including: consumers as participants and/or consumers as spectators the sports team the player(s) the VP Marketing for […]

Staffing Plans For A Growing Business

Staffing Plans For A Growing Business Please choose from one of the scenarios below. Note: The scenario that you choose in this assignment will be the one you continue to use for the Business Expansion and Sustainability Assignment. Scenario 1 You are a Human Resources Manager of an expanding technology company consisting of 170 employees […]