Entries by Bernard

Clinical Field Experience

USe one of the links to complete this assignment Culture influences learning. How children are raised affects how they learn. Effective educators consider the various learning needs of the students, or their culture, when planning for instruction. For this assignment, identify a birth to Pre-K child care center, and observe an infant/toddler classroom and a […]

Discuss what makes Thales’ method of knowing distinctly philosophical as opposed to mythology and religion

Discuss what makes Thales’ method of knowing distinctly philosophical as opposed to mythology and religion. Reply to each post **100 WORDS MIN** 1. Thales approach to making sense of the world would be considered radical during his time because a majority of people believed in multiple gods that controlled and made up everything as they […]

Discuss what makes Thales’ method of knowing distinctly philosophical as opposed to mythology and religion

Discuss what makes Thales’ method of knowing distinctly philosophical as opposed to mythology and religion. Reply to each post **100 WORDS MIN** 1. Thales approach to making sense of the world would be considered radical during his time because a majority of people believed in multiple gods that controlled and made up everything as they […]

Greek Drama Short Report

For the short report on Greek drama, please write complete, incisive responses to each of the following five topics or questions concerning the play a length of 2 double-spaced pages. Don’t forget to list the play and any other sources you use at the end of your paper in a list of works cited, MLA style!

Greek Drama Short Report

For the short report on Greek drama, please write complete, incisive responses to each of the following five topics or questions concerning the play a length of 2 double-spaced pages. Don’t forget to list the play and any other sources you use at the end of your paper in a list of works cited, MLA style!

Document Analysis

Make sure to use the Chicago Style Format for the assignment. Read the document well then write information about the document. Consider: After reading the document – write a “hook” an interesting beginning of your paper; who is writing the document; why are they writing the document: who are they writing to: what are they […]

Discussion essay – describe an IT or similar business project

Based on attached reading assignment, describe an IT or similar business project you have done or are currently doing. In your discussion, provide information on the following: 1.  What is that project? Provide complete description. Consider using PPM. 2.  What was the scoop, deliverable, and results of the project? 3.  What constraints did you experience […]