Entries by Bernard

Scenario 4: Rheumatoid Arthritis

Scenario 4: Rheumatoid Arthritis A 42-year-old woman presents to the clinic with a four-month history of generalized joint pain, stiffness, and swelling, especially in her hands. She states that these symptoms have made it difficult to grasp objects and has made caring for her 6 and 4-year-old children problematic. She admits to increased fatigue, but she thought it was due to her stressful job as well as being a single mother. No significant past medical history but recalls […]

Scenario 2: Lyme Disease

Scenario 2: Lyme Disease Stan is a 45-year-old man who presents to the clinic complaining of intermittent fevers, joint pain, myalgias, and generalized fatigue. He noticed a rash several days ago that seemed to appear and disappear on different parts of his abdomen. He noticed the lesion below this morning and decided to come in […]

Scenario – Gout

Scenario 1: Gout A 52-year-old obese Caucasian male presents to the clinic with a 2-day history of fever, chills, and right great toe pain that has gotten worse. Patient states this is the first time that this has happened, and nothing has made it better and walking on his right foot makes it worse. He has tried acetaminophen, but it did not help. He took several ibuprofen tablets last […]


For this milestone, you will update the status of your final project. You will assess what you have done, what you are currently struggling with or questions you have, and what you have left to complete before submitting the final project. This will provide an opportunity to reflect on your progress toward developing your final […]


Please respond to 3 classmates. Please pick 3 responses you agree with from the files I uploaded. Be constructive and professional in your responses. Please be sure to reach the 175 -200 word count for each respond. you can use course text book chapter 15, 16 & 17 as a source. You can also use outside […]

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

College sophomore, Suzy Smart, works part-time in the Handi Mart convenience store near campus. The store manager requires that each clerk arrives 15 minutes prior to the start of the shift so that the clerk going off-duty can review the sales figures and cash status with replacements before leaving. The clerk going off-duty punches the […]

Your Leader And Organization

Your Leader And Organization,  This week, you will examine the organizational structure in which your leader currently operates or formerly operated. Using your research, apply applicable concepts from Chapter 15 and report on the organizational structure of your leader’s organization. Based on your research, use the tools in Chapter 16 to characterize the culture of […]

Organization Cultural Analysis

Research and find any free organizational culture quiz. Some free quiz sites are provided below, but feel free to search and use your own quiz. http://peopleink.com/assessment.html https://www.leadershipiq.com/blogs/leadershipiq/quiz-whats-your-organizational-culture Take the quiz and then copy/paste your results into a Word document and answer the following questions: Add two to four paragraphs about your learning experience impacted by […]

International Economics

International Economics, 1-Suppose an hour’s labor produces 4 kg of rice and 8 meter of cloth in Nepal, and     2 kg and 8 meter in  Bangladesh. Using opportunity costs, explain which country will export cloth and which will export rice in trade? If you think Nepal and Bangladesh should trae rice and cloth, what principle […]