Entries by Bernard

Why Do We Sleep?

    Watch Video          Why do we sleep? | Russell Foster       Duration: 21:47 Please, watch the following video, provide your comment

Exploratory Paper Assignment

Exploratory Paper Assignment This exploratory essay will help you prepare for your second essay assignment for this class, which will be an argumentative research paper. For your exploratory essay, you’ll spend time researching, thinking and writing about the issue, problem or question that will drive your research paper. One of the important goals of inquiry […]

Poverty/Homeless In The US – Exploratory Paper Assignment

Poverty/Homeless In The US This exploratory essay will help you prepare for your second essay assignment for this class, which will be an argumentative research paper. For your exploratory essay, you’ll spend time researching, thinking and writing about the issue, problem or question that will drive your research paper. One of the important goals of […]

Cloud Computing

Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection Use of Proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited. Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course. Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to […]

Article Critique

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the SafeAssign plagiarism tool. For each article critique, you will select 2 peer-reviewed articles no older than 5-10 years. Using concepts presented in the weekly reading and study, you will write a paper critique that is at least 4 pages but no more than 7 pages of […]


mechanical, electrical, finishes, concrete, steel, general conditions, overhead, fees, permits, etc…Include all items necessary to complete the project. This project is to build shell space for future tenants to rent out for this business. You will use Bluebeam again for your quantity take-off, and RS Means for your costs. -If you cannot access the link, […]

Practicum Hours

  Document for Tracking Practicum Hours   Week 1 : Put in the title of the video that you watched for Topic 1 and the amount of time (round up the number). If you watched more than one put that information in the document. Title of Video Time: Short Summary           […]

Economic Guide Questions

Type your answers below the empty space provided (you may use more space of course) using BLUE in CALIBRI FONT: Then upload on designated portal on our course Bb on the date indicated. Note we have two different due dates for submission.   These three readings all relate to economic growth-pollution relationship, but from a […]

Mihaly Csiszentmihalyi discussing Flow

After viewing the TED video of Mihaly Csiszentmihalyi discussing Flow, reading about it, and viewing the presentations this week, please identify at least one example of a time when you’ve experienced flow or a time when entering a state of flow would be useful in achieving a goal or completing a task. Your paper should […]