Entries by Bernard

The Bechdel Test

The Bechdel Test–named for the cartoonist Alison Bechdel who wrote a long-running comic strip called Dykes To Watch Out For and the critically acclaimed graphic novel Fun Home–is a test to assess whether women have a meaningful presence in a movie. It consists of three questions. Are there two or more women in it that have names? Do […]

Let's go to the movies?

Let’s go to the movies? Discussion Prompt: Since the early eighties, many analysts have speculated that the advent of movie-watching at home on cable channels like HBO or on VHS/DVD (or, looking forward, available for download or streaming) would spell imminent doom for the theatrical experience. But today, movies still rake in millions and millions of dollars […]

Organizational Communication

This final signature assignment offers you three options (below) for researching and writing on a topic related to organizational communication. Pick the option that interests you the most and that will be most beneficial to your personal and professional goals. All options will require that you provide a thorough review of the literature, adhere to […]

Organizational Communication

This final signature assignment offers you three options (below) for researching and writing on a topic related to organizational communication. Pick the option that interests you the most and that will be most beneficial to your personal and professional goals. All options will require that you provide a thorough review of the literature, adhere to […]


Your second (and the last) essay is on the three major questions the course explores (a. Who is God? b. Who are we? c. How do we relate?). We’ll do preparation for this in class, and I have posted suggested prep for this in Modules under the “Assessments” heading, titled “Helpful links for your 2nd […]


Your second (and the last) essay is on the three major questions the course explores (a. Who is God? b. Who are we? c. How do we relate?). We’ll do preparation for this in class, and I have posted suggested prep for this in Modules under the “Assessments” heading, titled “Helpful links for your 2nd […]

HR Portals & Performance Appraisals and Performance History

DISCUSSION 1 HR Portals  In at least 200 words, describe the primary advantages of HR portals and shared services centers. Give examples of how HR professionals might use each to better achieve cost controls and service enhancement. DISCUSSION 2  Performance Appraisals and Performance History  Companies seek to promote employees that display the proper knowledge and […]

Job Descriptions paper

Job Descriptions Directions: You are a recruiter for an organization that is planning on expanding one of its departments. You are tasked with finding a highly skilled knowledge worker. The type of industry and the position are your choice. Create a job description for the position detailing the tasks, tools, technology, knowledge, skills, abilities, and […]

Operations Management

Question:  After watching the short video for Pike Fish (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AAQT6ifGys), what customer contact model do they use?  What process do they use for service recovery?  You can also visit www.pikeplacefish.com.   The customer contact model suggests that the proportion of time the customer is in contact with the service delivery system influences its efficiency.  This is because […]

Role Of The RN/APRN In Policy Making

Role Of The RN/APRN In Policy Making Nursing has become one of the largest professions in the world, and as such, nurses have the potential to influence policy and politics on a global scale. When nurses influence the politics that improve the delivery of healthcare, they are ultimately advocating for their patients. Hence, policy-making has […]