Entries by Bernard

Persons Perception of Others (Psychology Paper)

Persons Perception of Others  Instructions  3 full pages of text with at least 3 professional sources in psychology or alternate sources in the sub-field of human perception/cognitive psychology relevant to your human perception paper topic. Each of your 3 sources or alternate sources must be cited at least once as a paraphrase or direct quote […]

Drug Enforcement Agency: Evaluation Critique Paper

Drug Enforcement Agency: Evaluation Critique Paper Required:  Students will complete a 10-12 page evaluation critique that will focus in depth on a single evaluation report for the program selected for the literature review. Students will access the quality of the evaluation beginning with the study’ rationale, its methodological strengths and limitations, and the usefulness of […]

Organization Development Proposal Assignment

Organization Development proposal Assignment In this paper, we are to assume the role of Organizational Development Consultants for an organization (UVI Student Health Services) and we would need to provide an organizational development change recommendation to the organization based on a problem the organization has. More specifically we will need to describe how we would […]

Case Profile Report (Forensic Psychology) – John Wayne Gacy

Case Profile Report (Forensic Psychology) – John Wayne Gacy  Instructions  Background can be Family & Development History, Social History and Medical History Case Profile Report Private and Confidential Name of Accused: Date of Interview: D.O.B: Consulting Forensic Psychologist: Age: Presiding Judge: Dr X Nationality: Date of Report Address:     Reason/s for Referral:     […]

Language Development in Children

Language Development in Children Language Development in Children Requirement: A 1500 WORD MINIMUM TERM PAPER: A term paper of no less than 1500 words (you can have as many over that amount as you wish). This will be written on a Topic that you should select from a list of Language Development Hypotheses listed at […]

Genetic Disorders Explained (Descriptive Essay)

Genetic Disorders Explained (Descriptive Essay) Topic: The selection of the disease topic for the paper project is randomly done via lottery. The number selected correspond to a disease topic listed in a document posted in Blackboard. Objective: To research and write a paper describing the cause(s) of the disease, how the disease disturbed the anatomy […]

Legalize Physician Assisted Suicide or Say No to Physician Assisted Suicide? Argumentative Essay. Persuasive Essay

Legalize Physician Assisted Suicide or Say No to Physician Assisted Suicide?  Instructions  Write 750-1,050 words on whether we should we should legalize physician assisted suicide (PAS) or say no to physician assisted suicide (PAS). Format your paper in APA style 6th edition. Use 2-3 scholarly sources. Also in this website, learn more about: How to […]