Entries by Bernard

Research in Public Health

Research in Public Health  Designs, Concepts, and Methods in Public Health Research PUBH 613 82[54108] (School of Public Health) Part 1. Read the following article: Owen PR. Portrayals of schizophrenia by entertainment media: a content analysis of contemporary movies. Psychiatr Serv. 2012;63(7):655-659 (Available on Blackboard) Answer the following questions (each worth 0.15 points, for total […]

Solved Cases in Statistical Data (SPSS/STA)

Statistical Data Refer to Major Assignment 3 attachments (Major Assignment 3, Major Assignment 3 Details, and Country List). Research the country using The World Factbook found on the Central Intelligence Agency website at https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/, other resources such as the U.S. Department of State website at https://www.state.gov/travel/, and the GCU Library. Include three or more scholarly […]

Solved Cases in Statistical Data (SPSS/STA)

Statistical Data Refer to Major Assignment 3 attachments (Major Assignment 3, Major Assignment 3 Details, and Country List). Research the country using The World Factbook found on the Central Intelligence Agency website at https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/, other resources such as the U.S. Department of State website at https://www.state.gov/travel/, and the GCU Library. Include three or more scholarly […]

Lean Six Sigma in Supply Chain Management (Assignmnet)

Lean Six Sigma in Supply Chain Management  In 1,600-1,800 words, write an essay about the application of Lean Six Sigma in Supply Chain Management. Your paper should he formatted in APA style 6th Edition, and you should use 5-8 scholarly articles. You can also use credible websites as sources.   In this website: Pay for […]

Assessments in Educational Setting

Assessments in Educational Setting  Write about your experiences with assessments from the following perspectives: 1. as a student (inclusive of prek-12, college/university) 2. as an educator 3. as a parent of a child being assessed Respond to the following prompts: 1. How did you feel before, during, and after the assessment? 2. How were the […]

Assessments in Educational Setting

Assessments in Educational Setting  Write about your experiences with assessments from the following perspectives: 1. as a student (inclusive of prek-12, college/university) 2. as an educator 3. as a parent of a child being assessed Respond to the following prompts: 1. How did you feel before, during, and after the assessment? 2. How were the […]

Population and Epidemiology Paper

Population and Epidemiology  Apply the concepts of population health and epidemiology to one of the following infectious diseases:  (Choose one from the following list for your paper.) Community Acquired Pneumonia Infectious Diarrhea Hepatitis B Tick-borne Encephalitis Salmonella Synthesize Course content from Weeks 1-5 according to the following sections: Introduction: Analysis of the communicable disease (causes, symptoms, […]

Conflict Resolution and Forgiveness

Conflict Resolution and Forgiveness  The reading report will demonstrate students’ assimilation of knowledge, reflection on its value in their life, and practical applications. In the paper, students will demonstrate their understanding of the reading materials and use it to make practical application. Choose one textbook chapter, one library article, and one Scripture (full assigned passage) […]