Entries by Bernard

Ethics In Justice Administration

Misconduct while interrogating issues revolve around the ethical ambiguity that is often used by government agents on the frontlines of the war on terror. Issues also revolve around possible responses to unethical behaviors that arise from that ethical ambiguity. What are the differences and similarities between utilitarianism and the human rights-based model of policing? Provide […]

Wastewater Quality Analysis: Trend of oxygen levels in water as a pollution indicator

Wastewater Quality Analysis: Trend of oxygen levels in water as a pollution indicator, http://www.ibbriner.com/ia-guide.html (these are criteria) https://mrkremerscience.com/internal-assessment/ (the outline of the report) https://www.mrgscience.com/ess-topic-44-water-pollution.html (this is the topic from the coursework, so do not go FAR beyond highschool analysis; include BOD; at the end of the website see the key terms) + Take the pictures […]

Torts in Sports. Sports Torts.

Torts in Sports. Sports Torts. Instructions.   Use any FOUR potential tort issues that you saw while attending a sports game Next, complete a formal outline. Your formal outline must include, for each potential tort, an explanation of (1) facts and the potential injury which may occur and the specific tort which may be involved, (2) legal elements […]

Nurses Role in Public Health Crisis. Role of Nurses in Public Health Crisis. PICO Paper Assignment

PICO Paper Assignment Instructions for writing the PICO paper assignment The PICO paper assignment will be your first nursing research experience. Students are instructed to find THREE nursing research article, no more than five (5) years old, that will support your topic.  The paper is intended to help you identify evidence based practice guidelines and utilize current nursing […]

Ryanair Case Study. Case Study of Ryanair. Ryanair’s Business Model

Ryanair Case Study. Case Study of Ryanair. The attached file discusses the Business Model of Ryanair.  Required  Summarize the content in 550-825 words. Your summary should outline the broad facts and situation from the case, summarizing the current situation as it relates to the prescribed theme. Please note that you are not required to solve the case, […]

Animal Abuse and Criminal Violence

Relationship Between Animal Abuse and Criminal Violence  Required  Answer the Question in 500-600 words: “Is there a link between animal abuse and criminal violence?” Follow MLA style, and cite 2-3 scholarly sources.

Catholic Church and Work in Relationship to the Worker.

Questions (a) How does the Catholic Church describe work in relationship to the worker. In order words, what does work do for the worker? (b) Where and how are workers violated today in businesses? (c) What needs to be done to have a dignity of work? Instructions Directions: 1. Paper must be double-spaced, 12 point, […]

Professional Goal Statement (Walden University)

Professional Goal Statement (Walden University) Directions I have never write a Professional Goal Statement for Walden University or application letter in my life. I ma applying Walden University for graduate degree and I need a perfect Goal Statement but  I do not know where to start. I need a sample of Goal Statement . Kindly […]