Entries by Bernard

Deere & Co.: Industrial Equipment Operations

Deere & Co.: Industrial Equipment Operations, Paper Outline Introduction Divide the analysis into 5 main sections: a. Problem statement b. Issues: i. Consumer and demand analysis ii. Competitor analysis iii. Company strengths and weaknesses (SWOT) c. Alternatives: i. Economic evaluation ii. Qualitative evaluation iii. Marketing implications e. Plan of action

Corporate Governance and Ethics

Use all of the following players/agents (Board of directors and senior management, Accounting and auditing firms, Creditors and credit rating firms) as they have the most influence on American Express. Discuss how they influence the creation and maintenance of the governance of the firm and how this affects the value of the firm. Connect the […]

Development in Play in Kids Aged 6 and Younger

Purpose: This project is to help one see a Child’s development while they are doing something they do every day: play. Students will do an hour-long observation of children (6 and under) playing. The student will take notes during the observations of all the interactions, things children play with and if parent support was give/if it […]

Developing Child Paper

For this second assignment, you will either a) need access to a child between the ages of ½ year and 12 years (don’t just grab a random kid off of the street, make sure that you know the parents and that you explain to them exactly what your project entails), or b) make up a […]

Case Study on COPD, Heart Failure, Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus

COMPREHENSIVE CASE STUDY: COPD, Heart Failure, Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus Review the following case study and complete the questions that follow. For this assignment, write your responses to each question as one narrative rather than separating your responses by question number. Include an introduction and a conclusion. Submit your answers using APA format, well-written sentences, […]

Nurse Leadership and Accreditation

Leadership and Accreditation ________________________________________ Points Possible – 100 Value of Voluntary Accreditation. Discuss the value of voluntary accreditation in promoting a professional environment that includes accountability of the organization and care providers – ie. communication skills, peer review, advocacy for patients and families, report in of errors, etc. 20 Points. Role of Nurse Executive. Articulate […]

Health Care Career Paper

Health Care Career Paper Instructions Topic The purpose of this paper is for students to research, learn and write about specific elements of a health care worker’s career. Students are recommended to choose the health care worker in the field they are planning to enter. Examples of paper topics include: Registered Nurse; Diagnostic Medical Sonographer; […]

Interpersonal Conflict

Define conflict and explain how communication behaviors and individual differences contribute to interpersonal conflict. Recommend a strategy for resolving conflict.