Entries by Bernard

Strategies Employed by Ryanair to be Competitive

Business Strategy of Ryanair   Ryanair is one of the most successful airlines. This paper falls under the topic of Strategic Management (Marketing). Required  A literature review about the strategies used by Ryanair (5 pages, APA format, 3-4 scholarly sources).

Educating Slaves

Write a two page paper of what you have learned about how slaves lived based upon primary documents introduced in Week 2 of the class Pick one of these topics and summarize and analyze what you have learned from Week 2’s primary documents. What do you think should also be learned about this topic beyond […]

Alzheimer’s Disease and Memory

General Psychology Paper: Psychological Science in Everyday Life Overview: One of psychology’s claims to fame is that psychological information can be applied to better understand and help people’s everyday lives. For this paper, you will have the opportunity to explore a topic in psychology that has such implications, research it in more detail, and consider […]

Effective Decision Making

Effective Decision Making Unit Aims : The unit will look at the different ways that decisions are taking by companies by exploring approaches to decision making, implementing decisions and the way in which knowledge can be used within organisations. With the growth of IT and customisation, few decisions are straightforward enough for managers to rely […]

Digital Marketing Case

Present, critique and reflect on a current case that serves to review and evaluate the impact of digital marketing on current marketing practices. You may use a newspaper article that refers to a facet of digital marketing and critique it or you may choose a new app, website, social network, social media service or social […]

Apple Inc. and Ethical Practices

Ethical Practices in Apple Inc.  Instructions  Watch the video on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgbxUDvncko Then answer the question “Is Apple ’ s Manufacturing Practice Ethical?” in 3-4 pages.

Four Functions of Managers. SWOT Analysis. Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy. Douglass McGregor Theory X and Theory Y

Four Functions of Managers. SWOT Analysis. Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy. Douglass McGregor Theory X and Theory Y Management Use all of your wonderful knowledge from the text, notes, power point, and Internet to complete this task. 1. On a daily basis, managers carry out four basic functions: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Explain each of these […]