Entries by Bernard

Child’s Fine and Gross Motor Skills Development

Structure of Essay Please include an introduction to the essay and a conclusion at the end. These give the reader an opportunity to prepare for the content, and to help gather up your thoughts at the end. Using Quotes Because this essay is open-book, it is natural for you to want to refer to the […]

Project Management Ethics Case Study

Below is a scenario involving a common reporting situation in which the project manager needs to make an ethical decision on how the project’s status is reported. Submit an essay in which you describe in detail how you would respond to this situation and why. A Day in the Life of a PM: Monthly Project […]

Nursing Leadership and Management

The goal of this paper is to apply the concepts emphasized in this week’s class activities to a nursing organization that students work at, or are familiar with from past clinical or work experiences. There are resources for most of the agencies on the web for further research but be aware that students must have […]

Motion: Doha Debate: Dubai is a bad idea

Watch the video “Dubai is a Bad Idea” and use the sheet posted on Moodle for this assignment: 1. Jot down all points noted about both sides of the argument – for and against the motion. 2. Jot down your observations of the debate. How is it organized? What do you notice about the moderator’s […]

Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)

Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) 500 word description of the disease. The description will be in APA format, (Word document, double-spaced, 12 font, Times New Roman. Three sources, one from Des Jardins, Terry, Clinical Manifestations and Assessment of Respiratory Disease, 7th Ed., 2016, Elsevier. Second source from Wilkins, Stroller, Kacmarek, Egan’s Fundamentals of Respiratory Care, 11th […]

Globalization and Its Effects on Human Trafficking; Modern Day Slavery

Globalization and Its Effects on Human Trafficking; Modern Day Slavery Assessment Information  This assignment requires you to read the article: https://hubpages.com/politics/Globalization-and-the-Effects-on-Human-Trafficking-Modern-Day-Slavery After reading the above article please answer the questions below: A critical review and discussion of the impact of governments (policies), and international as well as organisations such as the ILO and the UN […]

Preparing a Strategic Career Plan (Nursing Practitioner, NP)

Nursing Practitioner (NP) Preparing a Strategic Career Plan Graduation and certification are the beginning of your career as an NP. Whether you are looking for that dream job or you have decided to open your own practice as an independent NP, you need a plan to get there. Before the Web and social media, job […]

HSBC Challenges

HSBC Challenges We have been given a project in which we must discuss challenges which the bank HSBC will face in the future and their required changes. How is the sector being changed and how should HSBC transform, become disruptive itself and think of its own structures in order to stay “relevant”? Task Context: During […]

Global Talent Management at Novartis

Global Talent Management at Novartis Your analysis should be about 2 pages (600+ words) and address all the questions below. 1. Is there one universal way for a multinational company to motivate its employees around the world exert maximum effort and be accountable for their results? (1 point) 2. Evaluate the potential effectiveness of Novartis’s […]

Collaborative Decision Making Through Shared Governance

Attend a committee meeting in your health care organization. If you are not currently employed in a health care setting, you may elect to attend a committee meeting at another company, a community center, a local school, local chamber of commerce or other professional organization. Observe the interactions between committee members and the process used […]