Entries by Bernard

Persuasive Speech Outline

Persuasive Speech Outline  For the first part of your assignment you will submit a complete sentence outline (NOT a topic outline or a written transcript!) You can review a sample outline on page 309 of your textbook. No other format will be accepted, so please use the examples listed to ensure your assignment is completed […]

Combined Arms Warfare

Military Essay on Combined Arms Warfare  Argumentative Essay Must use footnotes and bibliography Include Outline DMH Style (I can send you a guide) Must use specific examples 1. How have the theories of Carl von Clausewitz and/or Antoine Henri Jomini influenced the birth of combined arms warfare? In your conclusion, suggest the significance to today’s […]

Teen Violence and Social Media

Teen Violence and Social Media Annotated Bibliography Annotated Bibliography of at least five (5) sources. At least three (3) of your sources must be retrieved from the following: Book, Scholarly journal article. The Annotated Bibliography is a summary and/or assessment of each source that you have found regarding your final paper. The Annotated Bibliography forces […]

Career Development Process For Public Manager

Career Development Process For Public Manager The career development process for public managers encompasses the various topics of strategic planning, budgeting/finance management, administrative functions, intergovernmental relations, and policy implementation. Besides the management of people and processes, career development also includes managing and resolving unexpected workplace or community events. Your case study must include the following […]

Article Analysis and Ethics Evaluation of the Research

Article Analysis and Ethics Evaluation of the Research Complete an article analysis and ethics evaluation of the research using the “Article Analysis and Evaluation of Research Ethics” template. See Chapter 5 of your textbook as needed, for assistance. While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, […]

Controlled Substances-Problematic in US

Controlled Substances-Problematic in US  Controlled substances (CS) have become problematic drugs in the US–but not just street drugs or the CS1 agents that we typically think of as being an issue. Prescription drugs have become much more of a problem, leading to addiction, issues with substance abuse, and creating problems for prescribers as well–how can […]

Followership vs Servant Leadership (Compare and Contrast Essay)

Followership vs Servant Leadership (Compare and Contrast Essay) https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_style_introduction.html Follow this site APA Style 7th Edition Compare and Contrast   Essay on Followership and Servant Leader  5 Paragraph format No more than 30 words per sentence,. No more than 20 lines per paragraph.

Potential Barriers of Community Health Plans

Based on your readings and experience, 1. What are potential barriers to implementing community health plans. List at least 2 potential barriers. 2. Discuss ways of addressing those barriers? Paper should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited (all work used must be cited) in current APA style with support from at least 2 […]

Leadership Theories. Comparing and Contrasting Leadership Styles / Theories

Instructions Compare and contrast two leadership styles or theories Mini-Paper: Compare and Contrast two leadership styles or theories This Assignment fulfills the following course objective: Integrate nursing leadership concepts and theories into the various roles of the professional registered nurse to promote safe and high quality nursing care. In this assignment you will select two […]