Entries by Bernard

Writing NGO Funding Proposal Paper

Write a 4–5-page proposal for a health improvement initiative, including a Balanced Scorecard, which addresses one aspect of an identified health issue. You will include a proposal for how to assess outcomes. Instructions For this assessment, assume the role described in the scenario below: Scenario: Imagine you are working for a nongovernmental organization (NGO) and […]

Healthcare Issues

Healthcare Issues 1. Read the ppt 2. Use google if needed 3. Answer the following questions: If I wish to examine the cause of Type II diabetes, which measure should I use (prevalence or incidence) and why? If I wish to assess the need for nutritionists in Santa Clara county to provide support for people […]

Evidence-Based Practice Project with PICO

Evidence Based Practice Project: Finding the Evidence  This assignment will allow you to create an evidence-based practice project that includes the development of a PICO question and follows the initial steps of the Iowa Model. You will share your findings using an APA formatted paper

Application of Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages

NO QUOTATIONS.. PLEASE PARAPHRASE! Prior to completing this discussion, read the required materials from the Shaffer (2011) text, as well as the Berzonsky (2004), Fiese (2013), and Burkitt (2010) articles. Review the PSY605: Mila Singer Life StoryPreview the document document. Choose one aspect of Mila’s life to alter. This element can be an event, a […]

Healthcare Best Practices Report

Instructions Write a 4–6 page report that analyzes how two highly ranked countries manage a specific disease and use that analysis to develop best practices for a health alliance organization. Preparation This assessment assumes the perspective of population health, by analyzing how two highly ranked countries deal with a disease, and extrapolating best practices from […]

Economic of Information and Uncertainty

Please answer either Question 1 (all parts a-c) or Question 2 (all parts a-c). Submit your assignment in .pdf format, through Canvas. Your answer should not exceed 2500 words in total. The word count does not include your reference list. All papers mentioned in the questions are uploaded on the relevant topic pages in Canvas. […]

Immigrants and their Contribution to the US Economy

Immigrants and their Contribution to the US Economy, Are all people in the US immigrants? There is a lot of “silent” debate about this. Anyway, let’s deal with the question. Read the article titled “Immigrants and the Economy” and write about the contribution of regular AND irregular migration to local economies, as well as the […]

Help me do my Case study

Form 1,2,&3– go with the Case Studies. – Form 1- When it comes to the case study assignments, not all client information is going to be available in the case study. Some of them, however, are more detailed than others. If the information is provided, fill it in          on form 1. If […]