Entries by Bernard

Political activism of Black Americans against surveillance practices of the state

Political activism of Black Americans against surveillance practices of the state. People have been resisting the state’s surveillance practices for a long time. A new term called “sousveillance” means “surveillance from below.” This is when people who are surveilled by the state (citizens, people of color, etc.) do the surveilling back. So for example, people […]

SPSS: Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA) – Results

SPSS: Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA) -Result Basically, I’ve conducted a 2×3 (I think) factorial between groups MANCOVA to compare the effects of three different Social Networking Sites (Instagram, Facebook and Twitter) as well as Gender (Male and Female) on subsequent Social comparison scores and Self-esteem scores. Whilst, accounting for the time spent on the […]

New Technologies

Of the new technologies you learned about, what do you think would be most relevant to your dept. and why? I need to show that Body Cameras would be most relevant to my department, the Texas Highway Patrol

Protection, Response, Recovery, and Communications

Assignment Instructions Overview: Begin each assignment by going through the material in the Lessons. Review all feedback or templates that has been provided to you by the instructor. Ensure you do not make any repeat errors in your papers. Points will be heavily deducted, or your paper may be returned for resubmission if you do […]

Social Psychology Movie Assignment

Please select a movie presently showing at theaters or through your cable server, which focuses on social interactions and concepts as shown in Chapter 13 of your text. Review the following questions before viewing the movie. After you have viewed the movie, prepare a brief essay 1 and a half to 2 pages, typed, 1.5 […]

Diversity in 17th Century America

Part 1- Diversity was an important aspect of life in 17th Century America. In what ways was slave experience in 17th Century America diverse? Hint: ( consider geography, work, culture, and gender differences) Part 2- Can it be said that slavery was easier for some slaves in comparison to others given the diversity?

Different Faces of Culture. Cultural Diversity

Now that you’re at the end of this module, it’s time to write your critical reflection, which is part of the Assessment 2 (Critical Reflective Portfolio). In summary, your weekly reflections should demonstrate that you have read, understood and reflected on the learning materials. They may include any combination of the following – see Assessment […]

Tragedy Across the Mediterranean

Instructions: This essay should be 3-4 pages, excluding the Works Cited page, focusing on the assigned readings from the course. This should be a close reading essay, and should use as evidence primarily passages from the text or texts that you discuss. Please do not use ANY outside sources with this essay. The essay should be […]

Microsoft’s Major Restructuring by Satya Nadella

Microsoft’s Major Restructuring by Satya Nadella, In March 2014, Satya Nadella became Microsoft’s CEO and decided to restructure the company completely. The organization was facing serious internal issues due to poor communication, lack of collaboration and permanent conflict between dysfunctional teams. There were numerous turf wars between major business units that viewed each other more […]

Nike vs. New Balance

Nike vs. New Balance  Case Questions  1)In this case, Nike wishes the tariffs on shoes from Vietnam to be eliminated. Please defend their position citing the reasons stated in the case and any others that you can think of. 1)OR 2)Likewise, New Balance wishes the tariffs to remain; please defend their position citing the reasons […]