Entries by Bernard

Aspect of Distribution Management

Instructions  Write a 10 to 15-page double spaced research paper on some aspect of distribution management of your choosing. Follow the example format provided below. The statement of the problem must only be one sentence long; anything longer than a one sentence question will result in a reduced grade.

Business Analytics Paper

INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT: You are working as a Business Analyst in a Small Consulting firm and your CEO has asked you to provide a report on the valuation of a listed company. Given your CEO’s request, you decided to propose and use a business analytics (BA) tool to visually analyse the organization’s database from the previous […]

Management of Patients With Chest and Lower Respiratory Tract Disorders (Case Study)

Management of Patients With Chest and Lower Respiratory Tract Disorders (Case Study) Management of Patients With Chest and Lower Respiratory Tract Disorders 1. Harry Smith, 70 years of age, is a male patient who is admitted to the medical-surgical unit with acute community-acquired pneumonia. He was diagnosed with paraseptal emphysema 3 years ago. The patient […]

Assessment and Management of Patients With Rheumatic Disorders (Case Study)

Assessment and Management of Patients With Rheumatic Disorders (Case Study) 1. Ellie Long, a 55-year-old patient, presents to the pain clinic with the diagnosis of fibromyalgia syndrome. The nurse at the clinic obtains a history and physical assessment of the patient. (Learning Objective 2) On what areas should the nurse concentrate when interviewing the patient […]

10 Antidotes Paper

Instructions  You will write about 10 different antidotes, for example, N-acetylcysteine, …etc mention the advantages, disadvantages, indications and why it is important. No Figures or Tables. Number of references: 3-5 Plagiarism: Do not exceed 20% Font: size 12 The margins are 2 cm from right, left, up, and down Line space: 1.5

Community Health Nursing (CHN): Communiable Disease

Community Health Nursing (CHN): Communiable Disease, Anthrax The purpose of this assignment is to educate fellow classmates about a communicable disease. The instructor will provide a list of communicable diseases from which to choose a topic for the assignment. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation to share with your classmates on the date noted in the course […]

Developing a Shared Vision

Instructions  Choose two issues or challenges that the leaders of today’s health care organizations face. Select from among the following topics: 1. Staff Shortage (Physicians, Nurses, Allied Health Providers, Ancillary Services) 2. Reorganization in Response to Merger or Consolidation of Services 3. Layoffs as a Result of Declining Revenues 4. Influx of Registry, Part-Time, and […]

Sexuality in Counseling, LGBTQ Clients

Engage in a situation that makes you uncomfortable, something you have never done before. Examples include visiting a sex shop, going to a strip club, watching pornography, attending a sex toy event, going to a LGBTQ bar, visiting the Erotic Museum on South Beach or anything else you can think of but please let me […]