Entries by Bernard

JAGMAN Administrative Investigation

Please type a one-page response to each question using the attached as references B. Given a scenario, make a choice whether you would write a charge sheet or use one of the non-punitive measures. Defend your choice. C. Why is it important to administer a suspect Article 31 rights and when should you do it? […]

Self-Harm and Eating Disorders in Children

Assignment Prompt: -Summarize briefly the common factors noted in self injury and the various disorders of eating. Feel free to anchor your position with readings from the last week and this week. What areas of assessments critical for identifying and treating self injurious/cutting behavior -What areas of assessments are essential for identifying and treating eating […]

Liberalism vs Conservatism

Required:  Explain the differences between Liberalism and  Conservatism. Does ideology really make a difference in the United States today? Support your reasoning with examples. How does this impact American culture, government and politics in your opinion? You will be expected to support your discussion with primary texts and from pre-approved secondary sources (including, but not […]

Airport Runway Incursions

Explain the issues of runway incursions and address some of the safety management challenges in mitigating these incursions. Remember, you must have a title page, 300 word body written in the third person, and at least two references

Roles in Advanced Nursing Practice 

Activity Learning Outcomes Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to: Examine roles and competencies of advanced practice nurses essential to performing as leaders and advocates of holistic, safe, and quality care. (CO1) Explore the process of scholarship engagement to improve health and healthcare outcomes in various settings. (CO4) Due Date:  Assignment should […]

Epidemiology. Epidemic Intelligence

Alert and Response Operations Investigate alert and response operation of WHO Pay particular attention to: Epidemic intelligence – systematic event detection Event verification Information management and dissemination Real time alert Coordinated rapid outbreak response Public health logistics International Health Regulations Health Statistics and Information Where do we get the numbers? Investigate the WHO site on […]

Diabetes among Americans Ethnic Communities

Directions: You should address each bullet point in the exercise you select. Your work should have in-text citations integrating at a minimum one scholarly article from this week’s readings and course textbook. APA format should be utilized to include a reference list. Correct grammar, spelling, and APA should be adhered to when writing, work should […]

Roles of the National Tour Association

Site Name: The National Tour Association  URL: www.ntaonline.com Background Information: The National Tour Association is a non‑profit organization of tour companies. Their mission is to foster professionalism in the tourism industry by supporting education, research and industry relations for the benefit of the traveling public. Answer: What is the purpose of the National Tour Association? Why […]

Explain what kind of marketing approach this is.

Discussion thread:Dont forget reference from course author(Eric N.Berkowitz) at leat one .(HA 525 Marketing Management for Health Care Professionals 202003SPIIOL OL-B ). Marketer Y is a highly motivated employee who was hired as an outreach marketer for a physical therapy practice. He is keen on getting results quickly. His role is to get patient referrals […]

Slime Molds Question

One of the important questions to address in the evolution of eukaryotes is the origin of multicellular forms of life. This process appears to have occurred at least four separate times in the evolution of eukaryotes, meaning that there may be more than one explanation for this process. We will ignore that problem and try […]