Entries by Bernard

Health Behaviors

According to Mokdad & Remington (2010), “health behaviors are a leading cause of illness and death in the United States” (p. 1). Reflecting on this statement, write a paper (3 pages) discussing the importance of being able to measure health behaviors and describing methods to assess health behaviors in a target population. The following items […]

Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Report

This is a continuation of a previous assignment, that is attached with the initial instructions. Requirements Develop a balanced scorecard and create a total cost of ownership (TCO) model for the five commodities/materials you need to purchase for your new business. Feel free to make assumptions about the actual performance of each of the suppliers […]

Program Logic Model

Using the guidelines in the the guider to writing a Business Case (See Chapter 3), the attached Word Business Case Template, and the ABC MedTech Business Case Example, prepare the Results or Outputs portion pf your Program Logic Model, including sections 2.1,2.2,3.1 and 3,2 in the template. Attached are the materials to be used.

Five Forces in Porter’s Competitive Forces Model

Answer the following questions in your own words. You must provide in-depth answers and thoughtful discussions. 1. Identify and describe the components of computer-based information systems. 2. Describe the five forces in Porter’s competitive forces model, and explain how the Internet has affected each one. 3. What activities of using information technology have you observed […]

ANA Position Statement Paper

Instructions  Go to https://www.nursingworld.org/practice-policy/nursing-excellence/official-position-statements/ and read ANA’s Ethics and Human Rights Position Statements for 2015 through 2018. Select one position statement of your own choosing, read the “Full Position Statement”, and write the following paper. Write a minimum of 1000 words that address the following: In your own words, provide a summary of the ANA […]