Entries by Bernard

Article Review Questions & Answers

*Read the article first, then please answer following questions (1) the main research questions/ideas/concepts, (2) the analytical methods discussed/used in the article, and (3) the major findings. *Answer these three questions separately. *No outside reference.

Talent Identification and Management Paper

Talent Identification and Management Paper, Requirements In this assignment, you are to assume that you were just promoted to the position of Vice President of HR for a 250 person organization. You will report directly to the CFO, who reports to the President of the company. There is a staff of two generalists already in […]

Nurse Interview / Professional Nurse Interview

Interviewing a Professional Nurse Interview a nurse professional with years of experience  Provide examples for: Teamwork Patient-care Adaptability Time management Communication style Motivation and core values 6-7 pages(excluding title page and reference page) APA style paper with at least 3 references within 5 years.

Porter’s Five-Forces Model

Page 1 . 1. What is a firm’s broad environment? Explain in detail the four forces. To what extent can the broad environment influence a firm? To what extent can one firm influence the broad environment? 2. What are some of the most critical economic factors for a firm to track? Why are they important? […]

How to Write Literature Review

After you provide an introduction paragraph you will begin your literature review. A literature review is relatively straightforward. You select your topic that you want to focus on, research what has been written on the topic in academic sources, and then present the research in a coherent paper (or section of a paper) that highlights […]

Cross-cultural Management

You will choose a topic of cross-cultural management for your assignment.  You will conduct research (primary and secondary) on the topic and apply it to an organization in the Middle East.  Use your sources from the annotated bibliography, plus any additional sources you feel are relevant. Research Question Define a research question to be answered. […]

Fog Harvesting Technology

Carry out a research on fog harvesting technology. This is a long paper and you should cover many areas. You are required to design a fog harvesting facility to serve a community of about 5,000 residents. This paper should be between 6,500-7,500 words.