Entries by Bernard

The Early Republic and the American Civil War

The adoption of the Constitution in 1787 established a strong federal government for the United States and codified the principles of a country that balanced the interests of divergent political, social, religious, and economic groups. The logistical necessities of organizing these interests on a federal level contributed to the establishment of national political parties during […]

Healthcare Needs of a Specific Minority Group

Textbook: Andrews, M. M., & Boyle, J. S. (2016). Transcultural concepts in nursing care (7th ed.). Philadelphia: PA. Wolters Kluwer. Chapter 11: Culture, Family, and Community (pp. 317–327; 331–355) Appendix B: Andrews/Boyle Transcultural Nursing Assessment Guide for Families Groups and Communities Discussion Each of our communities is comprised of groups that we consider minorities. Name […]

Strategic Plan for a Department of Homeland Security (Assignment)

Strategic Plan Project for United States Border Patrol This assignment consists of conducting detailed research and analysis on a specific organization that has a homeland security mission and writing a strategic plan for that organization. Remember, this is not an Emergency Operations Plan, nor an Emergency Response Plan, nor an Incident Action Plan. It is […]

Justice System (Descriptive Essay)

Write an essay about the justice system covering the following: components of the justice system Do criminal counselling increase or decrease crime? metric used to measure effectiveness of counselling chemical dependency counseling overall importance of the justice system you can add more

Assessment and Goal Planning and Reflection Essay

How do you assess yourself what are your goals and how do you plan to achieve them Reflect on your progress so far, what you have learned and how you are going to address your weaknesses. In a situation where assessment and goal planning involve your clients, how do you go about it?