Entries by Bernard

Social Capital Defined

Social Capital Defined Explain the meaning of social capital? The essay needs to be approx 350-500 words. The book used is Tracy L. Tuten and Michael R. Solomon, 2015 Sage ISBN.13: 978-1-473-91301-1

Drug PopwerPoint Presentation

Drug PopwerPoint Presentation For this assignment, you will select a drug from the list below and create a PowerPoint Presentation This presentation should be directed to educate colleagues on the chosen drug. The presentation should include information: Metformin, Losartan, Amoxicillin, Lisinopril, Abuterol, Namenda, Atrovent, Nitrofurantoin, Synthroid, Desmopressin, Miconazole, Methotrexate, Ibandronate, Buspar, Gabapentin, Sumatriptan or Propanolol […]

Pfizer Vaccine Article Review Assignment

Pfizer Vaccine Article Review Assignment Write an article review on any current article from the last 10 days. The topic of the article must be about the Pfizer vaccine. Paper Layout: 1. Article Summary 2. External Association 3. Overview 4. Financing 5. Affects on the Population 6. Conclusion

Descriptive Essay Deskmate Tutors

Descriptive Essay Deskmate Tutors Sit somewhere other than your home or your classroom for thirty minutes. You may choose any location you want: perhaps a restaurant, a park, or a bus stop. Be sure to stay in that location for at least thirty minutes; don’t take a walk. What is your overall impression of the […]

Radical Skepticism and Scientism Reflection

Radical Skepticism and Scientism Reflection Write a 750-1000-word essay about radical skepticism and scientism. Include the following items in your essay: First, provide an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement about how you will be discussing radical skepticism (also known as external-world skepticism) and scientism. Second, explain radical skepticism. Based on course materials, tell the […]

Watching documentary and write reflection essay

Watching documentary and write reflection essay Watch the documentary “The Social Dilemma” and write a 2-page reflection paper. Your paper should include what you learned about the ways that social media is influencing society. The work will be graded on the quality of your responses. The responses should be based on what you learned from […]

Business Plan – Objectives

Business Plan – Objectives Service Business Objectives This section lists your objectives and metrics for success by the time frame, as well as potential questions or challenges. For example: 1-Capture 20 percent of the local market share by year-end 2-Gain 5 steady customers in the first 6 months of operation 3-Earn a net income of […]

Research Proposal Essay Writing Service

Research Proposal Essay Writing Service Research proposal writing can be a nightmare at times. Our research proposal writing service is tailored to students who are preparing for their research papers, and they have a challenge on how to go about it. Our professional writers can assist you throughout your research proposal journey, and even up […]

Journal Reflection

Journal Reflection Provide a 250+ word discussion of one or more of the key topics raised during the week that intrigued you, surprised you, or had the most relevance to you either as an entrepreneur or as a consumer. Please note that your Journal Reflection Summary shouldn’t be an outline or re-cap of all of […]

Book review essay writing service

Book review essay writing service Book reviews are time-consuming and hectic to most students. Our book review writing service can help you deliver high-quality reviews as you focus on other important aspects of your coursework. Our book review writers are fast as they handled thousands of book and article reviews annually. Why not try our […]