Qatar Airways (Case Study) Finance Assignment

Prepare latest Balance Sheets and Income Statements Analysis (section 3), Key Results (section 7), and
Recommendations (section 8) pages done. Total of 3 pages. An good example has been attached.

Emirates Airlines (Case study) Finance Assignment

Prepare latest Balance Sheets and Income Statements Analysis (section 3), Key Results (section 7), and Recommendations (section 8) pages done. Total of 3 pages. An good example has been attached.

Accounting Ethics (Case Study)

Choose one of the following real-life cases involving an ethical dilemma:
Betty Vinson from WorldCom (in the textbook)
Jeffrey Skilling at Enron (in additional reading links for this Unit;)
Michael Vines at HealthSouth (in the textbook)
Write a paper, approximately three pages (plus Bibliography and title page), analyzing the ethical decision-making process the person involved in the dilemma may have undertaken,
using the format described below. You will need to research other sources in order to write a
credible paper. You will also have to apply critical thinking skills and analysis.
Formatting requirements: Double-spaced, 12 point Arial or Times New Roman font, one inch
Bibliography citing the textbook and other web or book sources from which you gathered
information. Minimum number of sources for “B” grade: 3.
Make sure that you are concise. Headers and bullet-points are encouraged for clarity.
Suggested structure for the paper:
Paragraph one: Clearly describe the main ethical dilemma facing the decision maker you have
chosen. You may want to describe how or why the dilemma arose.
Paragraph two: Describe what the decision-maker ACTUALLY did, and the Kohlberg stage
that the decision-maker was acting at and why it applies. Then delineate the positive and
negative consequences that arose or may have arisen from that choice. These should be
done as headers with bullet points, for clarity.
Paragraph three: Identify a different possible course of action that could have been taken, and
the Kohlberg stage that would lead to that choice.
Again, bullet multiple positive and negative consequences for the individual–this time making
sure that you include consequences for the company and the relevant stakeholders.
Paragraph four: Identify a second possible course of action that could have been taken.
Continue with the same requirements as Paragraph three.
Paragraph five (and six)–OPTIONAL–add additional courses of action and analyze as above
Last paragraph: Discuss briefly what YOU would do in the situation and why (based on
Kohlberg and other considerations). Write a concluding sentence that summarizes the theme
of your paper.
Here is a partial example of what the paper should cover in substance.
Assume that the following was a real-life case, and you were assigned to analyze this
scenario from the point of view of Ms. CPA:
A client asked Ms. CPA to hide income on a tax return. Ms. CPA’s boss also wanted her to do
it. Ms. CPA is a single mother with minimal savings. Her dilemma? Does she break the law or
disobey the boss?
Ethical dilemma: Does Ms. CPA comply with her fiduciary responsibility to follow the law, or
does she do what the client and her boss want her to do, which violates ethical principles?
What Ms. CPA did: She told her boss that she did not feel comfortable committing this fraud;
she said she would not be able to do it as a licensed CPA. She then asked her boss if this is
typical of the way business is done in this firm.
This was Kohlberg stage four (law abiding)
Positive consequences:
Ms CPA had respect for herself, and she would not face professional or legal censure.
her boss would know that she was a person of integrity
even if she did lose my job over this, that would be better in the long run than a lifetime of fraudulent transactions that could lead to incarceration and loss of license
the client would be confident that the firm had integrity, and had his best long-term interests at
heart–especially if there were legal alternatives presented that could also result in a lower tax
Negative consequences that may have occurred:
her boss may have been temporarily be angry with her, and talking to him would have been
This might affect the kinds of client assignments she would get in the future.
There is an outside chance that she might have lost her job, and she would have faced the
loss of income, which may have affected her family.
The firm might have lost that client.
A different possible course of action: Do what the client (and boss) wants. This would be a
combination of Kohlberg stage two (doing an action to get paid or keep a job) or stage three
(trying to look good to boss or client by complying)
Positives: client and boss will be happy; Ms CPA will not have to worry about job loss for
insubordination; difficult discussion with boss could be avoided.
Negatives: Ms. CPA cannot live with the guilt of breaking the law; she has to hide her actions
from her kids; her boss pushes Ms. CPA to do even worse things in the future; eventually Ms.
CPA is indicted; client gets caught and blames the CPA firm.
A second possible course of action: Realize that working for this firm is not a good “fit”
ethically, Ms. CPA quits. This could be Kohlberg stage 2: (taking care of herself, and taking the
consequences of loss of employment) or it could be Stage 4/stage 5 (following the rules of society even if one has to experience personal difficulties)
Positives: Ms. CPA feels ethically good about herself; client and boss have the chance to fact
the fact that they might not be doing the right thing; law is not broken and third-party
stakeholders do not suffer bad consequences
Negatives: Ms. CPA and her family must face the loss of income; client and firm might just
continue with their deception, with “Ms. Goody Two-Shoes” out of the way
Etc….keep going with the parameters for the paper.

Communication in Accounting

As a business manager, you may encounter situations that require a wide variety of
communication responses. For this assessment, you will be creating a portfolio of
communication documents. Please appropriately format each communication for the message
Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the
submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted
or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. An originality report is provided
when you submit your task that can be used as a guide.
You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by
more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions
of the course.
Create a portfolio of communication documents based on one of the scenarios by doing the
A. Compose a motivational email to internal staff that discusses two advantages and two
disadvantages of the product and explain how to mitigate the disadvantages should they occur.
B. Compose an informational email to external stakeholders (i.e., investors, shareholders) that
discusses two distinct organizational and/or financial impacts the product will create.
C. Compose a consumer-facing blog post that highlights three distinct benefits of the product and
informs the consumers what sets this product and/or business apart from others in the industry.
D. Compose a persuasive letter to the business partner to discuss their challenges in meeting
your production needs.
E. Compose responses to the customer complaint about the product that was posted on the
company’s social media page by doing the following:
1. Develop a public response that acknowledges the customer complaint and improves the company image within the social media page.
2. Develop a direct private message with a proposed adjustment (resolution) for the customer.
F. Evaluate the communication strategies and methods (i.e., email, letter, blog, and social media)
used in items A–E by doing the following:
1. Explain how the communication strategies support or do not support the desired outcomes
and provide examples to support your conclusion.
2. Explain how the four communication methods effectively or ineffectively serve the target
audience and provide examples to support your conclusion.
G. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is
quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
H. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Effects of Transactions on the Accounting Equation

Health Care Accounting 
Effects of Transactions on the Accounting Equation
Your team has been asked by a local community college instructor to speak to a class about health care accounting. The instructor has asked you to prepare a 5-slide presentation in which you:
Determine the effects of transactions on the accounting equation
[2-3 pages, APA style, 2-3 sources]

Method for Accounting in Construction Projects

Given many construction projects last over a year, discuss the most suitable method of
accounting for these long projects and especially, how profits should be recognized

Accounting for Natural Resouces

The purpose of this current event summary paper is to encourage every student to begin reading up-to-date information in their field of study. This paper should be two pages in length, not including the Reference page. This paper should be typed using one-inch margins on each side and double spaced. Cite your current event article using APA formatting. The journal article must be written between 2016 and 2020.

How tax administration influences taxpayer behaviour in terms of tax compliance

This is an accounting paper in which you are required t:
Critically examine how tax administration influences taxpayer behaviour in terms of tax compliance.
You should frame your argument by relating tax administration to three main drivers to tax compliance that have been identified in the existing literature:
(1) Deterrence
(2) Personal and social beliefs (norms)
(3) Perception of government
Format your paper in APA style, and cite at east 10 scholarly sources. World limit for the paper is 3,150 words. More than 10% word length, and your marks will be deducted by  20%. You are encouraged to not only describe but also use analytical skills in the paper. Do not just summarize literature sources.

Business Math

Please answer the following questions showing all of your work. Please circle your answers.
1. A buyer purchased 75 ginger jar lamps at a list price of $40 each. The trade discounts were 30%, 20%, and 5% with terms of 2/10, net 30. The lamps were shipped and billed on October 18 and were received October 22. The bill was paid on October 31. What amount was paid?
2. On June 10, the buyer for the Charm Stores placed an order for 24 dozen turtleneck tops costing $81 per dozen with AOK Inc. The vendor offered the terms of 8/10 EOM, ROG, FOB Store. What amount should be remitted if the shipment was received October 26 and paid on November 10?
3. An invoice for $2,300 has terms of 2/10–30X, net 60, FOB factory. The vendor prepaid the shipping charges of $34. The invoice was dated August 29 and was paid on September 24. How much should the vendor have received?
4. Jean’s Fashion placed an order for 12 dozen silk scarves that cost $120 per dozen with freight charges of $18. The terms negotiated on this purchase were 2/10–30X, n/60 EOM, FOB store, anticipation permitted. If the invoice is dated June 10, determine the payment to be made to the manufacturer on July 10
5. Annie’s on the Lake needs to purchase new sterling flatware. The owner finds three patterns she likes from two separate vendors. Which is the better deal? Show all work.
15 sets of Pattern A: List price $1400 each set 15 sets of Pattern B: List price $1600 for set. 15 sets of Pattern C: List price $1800 for set.
Vendor A:
Trade discounts from list price: 40%, less 25%.
Quantity discounts offered: none.
Cash discount: 2/10, n/30.
FOB: Factory/shipping charges are running 0.5% of final cost.
Vendor B: 
Trade discount from list price: 0%, less 20%, less 5%.
Quantity discount: 1% for orders over $10,000; 1.5% for orders over $15,000; and 2% for orders over $20,000. Cash discount: 2/10–60X, shipping is FOB store.

Accounting Essays

In this assignment, write an essay about the following:

  • balance sheet
  • income statement
  • statement of cash flows
  • conclusion/recommendation

Paper length length to be 1,200 words. MLA format. 4 sources.