Marketing research assigment.

This answer is based on taking a Marketing research class.
Discuss how you can apply the concepts learned in this course to your current or future career. How might the lessons you have learned positively impact your career success

Homework: Sales Compensation

Homework: Sales Compensation
You are the manager of the Sales Department for the Epic Widget Manufacturing Company. The company produces three different types of widgets: small widgets, medium widgets, and large widgets.
The senior management of your company has forecasted sales and has asked you and your sales team to sell the following quantities of products during the upcoming fiscal year:
QTY    PRODUCT                          PRICE PER UNIT
100     Large Widgets                    $45,000
150     Medium Widgets                 $35,000
225     Small Widgets                    $10,000
You must sell these quantities of widgets. Since you are the Sales Manager and not in charge of production, you do not control the production levels of the widgets.
Senior management is willing to spend up to, but not over, 10% of the company’s total sales on sales force compensation. This is the limit of total compensation available that you have to distribute to your sales team.
The sales force professionals in the sales department include:

  • 3 Senior Sales Representatives
  • 5 Sales Representatives
  • 2 Sales Trainees

Assignment: Design a sales compensation plan for your department.
For each type of sales professional include plans for:

  • Base salary
  • Commission rate (constant, progressive, or regressive) for each type of product


  1. Use the “Widgets” Excel spreadsheet from D2L (located just after this Homework assignment in the Content section) to develop a projection of sales numbers and sales compensation figures for each type of sales professional and for each type of product.
  2. To complete the assignment, input your values into the blue-colored cells in the Widgets spreadsheet. Purple cells allow for optional entries for progressive or regressive commission plans.
  3. The sales projections should satisfy the sales objectives and constraints given above.
  4. Optional: you can explain your thinking and justification for your sales compensation plan in your spreadsheet starting in row 34.
  5. You are allowed to work in small groups on this assignment, but each student must create their own original spreadsheet and submit it to their D2L dropbox by the due date. If you work in a small group (3 or less), be sure to include the names of the other students in your group when you submit the homework to the dropbox.

Marketing communications

Marketing communications are the mouthpiece of the organization and it becomes one of the main ways to start building a relationship with consumers. The marketing communications mix contains eight main methods of communication:
• Advertising
• Sales promotion
• Events and experiences
• Public relations and publicity
• Online and social media marketing
• Mobile marketing
• Direct and database marketing
• Personal selling
By employing one or a combination of these methods, marketers attempt to build long-lasting relationships with their target consumers. The brand’s value proposition is communicated with the hope of building customer loyalty, eventually leading to brand equity.
For this assignment, you will write a paper to examine the media sources used to reach you as a member of the target population for a given brand.
1. Complete the assigned readings and any optional readings or videos you choose for this unit.
2. Review the Writing Assignments and Presentations Rubric in Materials below to see how your work for this assignment will be graded.
3. In a Microsoft Word document, write a paper in which you choose a brand (for which you would be considered a member of its target market) and examine all of the media sources used to communicate. State what media sources the brand is using and determine whether the brand has consistently communicated a specific message.
4. Ensure that your paper incorporates the following:
• A minimum of two pages (not including cover page, table of contents, etc.)
• Double-spaced lines
• 12-point font size text
• APA writing style

International Expansion – CAGE Distance Framework

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • Discuss the CAGE Distance Framework that firms should consider when choosing which foreign markets to enter.
  • What conditions help managers determine which type of distance is most likely to affect the success of an international expansion? Provide an example.

Group Marketing Plan – Harden Coffee

Group Marketing Plan – Harden Coffee
Need a 2-page APA format paper(excluding title and reference pages) on Distribution Strategy of Harden Coffee Company. No plagiarism.

Group Marketing Plan – Harden Coffee

Group Marketing Plan – Harden Coffee
Need a 2-page APA format paper(excluding title and reference pages) on Distribution Strategy of Harden Coffee Company. No plagiarism.

Group Marketing Plan – Harden Coffee

Group Marketing Plan – Harden Coffee
Need a 2-page APA format paper(excluding title and reference pages) on Distribution Strategy of Harden Coffee Company. No plagiarism.

Business Ethics Project III

This assignment provides you with an opportunity to create a code of ethics for you and your family, as well as to explain the strategies and thought processes that went into developing the code. First, create an original code of ethics for your family by thinking about your family as an organization. In your code of ethics, please include the following items:

  • guiding principles,
  • purpose of the code,
  • core values,
  • training and education (How will you train and educate others about the code?),
  • definitions,
  • who it covers,
  • mission statement, and
  • other pertinent elements you feel necessary to have a comprehensive code of ethics.

The next part of this assignment involves an evaluation, where you describe the thought process behind the code of ethics that you prepared. For the evaluation part of this assignment, draft an essay to include the following items:

  • Identify the key roles of those who have a vested interest in the ethical behavior that your code defines.
  • Explain the strategies and thought processes that you used to formulate the code.
  • Explain how you would strategically implement and communicate the code to others in the organization.
  • Explain how you will monitor the practice of ethical decision-making.
  • Provided that laws exist and have been enacted for resolving conflict, why do we also need a code of ethics?

In the process of writing your code, you must research the topic of codes of ethics and incorporate at least two articles, no older than five years. Your code and evaluation must be at least 1,000 words. Format the code as you like; however, be sure it is professional and legible. Format the evaluation part of the assignment by using APA Style. Save both parts in one Word document.
By the way, I have 11 attachments down below. One is a study guide for the unit and the other ten are CSU Articles below that you can use for this assignment. But out of the ten articles ONLY pick TWO to use and complete this assignment. So look over each article and find two that are interesting to you and that’ll help you complete this assignment. In addition, make sure you incorporate/answer the following questions above for both part one and two of this assignment.

Business Ethics Project III

This assignment provides you with an opportunity to create a code of ethics for you and your family, as well as to explain the strategies and thought processes that went into developing the code. First, create an original code of ethics for your family by thinking about your family as an organization. In your code of ethics, please include the following items:

  • guiding principles,
  • purpose of the code,
  • core values,
  • training and education (How will you train and educate others about the code?),
  • definitions,
  • who it covers,
  • mission statement, and
  • other pertinent elements you feel necessary to have a comprehensive code of ethics.

The next part of this assignment involves an evaluation, where you describe the thought process behind the code of ethics that you prepared. For the evaluation part of this assignment, draft an essay to include the following items:

  • Identify the key roles of those who have a vested interest in the ethical behavior that your code defines.
  • Explain the strategies and thought processes that you used to formulate the code.
  • Explain how you would strategically implement and communicate the code to others in the organization.
  • Explain how you will monitor the practice of ethical decision-making.
  • Provided that laws exist and have been enacted for resolving conflict, why do we also need a code of ethics?

In the process of writing your code, you must research the topic of codes of ethics and incorporate at least two articles, no older than five years. Your code and evaluation must be at least 1,000 words. Format the code as you like; however, be sure it is professional and legible. Format the evaluation part of the assignment by using APA Style. Save both parts in one Word document.
By the way, I have 11 attachments down below. One is a study guide for the unit and the other ten are CSU Articles below that you can use for this assignment. But out of the ten articles ONLY pick TWO to use and complete this assignment. So look over each article and find two that are interesting to you and that’ll help you complete this assignment. In addition, make sure you incorporate/answer the following questions above for both part one and two of this assignment.

Business Law Essay

BA 358 Final Project
For your final project, you will be required to prepare (1) a mock issue-spotting exam for
substantive issues covered throughout the semester and (2) an accompanying set of
comprehensive answers that utilize the IRAC method to analyze the legal issues.
Use the sample midterm #2 and the model answers to it as guides to formulate (1) a “Facts”
section that contains an original set of facts that can cover all potential issues you wish to
discuss and (2) an “Analysis” section that contains answers that analyze the legal issues in the
Facts section using the IRAC method. Unlike the model answers for sample midterm #2, your
Analysis section should not spend any time discussing potential non-issues in your fact pattern.
Please provide a title for your Facts section (for fun!).
Do not put your name on your final project. Instead, put your CWID number.
There is no minimum word count for the Facts section, but it must not exceed 2,500 words. You
must put the word count at the top of the first page of the Fact section. I will simply stop
reading at 2,500 words, so be sure to stay within the limit. But don’t go overboard and make
the section too short. I recommend that you include enough facts to allow for good legal
analysis, since not including enough facts will make your analysis difficult.
There is no minimum word count for the Analysis section, but it must not exceed 4,000 words.
You must put the word count at the top of the first page of the Analysis section. I will simply
stop reading at 4,000 words, so be sure to stay within the limit.
Your project must cover the following 7 legal issues:
• 1 intentional torts or negligence issue
• 1 strict liability or products liability issue
• 1 contracts issue pertaining to mutual assent or consideration
• 1 contracts issue pertaining to discharge, breach, conditions, excuses, or remedies
• 1 vicarious tort liability or employee discrimination issue
• 1 issue pertaining to the business judgment rule
• 1 corporations issue pertaining to Unocal enhanced scrutiny or entire fairness review
The Facts section can consist of loosely-related stories all tied together with a single main
character. There is no need to construct one story that somehow covers all 7 issues. It’s in
your advantage to try to hit multiple issues with the same story (for brevity’s sake), but it’s not
Each issue should be based on a rule that we’ve covered in class, either in your assigned
readings or during class. You can feel free to refer to the cases we’ve read to provide inspiration
for you. However, you should make sure that the story varies sufficiently from the facts of
these cases. If the story involves an identical fact pattern as a case you’ve read, it will not
create an issue anymore since the case will provide sufficient precedent to conclusively rule in
one side’s favor.
The Facts section can include the issues in any order that you would like. However, you must:
(1) put the issues in the order listed above in the Analysis section. For instance, facts that
BA 358 Final Project, Spring 2020
pertain to your negligence issue may occur near the end of the Fact section, but your Analysis
section should discuss the negligence issue as the second issue to analyze; and (2) clearly label
each issue with the type of issue you’re addressing. For instance, if the mutual assent issue in
your Facts section is “Did Bob make an offer to John?”, the fourth legal issue in your Analysis
section should start with something like, “Issue #4 (mutual assent): Did Bob make an offer to
Grading Criteria
To evaluate your final project, I will ask:
(1) Is your final project coherent, thoughtful, clearly written, and well organized?
(2) Does the fact pattern lead reasonably to the issues identified in the answers and only
those issues?
(3) Do the answers identify the proper issues from the fact pattern and analyze them
(4) Do your answers display appropriate mastery over the legal concepts covered in class?
Make sure to pick an issue, i.e., a dispute within which each party can make a legitimate claim
in their favor about the application of the same rule to the facts.
Make sure to focus on just one issue for each IRAC. For instance, asking “Was A negligent?” and
then analyzing each of the five elements is a surefire way to get a low score.
Start by picking the nine rules you want to focus on, then build the facts and the analysis
around the rule.
Make sure to pick a rule with plenty of potential for analysis. A factor test, for instance, is a
good way to help you deepen your analysis. Rules that refine a broader rule (but make sure to
include both the broad rule and the refinement) or were the focus of a discussion in a case (to
help you compare and contrast with a similar case) are also good ways to go.
Look to the cases we’ve read throughout the semester for rule refinements and for inspiration.
Do not do any outside research! I will not look favorably to rules or concepts that we did not
cover in class.
You should probably aim for somewhere around 1,750 words in the Facts section and
somewhere around 3,000 words in the Analysis section. However, I’ve had great projects that
were shorter and horrible projects that were longer.