Proposal And Annotated Bibliography For Final Business Report

Proposal and Annotated Bibliography for Final Business Report

Unit Learning Outcome(s) Reflects in assignment:

  • Develop a research topic for a business report (CLO 2)
  • Use proposal format (CLO 2)
  • Identify and evaluate useful sources for potential projects (CLO 3)
  • Use a citation format to correctly cite sources (CLO 3)

In this assignment, you will propose a topic for your final business and summarize and evaluate some sources that are relevant to your project.
Prior to doing the final business report itself, you will write a proposal and bibliography in which you persuade your instructor that the project you have in mind is necessary/useful and to convince them that you are prepared to take on the project.  To lay out your document, you can use the sample proposal in fig. 17.2 on pgs. 558-561.  (You do not need to include all the parts included in figure 17.2, so long as you cover all the parts required by this prompt.)
You may find it helpful to review the assignment for the final business report that you looked at in Unit 1 before you write your proposal.
In your proposal, you should:

  • Identify the organization you are writing for and explain your relationship with this organization.
  • Describe the problem/situation you are trying to address and explain why it is important
  • Explain who your primary (decision-making) audiences is, as well as other relevant audiences
  • Discuss the questions you think you will need to answer to address the issue

At the proposal stage, you should not necessarily know what course of action you are going to recommend (after all, you haven’t even done all your research yet!) You are simply convincing your instructor to approve your project by showing that you have chosen a topic that fits the assignment and is researchable and developable into a formal repot.
In the annotated bibliography, you should:

  • List 3 sources that are relevant to your project (you must include at least 1 scholarly source) using an APA or MLA format citation (or other citation formats as approved by your instructor).
  • Under each citation, write 2 paragraphs (this is the annotation)
    • Paragraph 1 should summarize the source, as specifically as possible
    • Paragraph 2 should evaluate the source for credibility and usefulness for the project

Note:  You should write your own annotations; do not copy abstracts or other people’s summaries of your sources; that counts as plagiarism.  You are showing your instructor that you read and understood the source.
While the proposal requires a minimum of 3 sources to show that the project is researchable, you will need more than 3 to fully develop your final project.  There is no magic number, of course, as all topics are different and require different sources to achieve their goals.  As you continue working on your report over the next couple of units, keep examining sources and thinking about what material you need to fully develop your report and recommendations.    You do not need to redo the proposal to add or change sources.  It is fairly normal to refine your sources as you work on a project.

Proposal And Annotated Bibliography For Final Business Report

Proposal and Annotated Bibliography for Final Business Report

Unit Learning Outcome(s) Reflects in assignment:

  • Develop a research topic for a business report (CLO 2)
  • Use proposal format (CLO 2)
  • Identify and evaluate useful sources for potential projects (CLO 3)
  • Use a citation format to correctly cite sources (CLO 3)

In this assignment, you will propose a topic for your final business and summarize and evaluate some sources that are relevant to your project.
Prior to doing the final business report itself, you will write a proposal and bibliography in which you persuade your instructor that the project you have in mind is necessary/useful and to convince them that you are prepared to take on the project.  To lay out your document, you can use the sample proposal in fig. 17.2 on pgs. 558-561.  (You do not need to include all the parts included in figure 17.2, so long as you cover all the parts required by this prompt.)
You may find it helpful to review the assignment for the final business report that you looked at in Unit 1 before you write your proposal.
In your proposal, you should:

  • Identify the organization you are writing for and explain your relationship with this organization.
  • Describe the problem/situation you are trying to address and explain why it is important
  • Explain who your primary (decision-making) audiences is, as well as other relevant audiences
  • Discuss the questions you think you will need to answer to address the issue

At the proposal stage, you should not necessarily know what course of action you are going to recommend (after all, you haven’t even done all your research yet!) You are simply convincing your instructor to approve your project by showing that you have chosen a topic that fits the assignment and is researchable and developable into a formal repot.
In the annotated bibliography, you should:

  • List 3 sources that are relevant to your project (you must include at least 1 scholarly source) using an APA or MLA format citation (or other citation formats as approved by your instructor).
  • Under each citation, write 2 paragraphs (this is the annotation)
    • Paragraph 1 should summarize the source, as specifically as possible
    • Paragraph 2 should evaluate the source for credibility and usefulness for the project

Note:  You should write your own annotations; do not copy abstracts or other people’s summaries of your sources; that counts as plagiarism.  You are showing your instructor that you read and understood the source.
While the proposal requires a minimum of 3 sources to show that the project is researchable, you will need more than 3 to fully develop your final project.  There is no magic number, of course, as all topics are different and require different sources to achieve their goals.  As you continue working on your report over the next couple of units, keep examining sources and thinking about what material you need to fully develop your report and recommendations.    You do not need to redo the proposal to add or change sources.  It is fairly normal to refine your sources as you work on a project.

Proposal And Annotated Bibliography For Final Business Report

Proposal and Annotated Bibliography for Final Business Report

Unit Learning Outcome(s) Reflects in assignment:

  • Develop a research topic for a business report (CLO 2)
  • Use proposal format (CLO 2)
  • Identify and evaluate useful sources for potential projects (CLO 3)
  • Use a citation format to correctly cite sources (CLO 3)

In this assignment, you will propose a topic for your final business and summarize and evaluate some sources that are relevant to your project.
Prior to doing the final business report itself, you will write a proposal and bibliography in which you persuade your instructor that the project you have in mind is necessary/useful and to convince them that you are prepared to take on the project.  To lay out your document, you can use the sample proposal in fig. 17.2 on pgs. 558-561.  (You do not need to include all the parts included in figure 17.2, so long as you cover all the parts required by this prompt.)
You may find it helpful to review the assignment for the final business report that you looked at in Unit 1 before you write your proposal.
In your proposal, you should:

  • Identify the organization you are writing for and explain your relationship with this organization.
  • Describe the problem/situation you are trying to address and explain why it is important
  • Explain who your primary (decision-making) audiences is, as well as other relevant audiences
  • Discuss the questions you think you will need to answer to address the issue

At the proposal stage, you should not necessarily know what course of action you are going to recommend (after all, you haven’t even done all your research yet!) You are simply convincing your instructor to approve your project by showing that you have chosen a topic that fits the assignment and is researchable and developable into a formal repot.
In the annotated bibliography, you should:

  • List 3 sources that are relevant to your project (you must include at least 1 scholarly source) using an APA or MLA format citation (or other citation formats as approved by your instructor).
  • Under each citation, write 2 paragraphs (this is the annotation)
    • Paragraph 1 should summarize the source, as specifically as possible
    • Paragraph 2 should evaluate the source for credibility and usefulness for the project

Note:  You should write your own annotations; do not copy abstracts or other people’s summaries of your sources; that counts as plagiarism.  You are showing your instructor that you read and understood the source.
While the proposal requires a minimum of 3 sources to show that the project is researchable, you will need more than 3 to fully develop your final project.  There is no magic number, of course, as all topics are different and require different sources to achieve their goals.  As you continue working on your report over the next couple of units, keep examining sources and thinking about what material you need to fully develop your report and recommendations.    You do not need to redo the proposal to add or change sources.  It is fairly normal to refine your sources as you work on a project.

Business Management

Question 1:   What  does effective global leadership achieve? What are the different roles  that managers on international assignment often assume to enhance  leadership effectiveness? Choose one country in South America and one  country in Europe to describe some of the differences.
Your response must 215 words in length
Question 2:   Technology  is one of the methods used in business overseas. Describe the impact of  e-business on leadership. What differences would a manager have to be  aware of if doing business in Africa, Australia, or South America?
Your response must 215 words in length
Question 3:   Describe  positive and negative outcomes that can result from societal,  political, and cultural differences when managing a corporation in North  America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia.
Your response must 215 words in length
Question 4:   Different  cultures value personal, face-to-face contact and relationships with a  different levels of reverence. What are some cultures around the world  where you might want to utilize more one-on-one contact rather than sole  use of technology to motivate employees?

Marketing Metric

Marketing Metric
1.  How can the retailer whose boxes are pictured measure the success  of increasing purchases and brand awareness of these boxes?
2.  It is expensive to ship in such high quality boxes; they need to make an impact with the customer.  How doe they make an impact with the customer and how would a marketer measure this impact?

Marketing Metric

Marketing Metric
1.  How can the retailer whose boxes are pictured measure the success  of increasing purchases and brand awareness of these boxes?
2.  It is expensive to ship in such high quality boxes; they need to make an impact with the customer.  How doe they make an impact with the customer and how would a marketer measure this impact?

Marketing Metric

Marketing Metric
1.  How can the retailer whose boxes are pictured measure the success  of increasing purchases and brand awareness of these boxes?
2.  It is expensive to ship in such high quality boxes; they need to make an impact with the customer.  How doe they make an impact with the customer and how would a marketer measure this impact?

Marketing Using Packaging

Marketing Using Packaging

  1. The boxes were obtained from on line shopping.  What major retailer is advertised on these boxes?
  2. Which box  has the goal of more brand awareness?  Why and How?
  3. Which box may drive purchases?  Why and How?
  4. Choose a company with distinctive packaging?  Describe the box or packaging.  How does the box or packaging promote their company/Organization?

Business-Type Activities

  • Business-Type Activities using a governmental accounting article related to the weekly reading in a recent publication and prepare a PowerPoint presentation.  This presentation should be professional and not exceed 10-12 slides (not counting the cover and reference page).

Add Graphics

Business-Type Activities

  • Business-Type Activities using a governmental accounting article related to the weekly reading in a recent publication and prepare a PowerPoint presentation.  This presentation should be professional and not exceed 10-12 slides (not counting the cover and reference page).

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