Employment Law Issues in the 21st Century

Employment Law Issues in the 21st Century 
Write a 3 page paper on the topic ‘Employment Law Issues” specifically the following areas:
1. What the current issue are and where is it now?
2. What is the future of employment law?

Global Business Strategy Paper

Global Business Strategy Paper

Assessment Regulations
·         Your student number must appear on all pages.·         Pages must be numbered.
·         Work should be submitted to the requested link available on Moodle.
·         You are required to add the following declaration on page 2 of their assignment: “I ………… [name] declare that I am the sole author of this assignment and the work is a result of my own investigations, except where otherwise stated. All references have been duly cited”.
·         Your attention is drawn to the University policy on cheating and plagiarism. Penalties will be applied where a student is found guilty of academic misconduct, including termination of programme
·         You are required to keep to the word limit set for an assessment and to note that you may be subject to penalty if you exceed that limit.  You are required to provide an accurate word count on the cover sheet for each piece of work you submit.
·         For late or non-submission of work by the published deadline or an approved extended deadline, a mark of 0NS will be recorded. Where a re-assessment opportunity exists, a student will normally be permitted only one attempt to be re-assessed for a capped mark.
·         An extension to the published deadline of up to one week for the submission of a piece of assessed work may be granted to an individual student if they meet the eligibility criteria of the university extensions policy
·         The assignment should be word processed.
·         The York St John Harvard Referencing system should be used.
·         Examinations are subject to the University Examination Procedures
Learning Outcomes
1.      Identify and analyse the nature of international markets and the forces and drivers that interface with the development and implementation of international business strategy.2.      Demonstrate a critical understanding of both current and extant theories and concepts of strategy formulation and development in the international environment.
3.      Critically evaluate the formulation of business strategies in response to the challenges of internationalisation and how they reflect changes in both the domestic and international business environments.
Assignment Description
Prepare a 3500-word report by answering the following questions.  Q 1 and 2 addresses LO1, Q 3-5 addresses LO2 and Q 6-7 addresses LO3. 
Watch the Amazon video and answer the following questions.
1.      How does the company respond to the changes in socio-economic and political landscape? Justify you answer with examples.                                                                                              (10 marks)
2.      Elaborate on the positive and negative effects of Amazon on economic development.                                                                                                                                                            (10 marks)
3.      What global strategies have the company adopted to extend the long- term success of the company.                                                                                                                         (10 marks)
4.      How does a global value chain analysis of the company strengthen its competitive advantage?                                                                                                                                       (15 marks)
5.      Does the company reap any benefits from Global Partner Network and how sustainable are they?                                                                                                                                     (15 marks)
6.      How does the company formulate their business strategies in response to the challenges of internationalization?                                                                                                      (15 marks)
7.      Will an impending Brexit affect the company you chose in terms of Operations and Overall profitability. What is the role of international organizations in ensuring smooth international trade?                                                                                                                                         (15 marks)
8.      Harvard referencing (10 marks)
Additional Information
Guidelines:The report must have an introduction, body and conclusion followed by references. The introduction can be approximately 500 words where you introduce the main elements of the topics studied and brief the company you chose.
The body must contain all the answers for the seven questions asked. (Approx. 2500 words)
The conclusion must incorporate your overall analysis of the issue discuss and few practical recommendations for the improving/enhancing global business strategies. (Approx. 500 words)
Reference list must be containing at least 15-20 entries taken from books, journals, articles and websites.
·      Please note word counts should include quotes and tables but NOT reference list and Appendix.

Pepsi Vs. Coca Cola Wars

History of Pepsi Vs. Coca Cola Wars 
– Standard one-inch margin
-5-7 pages
– Times New Roman (size 12)
– Five to ten sources
– Limit of two internet sources does not apply to books,articles, and primary documents that are
located in online databases.

Business Project Scenario

Business Project Scenario
(A): Project Initiation Document

  1. Introduction

In accordance with PMI, projects are short-term enterprises undertaken to establish an exclusive service, result or product (PMBOK Guide, 2017). Assisting an institution reach its tactical intentions is an essential justification why projects are implemented. These projects are carried out by an establishment to not just resolve its organisational dares, but human and master technical challenges as well. Defined as procedures which are planned to meet project requirements by covering different sections suchlike tools, skills, knowledge, along with project activities (PMI, 2017), the project management is carried out in four stages during the life cycle of a project: commencing project, designing project, implementing project, and concluding project.
QA Higher Education associating with five universities empowers it to provide an extent of higher educational schemes for more than 5,000 undergraduates in around 120 distinct set of lectures. This assessment is diverged into four distinct segments: PID (Project Initiation Document), project programming, management of risk and sponsor plan reporting.

  1. Project Initiation Document

This Project Initiation Document, enhances on the QA Higher Education – Preparation of Management plan PID, was approved by executive committee in March 2020. This document presents how and why the implementing stage should carry on, who are implicated and their tasks. Furthermore, it will furnish the foundation for the project management and for a project of its all-embracing successfulness. The statistics comprised within the Project Initiation Document enlarged on that comprise within the assessment directions and will describe in each small feature the assessment that will be provided as well as requirements which will maintain or met Project Plan and Business Case (PMI, 2017).
2.1. Project information
Name of the project: QAHE – Launching event
Location: Birmingham High Performing Centre – Walsall Road, Perry Barr, Birmingham, B42 2BE
Budget: £20,000/university
2.2. Project overview According to this distinctive project management task, I was nominated as a project manager in function of planning and organising an assignment for QAHE enterprise. QAHE enterprise is attempting to hold an indoor competition between Higher Education Institutions from Birmingham campus of Roehampton University, Ulster University and Solent University by organising a sporting event known as the HEI Games, where a semi-marathon trial, a distance which covers 13.1094 miles (21.0975 kilometres), will be the main contest for
300 students from eight departments of these three universities.
2.3 Methodology Defined by CCTA (1996), PRINCE2, known being a management framework with the aim of conveying one or more business items as stated by a particularized case of a business, is required to provide a predefined and unique result at a predefined time utilising prearranged resources. 
2.4 Assignment purpose The purpose should be unequivocally established and endorsed upon by the purchaser and the organisation that will achieve the assignment (Al Nasseri, 2016).

  • To take the necessary steps for QAHE students in the semi-marathon race on 1st August 2020, launching on 29th March 2020.
  • To collect and to bring together new ideas for delivering good and interesting solutions in shaping new models for marketing purposes.
  • Range objectives: all competitors ought to accomplish the preparation within a calendar quarter and achieve the actual race in less than 150 minutes.

2.5 Assignment objectives This race has been developed to provide a better understanding between the institutions of QAHE enterprise on the academic market as well as to enhance the well-being concern of their students. Supporting student good physical condition for their responsibilities during the university’ years are one of the important activities of professional health services. An invigorating student and prestige enhancing for universities’ institution will assist to develop Roehampton, Ulster and Solent universities depiction to their stakeholders (Helgadottir, 2008). Furthermore, the student healthcare supposed to be a question of consideration from the period earlier a student begins study with the enterprise up till the undergraduate finishes the courses. In accordance to fulfil the project, this competition is available to a large audience and will engage a total of 300 persons from eight institutions who will be involved in this contest.
2.6 Assignment scope According to Giezen (2012), the objective of the assignment scope assertion is to determine the assignment purposes, items done to fulfil a realistic expectation, and the exertion prescribed to provide those items so that it should be utilised to manage the assignment team’s task and a starting point for upcoming assignment resolutions.
2.7 Key risks The exclusions and limits will be thoroughly established. Lack of success could lead to erroneous supposition and to exhausting time and resources on the inappropriate issue (Balfe, 2017).

  • Preparation confined to Saturday dates and possibly on Friday dates as well.
  • Do not take any precious articles that athletes do not have to wear in the competition.
  • Come at least with thirty minutes before the starting time for get into condition.
  • All sporting drinkables just in conformity with the agenda specifications: in the list are not alcohol and/or distinctive drinks.
  • Competitors who are not in good shape in either training or the effective day in the race are not authorized to be involved in the event.

2.8 Key members
2.9 Key limitations
Establish on the case details, can be distinguish the priority template from below (Table 1). According to Al-Tmeemy (2018), this priority pattern enunciates that the times are enhances, performances could be constrained and costs could be accepted as it may be. The priority template assists the project developers in the choice establishing at any assignment phase. The premise of the enterprise of the priorities from above is provided in the following section.
 Table 1. Project priorities

Times Performances Costs
Constrain Parameters are settled requirements.
Enhance Improving parameters beyond others.
Accept Decreasing parameter requirements.

It is obviously designated in this case that the foremost objectives of the project are enhancing the prestige of the Roehampton, Ulster and Solent institutions amongst the other academic organisations from West Midlands. A favourable outcome of the competition should be a magnificent aspect for the QAHE enterprise as the contest displays the depiction of the QAHE institutions and the involvement of young generation. Consequently, it is extremely significant to consider closely on the efficiency and develop the competition to stimulate more students to being involved in this race. For this reason, in the priority pattern, efficiency is provided with the priority as it needs to be constrained (Heravi, 2015). The readiness of the race may be finished until the present competition commences. The project ought to meet the fruition appointment, stipulations and purpose of this project (Heravi, 2015). The present race is setting out after four months from May 2020. In consequence, time is an enhanced means value addition to the activity owing to the unanticipated circumstance. The latest proportion for the decision makers is the project costs (brief figure in Table 2 and detailed table in Appendix 3). The project costs may be admitted no matter what it comes as the welfares to the students and the depiction of the QAHE institutions is much greater than the project costs. These advantages might solely be accomplished by soaring performances and more QAHE stakeholders could be involved in the competition and fulfilment of the project punctually (Levasseur, 2010).
     Table 2. Project costs

 Brief competition project budget
£20,000 / university
Section Total cost (£)
Hosting and cleaner staff, beverage and catering 3,100
Decoration, photojournalist, DJ, announcer and security services 1,760
Sporting technical equipments 3,905
Sport venue 2,500
Insurance 300
Marketing 4,750
Transport 580
Project member staff 1,400
Insurance (10%) 2,000
Total 19,995

2.10 Key assumptions As Said Najmi (2011) reiterate, milestones are effective and beneficial mechanism for adjusting timing targets and controlling progress, and senior managers plus enterprise sponsors frequently focusing on significant turning points when examining projects.

  • Passing a physical examination
  • Jogging three miles – April 12th, 2020
  • Jogging six miles – May 11th, 2020
  • Jogging nine miles – June 10th, 2020
  • Complete training semi-marathon under one hundred and fifty minutes – July 25th, 2020

2.11 Key deliverables This section is project management phase or ending deliverable. This part is to accomplish a procedure, stage or assignment ought to provide any distinctive, testable outcomes or the potentiality to deliver services (Mishra, 2011).

  • Competitors’ body mass index: 21.
  • Competitors’ resting heart rate: 65.
  • To achieve the arrangement of sports beverages.
  • The finalisation of the staff list to organise and operate.
  • To accomplish the structure registration.

2.12 Successful key features Methodological specifications trail around with functional stipulations. After establishing functional stipulations in a clear manner for the competition, the athletes and each team can elaborate the related methodological specifications to guarantee suitable performance (Mustafa Janem, 2011).

  • Examine if the competitor has the compelling race articles with him.
  • Should have at least seven hours of rest and hydrate him.
  • Jogging gear.
  • Should not generate injuries to other participants.
  • Should have the security deputies to take care of the competitors in the race.
  • The ranking shall be delivered on the official web page in no more than 24 hours after the ending of the race.

TASK 1 (B): Stakeholders evaluation
According to Papke-Shields and Boyer-Wright (2017), stakeholders are the most usual element in failed or challenged project. Stakeholders from outside have been evincing to be a significant authority to any projects, they being in control for almost all period of project run and budget exceeds.
In the first stage, project manager ought to identify and analyses staff and organisation which could constitute potential influence or threats to the projects, along with all the other peoples that could be determined by the projects. In the same time, a stakeholder could be a person or organisations which are included in projects, or whose business matter could exert influence on the project implementation, negatively or positively (Radujkovic and Sjekavica, 2017).
The conceptual proposal taken into consideration in this assessment, for mapping and classification of stakeholders is established on the survey of their authority, interest level and predictability in planning (Papke-Shields and Boyer-Wright, 2017). Serrador and Turner (2015) affirmed that the stakeholders could be separates into two major parts, external and internal relating to their relationship with the plan. Internal contributor can be sub classified considering their evolution approach in supply side or demand, and the external stakeholder in public or private relating to their relationship with the plan. The stakeholder’ groups are charted, utilising predictability/power and level/power of attraction patterns. To connect the contributor effects on the plan and the upcoming influence, Serrador and Turner (2015) observes four segments where contributors could implement their control, and these are: political, social, technological and economic. For this project, the examination of stakeholders could be observed in the table from Appendix 2.

Business Project Scenario

Business Project Scenario
(A): Project Initiation Document

  1. Introduction

In accordance with PMI, projects are short-term enterprises undertaken to establish an exclusive service, result or product (PMBOK Guide, 2017). Assisting an institution reach its tactical intentions is an essential justification why projects are implemented. These projects are carried out by an establishment to not just resolve its organisational dares, but human and master technical challenges as well. Defined as procedures which are planned to meet project requirements by covering different sections suchlike tools, skills, knowledge, along with project activities (PMI, 2017), the project management is carried out in four stages during the life cycle of a project: commencing project, designing project, implementing project, and concluding project.
QA Higher Education associating with five universities empowers it to provide an extent of higher educational schemes for more than 5,000 undergraduates in around 120 distinct set of lectures. This assessment is diverged into four distinct segments: PID (Project Initiation Document), project programming, management of risk and sponsor plan reporting.

  1. Project Initiation Document

This Project Initiation Document, enhances on the QA Higher Education – Preparation of Management plan PID, was approved by executive committee in March 2020. This document presents how and why the implementing stage should carry on, who are implicated and their tasks. Furthermore, it will furnish the foundation for the project management and for a project of its all-embracing successfulness. The statistics comprised within the Project Initiation Document enlarged on that comprise within the assessment directions and will describe in each small feature the assessment that will be provided as well as requirements which will maintain or met Project Plan and Business Case (PMI, 2017).
2.1. Project information
Name of the project: QAHE – Launching event
Location: Birmingham High Performing Centre – Walsall Road, Perry Barr, Birmingham, B42 2BE
Budget: £20,000/university
2.2. Project overview According to this distinctive project management task, I was nominated as a project manager in function of planning and organising an assignment for QAHE enterprise. QAHE enterprise is attempting to hold an indoor competition between Higher Education Institutions from Birmingham campus of Roehampton University, Ulster University and Solent University by organising a sporting event known as the HEI Games, where a semi-marathon trial, a distance which covers 13.1094 miles (21.0975 kilometres), will be the main contest for
300 students from eight departments of these three universities.
2.3 Methodology Defined by CCTA (1996), PRINCE2, known being a management framework with the aim of conveying one or more business items as stated by a particularized case of a business, is required to provide a predefined and unique result at a predefined time utilising prearranged resources. 
2.4 Assignment purpose The purpose should be unequivocally established and endorsed upon by the purchaser and the organisation that will achieve the assignment (Al Nasseri, 2016).

  • To take the necessary steps for QAHE students in the semi-marathon race on 1st August 2020, launching on 29th March 2020.
  • To collect and to bring together new ideas for delivering good and interesting solutions in shaping new models for marketing purposes.
  • Range objectives: all competitors ought to accomplish the preparation within a calendar quarter and achieve the actual race in less than 150 minutes.

2.5 Assignment objectives This race has been developed to provide a better understanding between the institutions of QAHE enterprise on the academic market as well as to enhance the well-being concern of their students. Supporting student good physical condition for their responsibilities during the university’ years are one of the important activities of professional health services. An invigorating student and prestige enhancing for universities’ institution will assist to develop Roehampton, Ulster and Solent universities depiction to their stakeholders (Helgadottir, 2008). Furthermore, the student healthcare supposed to be a question of consideration from the period earlier a student begins study with the enterprise up till the undergraduate finishes the courses. In accordance to fulfil the project, this competition is available to a large audience and will engage a total of 300 persons from eight institutions who will be involved in this contest.
2.6 Assignment scope According to Giezen (2012), the objective of the assignment scope assertion is to determine the assignment purposes, items done to fulfil a realistic expectation, and the exertion prescribed to provide those items so that it should be utilised to manage the assignment team’s task and a starting point for upcoming assignment resolutions.
2.7 Key risks The exclusions and limits will be thoroughly established. Lack of success could lead to erroneous supposition and to exhausting time and resources on the inappropriate issue (Balfe, 2017).

  • Preparation confined to Saturday dates and possibly on Friday dates as well.
  • Do not take any precious articles that athletes do not have to wear in the competition.
  • Come at least with thirty minutes before the starting time for get into condition.
  • All sporting drinkables just in conformity with the agenda specifications: in the list are not alcohol and/or distinctive drinks.
  • Competitors who are not in good shape in either training or the effective day in the race are not authorized to be involved in the event.

2.8 Key members
2.9 Key limitations
Establish on the case details, can be distinguish the priority template from below (Table 1). According to Al-Tmeemy (2018), this priority pattern enunciates that the times are enhances, performances could be constrained and costs could be accepted as it may be. The priority template assists the project developers in the choice establishing at any assignment phase. The premise of the enterprise of the priorities from above is provided in the following section.
 Table 1. Project priorities

Times Performances Costs
Constrain Parameters are settled requirements.
Enhance Improving parameters beyond others.
Accept Decreasing parameter requirements.

It is obviously designated in this case that the foremost objectives of the project are enhancing the prestige of the Roehampton, Ulster and Solent institutions amongst the other academic organisations from West Midlands. A favourable outcome of the competition should be a magnificent aspect for the QAHE enterprise as the contest displays the depiction of the QAHE institutions and the involvement of young generation. Consequently, it is extremely significant to consider closely on the efficiency and develop the competition to stimulate more students to being involved in this race. For this reason, in the priority pattern, efficiency is provided with the priority as it needs to be constrained (Heravi, 2015). The readiness of the race may be finished until the present competition commences. The project ought to meet the fruition appointment, stipulations and purpose of this project (Heravi, 2015). The present race is setting out after four months from May 2020. In consequence, time is an enhanced means value addition to the activity owing to the unanticipated circumstance. The latest proportion for the decision makers is the project costs (brief figure in Table 2 and detailed table in Appendix 3). The project costs may be admitted no matter what it comes as the welfares to the students and the depiction of the QAHE institutions is much greater than the project costs. These advantages might solely be accomplished by soaring performances and more QAHE stakeholders could be involved in the competition and fulfilment of the project punctually (Levasseur, 2010).
     Table 2. Project costs

 Brief competition project budget
£20,000 / university
Section Total cost (£)
Hosting and cleaner staff, beverage and catering 3,100
Decoration, photojournalist, DJ, announcer and security services 1,760
Sporting technical equipments 3,905
Sport venue 2,500
Insurance 300
Marketing 4,750
Transport 580
Project member staff 1,400
Insurance (10%) 2,000
Total 19,995

2.10 Key assumptions As Said Najmi (2011) reiterate, milestones are effective and beneficial mechanism for adjusting timing targets and controlling progress, and senior managers plus enterprise sponsors frequently focusing on significant turning points when examining projects.

  • Passing a physical examination
  • Jogging three miles – April 12th, 2020
  • Jogging six miles – May 11th, 2020
  • Jogging nine miles – June 10th, 2020
  • Complete training semi-marathon under one hundred and fifty minutes – July 25th, 2020

2.11 Key deliverables This section is project management phase or ending deliverable. This part is to accomplish a procedure, stage or assignment ought to provide any distinctive, testable outcomes or the potentiality to deliver services (Mishra, 2011).

  • Competitors’ body mass index: 21.
  • Competitors’ resting heart rate: 65.
  • To achieve the arrangement of sports beverages.
  • The finalisation of the staff list to organise and operate.
  • To accomplish the structure registration.

2.12 Successful key features Methodological specifications trail around with functional stipulations. After establishing functional stipulations in a clear manner for the competition, the athletes and each team can elaborate the related methodological specifications to guarantee suitable performance (Mustafa Janem, 2011).

  • Examine if the competitor has the compelling race articles with him.
  • Should have at least seven hours of rest and hydrate him.
  • Jogging gear.
  • Should not generate injuries to other participants.
  • Should have the security deputies to take care of the competitors in the race.
  • The ranking shall be delivered on the official web page in no more than 24 hours after the ending of the race.

TASK 1 (B): Stakeholders evaluation
According to Papke-Shields and Boyer-Wright (2017), stakeholders are the most usual element in failed or challenged project. Stakeholders from outside have been evincing to be a significant authority to any projects, they being in control for almost all period of project run and budget exceeds.
In the first stage, project manager ought to identify and analyses staff and organisation which could constitute potential influence or threats to the projects, along with all the other peoples that could be determined by the projects. In the same time, a stakeholder could be a person or organisations which are included in projects, or whose business matter could exert influence on the project implementation, negatively or positively (Radujkovic and Sjekavica, 2017).
The conceptual proposal taken into consideration in this assessment, for mapping and classification of stakeholders is established on the survey of their authority, interest level and predictability in planning (Papke-Shields and Boyer-Wright, 2017). Serrador and Turner (2015) affirmed that the stakeholders could be separates into two major parts, external and internal relating to their relationship with the plan. Internal contributor can be sub classified considering their evolution approach in supply side or demand, and the external stakeholder in public or private relating to their relationship with the plan. The stakeholder’ groups are charted, utilising predictability/power and level/power of attraction patterns. To connect the contributor effects on the plan and the upcoming influence, Serrador and Turner (2015) observes four segments where contributors could implement their control, and these are: political, social, technological and economic. For this project, the examination of stakeholders could be observed in the table from Appendix 2.

Diversity the PepisCo Way

Diversity the PepisCo Way 
Complete the “Final Draft” of your paper taking into consideration new learning, instructor advice, prior grading comments, and ongoing editing.
Please use the attached template for WS 6 I need the materials applied to the template and page numbers added and appendix completed.

Diversity the PepisCo Way

Diversity the PepisCo Way 
Complete the “Final Draft” of your paper taking into consideration new learning, instructor advice, prior grading comments, and ongoing editing.
Please use the attached template for WS 6 I need the materials applied to the template and page numbers added and appendix completed.

Innovation at Apple Forum – Steve Jobs – Roles and Responsibilities

Innovation at Apple Forum – Steve Jobs – Roles and Responsibilities 
1. What role did the late Steve Jobs play in leading and managing innovation at Apple?
2. How do you account for the success of Apple products, particulary the iPod, iPhones, and iPads? The early Macintosh?
3. Do you believe Tim Cook, the new CEO of Apple can carry on the legacy of Jobs? Explain using key concepts from the chapter.
4. What unique personality traits did Steve Jobs display? How did that influence his approach to innovation?

Innovation at Apple Forum – Steve Jobs – Roles and Responsibilities

Innovation at Apple Forum – Steve Jobs – Roles and Responsibilities 
1. What role did the late Steve Jobs play in leading and managing innovation at Apple?
2. How do you account for the success of Apple products, particulary the iPod, iPhones, and iPads? The early Macintosh?
3. Do you believe Tim Cook, the new CEO of Apple can carry on the legacy of Jobs? Explain using key concepts from the chapter.
4. What unique personality traits did Steve Jobs display? How did that influence his approach to innovation?

Product Placement (Marketing)

Product Placement (Marketing) 
Based on your own research answer the following question:
1. Briefly explain what is meant by “product placement”?
2. Watch a short 10mins clip from your favourite Marvel movie (example: Avengers: Endgame). List all the brands that you saw in those 10 minutes.
3. Personally, what is your opinion of product placement in movies or other programs?