Marketing: Brand Positioning Strategies

The task is to write a marketing literature review of brand positioning strategies. Briefly, name &
list the different ways of brand positioning. Choose one method and analyse it in depth. Is it still
relevant today? And how has it changed? Must use academic sources and peer-reviewed journal
Task sheet info:
. Document Type: Word or PDF
. Word Limit: 900-1000 words in the Introduction, Literature Review, and Conclusion section
. Font: Times New Roman, Calibri or Arial
. Font size: 12 or bigger
. Line spacing: 1.5
. Footer: Page X of Y
. It is a requirement that sub-headings are used to clearly label each section
. Any tables or graphs included in the report must be clearly labeled and mentioned in-text for the
reader to look at them. Or the marker will not read/mark them. Appendices should only contain
supportive content.
Some more explanations here:
Introduction & justification:
. This section should introduce the background to the literature topic of interest, pointing out
overall trends, the key directions research has taken. Conclude by stating the
concept/theory/framework that you are going to address.
Literature review:
Your review should demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the topic of interest, through:
. a critical evaluation of the literature, rather than merely describing previous literature;
. integration of the key concepts from the literature relating to your chosen concept (eg culture,
aspects of branding, social media, direct marketing, PR, other IMC tools) or theory (eg
motivation, perception), rather than being more like an annotated bibliography;
. identification of key authors and the key works in the area;
. citations of claims by the original authors’ (usually based on their empirical findings), rather than
citations based on unsubstantiated claims or by other authors simply repeating or referring to the
original claims;
. clearly demonstrating the position that you are taking arising from the evidence in the literature
reviewed which is relevant.
Conclusion and possible ongoing research:
Summarise the key findings of the review, including any key research gaps or progress made
over the years. Conclude with a clear point of view about how this topic of research could be
extended in the future. This section should:
. clearly link back to the concepts and/or theory identified in the literature review;
. clearly links any relationships among the concept/theory that underpins the literature review.
References (not included in word limit)
Use the APA referencing style to list all sources of information cited in the literature review.
Create a reference list that correctly references all of the papers and articles you used in this
assignment. Some important reminders here:
. You must provide reference support throughout the report
You must consider academic sources, particularly journal articles, and:
You must consider industry publications
. For a higher grade, the number of references will be over 15. If you only reference the textbook,
this is not sufficient theoretical knowledge and will be a fail.
. QUT APA referencing style

Retail Theory and Practice : UK Big Fashion/ ClothingBrand

Summative Assessment Brief

Academic year and term:  
Module title: Retail Theory and Practice
Module code:                                                                           
Module Convener:  
Learning outcomes assessed within this piece of work as agreed at the programme level meeting  
Knowledge outcome –

1.    You will be able to develop your understanding of contemporary developments in retail theory and practice and how these contribute to organisational success


Intellectual /transferrable skill –

2.    You will be able to consider a complex issue in retail theory and practice and propose feasible alternative options for consideration. 


Type of assessment:             
Formative Assessment – Feedback provided on one page draft plan. (500 words).
Summative Assessment – Individual assignment: A 2500 words report analysing a specific retail sector and how a large retailer might respond to the issues facing the sector in general and the retailer. (100%)
Assessment deadline:  


Instructions for Summative Assessment

Your assessment for this module takes the form of a 3,000 words individual report:

Prepare a report for a large store-based or online fashion clothing retailer, trading in the UK that:

  1. a) Identifies key relevant changes in the UK fashion clothing market and
  2. b) Suggests and discusses strategies and tactics that could be used by the retailer to respond to the major changes occurring in the fashion clothing market.

The word limit for this assessment is 3,000 words

Small Business Innovation

Small Business Innovation, Required 
Create an innovative startup business plans (pages)

Budget Making Process

Should participation by budget holders be encouraged in the budget setting process?
Required: Critically appraise participative and nonparticipative budgeting
See the article provided.
You will also be expected to do your own research into the topic

Business Analysis of Alaska Airlines

Perform and internal and external analysis of Alaska Airlines (2,250 words). Include abstract, introduction, body, and conclusion.

Business Law – ADNOC (Abu Dhabi National Oil Company)

Composed of the business you have chosen to research and the three topics you will research.
Chosen business: ADNOC (Abu Dhabi National Oil Company)
Three topics:
1. Business ethics: Encouraging ethical behavior at work
2. Business ethics: Encouraging whistle blowing
3. Negligence
Further Instructions
Please submit the paper via an attachment in Rich Text Format or as a Word document.
Please check your paper for viruses before you send it.
Requirements: What is being required in a paper?
The paper will be graded based on content, organization, readability, and grammatical correctness. Content & Analysis includes your ideas as well as your research. Content includes your ideas as well as your research. Organization includes external transitions (section to section) and internal transitions (paragraph to paragraph and sentence to sentence). Readability means how well the paper flows. Avoid wordiness and the passive voice. Don’t start your sentences with “it is” or “there are.” Grammatical correctness includes spelling and other grammar errors including subject-verb agreement. Use parenthetical references (APA style) within your paper to document all quotations, Minor details (for example, statistics), opinions that are not yours. However, Do not document your own opinions. Any paper submitted without a reference section will receive a grade of zero. Can the main body of the paper be longer than eight pages? Yes, it can be up to ten pages, but it must be four full pages.

Fixed-Price Contracts in Agile vs. Traditional Projects (Compare and Contrast Essay)

Challenges of Fixed-Price Contracts in Agile and Traditional Projects

Getting Started

There are mainly two types of contracts: fixed price and cost-reimbursable. Fixed-price contracts are riskier for the vendor because the vendor will receive a fixed amount of money even if the actual costs are higher than anticipated. Cost-reimbursable contracts are riskier for the customer because the customer will have to reimburse all the costs incurred by the vendor, and hence, the vendor will not be motivated to control costs. In this assignment, you will discuss specific challenges of fixed-price contracts (while comparing with cost-reimbursable contracts) in both agile and traditional environments.
Upon successful completion of the course material, you will be able to:

  • Compare and contrast contract types.


  • PMBOK® Guide
  • Article: An Agile Twist: Fixed-Bid Pricing
  • Article: The Special Challenges of Project Management under Fixed-Price Contracts

Background Information

PMBOK® Guide recommends fixed-price contracts when scope is clear and cost-reimbursable contracts when scope is unclear. It is crucial for your organization to select an appropriate contract with the vendor in order to build and maintain a good relationship in the current as well as future projects. Wrongfully taking advantage of the vendor now will only lead to a “lose-lose” situation in the long run.


  1. In PMBOK® Guide, read Chapter 12, “Procurement Management.”
  2. Read the following articles:
    1. An Agile Twist: Fixed-Bid Pricing (PDF)
    2. The Special Challenges of Project Management under Fixed-Price Contracts
  3. Navigate to the threaded discussion and respond to the following prompts:
    1. Regardless of the track chosen for your course project, discuss the issues of fixed-price contracts.
    2. Additionally, make recommendations as to how to avoid or mitigate each of those issues.
  1. Your initial post should be a minimum of a page or 300 words.
  2. All references and citations should be in APA format.
  1. All references and citations should be in APA format.
    1. Review the APA Resources on

Fixed-Price Contracts in Agile vs. Traditional Projects (Compare and Contrast Essay)

Challenges of Fixed-Price Contracts in Agile and Traditional Projects

Getting Started

There are mainly two types of contracts: fixed price and cost-reimbursable. Fixed-price contracts are riskier for the vendor because the vendor will receive a fixed amount of money even if the actual costs are higher than anticipated. Cost-reimbursable contracts are riskier for the customer because the customer will have to reimburse all the costs incurred by the vendor, and hence, the vendor will not be motivated to control costs. In this assignment, you will discuss specific challenges of fixed-price contracts (while comparing with cost-reimbursable contracts) in both agile and traditional environments.
Upon successful completion of the course material, you will be able to:

  • Compare and contrast contract types.


  • PMBOK® Guide
  • Article: An Agile Twist: Fixed-Bid Pricing
  • Article: The Special Challenges of Project Management under Fixed-Price Contracts

Background Information

PMBOK® Guide recommends fixed-price contracts when scope is clear and cost-reimbursable contracts when scope is unclear. It is crucial for your organization to select an appropriate contract with the vendor in order to build and maintain a good relationship in the current as well as future projects. Wrongfully taking advantage of the vendor now will only lead to a “lose-lose” situation in the long run.


  1. In PMBOK® Guide, read Chapter 12, “Procurement Management.”
  2. Read the following articles:
    1. An Agile Twist: Fixed-Bid Pricing (PDF)
    2. The Special Challenges of Project Management under Fixed-Price Contracts
  3. Navigate to the threaded discussion and respond to the following prompts:
    1. Regardless of the track chosen for your course project, discuss the issues of fixed-price contracts.
    2. Additionally, make recommendations as to how to avoid or mitigate each of those issues.
  1. Your initial post should be a minimum of a page or 300 words.
  2. All references and citations should be in APA format.
  1. All references and citations should be in APA format.
    1. Review the APA Resources on

Business Need and Development of Problem Statement

Investigate an organizational gap or issue where you work, or have previously worked, to identify
a problem or new opportunity that that can be addressed through an informatics solution. Based
on your findings, write a 750-850 word paper that defines the problem or opportunity and
explains how it can be addressed through an informatics solution.
Meet with your mentor and any appropriate stakeholders to review your problem statement.
Ensure the problem or opportunity is accurately identified and the proposed solution is
appropriate for the organization in meeting a business need.
Include the following:
Discuss the issue or gap identified during your investigation and explain what business need is
not being met.
Describe the departments directly affected and discuss the impact the issue or gap has on them.
Discuss any additional consequences of the issue or gap for organizational performance, other
stakeholders, budget, etc.
Propose a clinical, technological, or process-related solution that can be implemented to address
the identified issue or gap. Explain how the proposed solution addresses the issue or gap for the
departments and how it fulfills the specified business need.
Describe how the proposed informatics solution supports the organization’s objectives and
overall strategy and operations.
Outline the goals and objectives for the proposed informatics solution. Explain how these align
with departmental and organizational goals.
Create a problem statement that can be used to provide a snapshot of the issue or gap and the
proposed solution. Include the following: (a) explanation of the problem, (b) description of who
and what is affected by the problem, (c) the impact or consequence of the problem, and (d) the
proposed solution.
You are required to cite a minimum of three sources to complete this assignment. Sources must
be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and health care
and health informatics content

Porter’s Five-Forces Model

Page 1 . 1. What is a firm’s broad environment? Explain in detail the four forces. To what extent
can the broad environment influence a firm? To what extent can one firm influence the broad
2. What are some of the most critical economic factors for a firm to track? Why are they
3. Explain Porter’s Five-Forces Model of Industry Competition including other forces.
4. For four different stakeholders give examples of cooperative strategies.
Page 2. Read Dan Price and his company Gravity Solutions. Also watch some You Tube videos.
Be sure your research is complete. Analyze what he did and render an opinion whether such a
decision would work for other businesses.