The attached drawing shows a “Governor arm” that your company is quoting to manufacture for a

The attached drawing shows a “Governor arm” that your company is quoting to manufacture for a

Metrology Systems Assignment 2 2022
The attached drawing shows a “Governor arm” that your company is quoting to manufacture for a customer. The customer has specified an initial quantity of 20 Parts for tendering/testing purposes, but if the tendering process is successful an annual production quantity of 75,000 will be ordered.
Your manager has tasked you with identifying potential inspection methods and equipment for all the identified features, for both the initial testing and the production scenarios.
Generate a report that contains the following:
• The report should contain two sections, each section will outline:
o A clearly identified inspection methodology for each of the identified features.
o A rationale for each identified methodology.
o A method of inspecting the surface roughness of the Diameter 32mm internal bore to a max value of 32Ra μm.
o An estimate of cost for the purchase of inspection equipment (for each piece and a total price).
o An indication of other associated elements, including labor requirements, programming requirements, and set-up or environmental requirements.
o All sources must be referenced (Harvard Technique) within the report, online sources are acceptable.
• The first section will deal with methods for the short-term initial quantity, and equipment costs should be kept to a minimum.
• The second section will deal with methods for the possible long-term production requirements, and labor costs should be kept to a minimum.
The features that you need to inspect are:
• Distance between two holes (72mm +/- 0.2), • Large Bore Diameter (32mm +0.1, -0.0), • Smaller Bore Diameter (16mm +0.05, -0.01), • Large Bore Roundness (0.05), • Distance between external arm surfaces, (60mm +/- 0.3), • Distance between left hand arm surfaces, (48mm +/- 0.2), • Arm Thickness, (12mm +/- 0.1), • Parallelism of external arm surfaces (0.1 to Datum B), • Concentricity of small diameter bores, (0.1 to C

History of Technology

History of Technology

Description of the Essay for History of Technology
Write an essay that addresses different ways that technology relates to society and explains
your views on the relationship between technology and society. In this paper you should
address the social construction of technology, technological determinism or techno-politics.
You should discuss and critique at least two of these three ways of thinking about technology.
Back up the points you make with specific historical examples from the readings and class
You will be making your own argument about how technological change happens by thinking
about the theories and historical examples we have discussed in class.
Style and Format
2-3 pages
Typed, double spaced
12 pt Times New Roman font or equivalent
1 inch margins
Your paper must have a title (the wittier the better)
Name and class time at the top of page 1 or on the title page
Use either footnotes or parenthetical citations to cite your sources (see syllabus for examples)
What is an Essay?
An essay is an argumentative paper that expresses the author’s point of view on a specific topic. Essays
are usually both analytical as the author is judging or critiquing something, and also descriptive as the
author needs to use facts to prove the accuracy of their opinion.
Introduction – A good introduction will contain (1) a catch, (2) a thesis statement, and (3) will give an
indication of how the rest of the paper will be structured.
Body – This is the portion of the paper where the author makes their argument. Here the author
presents information that proves the thesis of the paper. The paragraphs in the body should flow into
each other. As much as possible, sentences should be active voice with strong subjects and action
Conclusion – The conclusion of an essay should explain how the author proved their point. In this way
the conclusion is not simply a restatement of the thesis, but a blending of the thesis and the body. Tell
the reader how the details you discussed in the body proved the thesis in your introduction.
Theories of Technological Change
Technological Determinism –
A. Technology determines the lives of people
B. Technology develops along a specific path – need transistors before we can create a PC, Engine before
car. This is a linear progression.
Social Construction of technology – Society constructs technology – People’s collective values decide
how technology is shaped, whether is succeeds and how it is used. The consumers or the users are the
most important group.
Often technologies that are not as technically superior succeed because of society’s priorities.
Technopolitics – Technology is directly part of all sociopolitical systems. There is no division between
technology and society. The design of technology constitutes political or social arrangements and is not
independent of society or political systems. Technology is a conscious “strategic practice of designing or
using technology to constitute, embody, or enact political goals” (Hecht 1998: 15

A letter of intent to apply for a Master of Engineering Leadership in Clean Energy at the University of British Colombia

A letter of intent to apply for a Master of Engineering Leadership in Clean Energy at the University of British Colombia

Bulletin points to be used while preparing the letter of intent:

  • Use the attached writer guidelines document to gather my personal details, education level, and work experience.
  • Use the attached writer guidelines document to gather information about the master degree I will apply for, faculty members and master subject’s description.
  • Use the attached writer guidelines document to gather information about Canada renewable energy Potential and future planes.
  • Use the attached writer guidelines document to gather information about British columbia renewable industry and involvement.
  • Use the attached writer guidelines document to gather information about The University of British columbia ranking.
  • Use the attached Resource Supply Potential for Renewable Natural Gas In Bc Public Version document to gather information about Canada’s electrical power supply and demand future characteristics.
  • Websites Links as a reference:
  • Master Course website link:
  • Canada renewable energy website Link:
  • British Colombia renewable energy and electrical power generation resources:
  1. website Link:
  2. Website link:
  • The writer should use his own references to strengthen the main idea of subject.
  • The writer should use the suitable paper format will meet the admission essay standard.


Analytical methods to be used for evaluating health hazards in the workplace

Analytical methods to be used for evaluating health hazards in the workplace


This assignment will allow you to demonstrate the following objectives:


  • Explain the analytical methods to be used for evaluating health hazards in the workplace.
  • Calculate the equivalent exposure given a group of exposure results and the applicable OSHA permissible exposure limits (PELs).


Instructions: Complete your work directly on this document. When you are finished, select “Save As,” and save the document using this format: Student ID_UnitIV. Upload this document to BlackBoard as a .doc, docx, or .rtf file. Show all of your work.



Welding fumes are a common occupational exposure. Several different welding fumes can cause similar adverse health effects. Personal sampling of a welding operation at a manufacturing facility produced the following 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA) results for individual metal fumes.


Metal Fume Result OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV
Antimony 0.05 mg/m3 0.5 mg/m3 0.5 mg/m3
Beryllium 0.00001 mg/m3 0.0002 mg/m3 0.00005 mg/m3 (I)
Cadmium 0.025 mg/m3 0.005 mg/m3 0.01 mg/m3
Chromium 0.02 mg/m3 1 mg/m3 0.5 mg/m3
Copper 0.03 mg/m3 0.1 mg/m3 0.2 mg/m3
Iron Oxide 0.5 mg/m3 10 mg/m3 5 mg/m3 (R)
Magnesium Oxide 0.02 mg/m3 15 mg/m3 10 mg/m3
Molybdenum 0.003 mg/m3 15 mg/m3 10 mg/m3 (I)
Nickel 0.25 mg/m3 1 mg/m3 1.5 mg/m3 (I)
Zinc Oxide 0.3 mg/m3 5 mg/m3 2 mg/m3 (R)


(R) Respirable fraction   (I) Inhalable fraction


Briefly summarize the primary health effects associated with overexposure to each type of metal fume, including both acute and chronic health effects. Explain what analytical methods you would use for evaluating health hazards in the workplace.


Identify the types of metal fumes that would produce similar health effects on an exposed worker. Calculate the equivalent exposure (in relation to OSHA PELS) for the metal fumes with similar health effects based on the “Result” column in the table above. Discuss whether you believe any of the individual metal fume exposures or the combined exposure exceeds an OSHA PEL or an ACGIH TLV.


Begin your assignment on the next page. Your homework assignment should be a minimum of two pages in length (not including this page of instructions), and you must use at least one reference to support your answer. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.


Planning and Controlling in the Manufacturing Sector

Planning and Controlling in the Manufacturing Sector

Choose a manufacturing organization for this assignment with which your Learning Team is familiar. The company can be a large corporation or small business that makes something. Please note that companies such as Nike and Apple usually use subcontractors for manufacturing and should not be presented.
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which the team includes the following points:
Differentiate at least two or three key elements for each of the four primary forecasting techniques and how they apply to your chosen organization.
Analyze the impact of production plans, master production schedules, rough-cut capacity planning, workforce size, and carrying inventory as they relate to budgets for your chosen organization. Present as much specifics as possible (quantity produced, facilities, staffing levels, inventory amount, costs) based on personal knowledge or research based on public information.
Compare and contrast how material requirements planning usage would be different for this organization and one of the opposite types of organizations, depending on whether the organization the team has selected is in a different manufacturing industry. Be sure to identify the organization, by company name and the industry.
Compare and contrast the use of material requirements planning system concepts for the chosen organization. Present at least two MRP planning system concepts in the compare/contrast section.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. All contributing student first and last names should be on the title page along with an introduction paragraph, the main content, a conclusion and a reference page.

Hazardous Waste Highway Construction and Removal RFP

Hazardous Waste Highway Construction and Removal RFP

Request for Proposal
A formal Request for Proposal (RFP) is often issued by an owner or agency to solicit proposals for design, construction or construction management services from qualified firms. The firm providing services typically provides the client with a written proposal to identify the proposed scope of services, outline the work, and provide an estimated schedule. Your task for this assignment is to respond to the following RFP. The response will be factored in as part of the “report and presentation” grade. For reference, the evaluation criteria for the final report and presentation are also provided.
RFP for CTC 470 Report
In the workplace, entry-level engineers are often asked to research a technical topic and provide a written report to a supervisor. As a term project for this course, each student in CTC 470 will be required to prepare a 10-page technical report on a topic related to construction administration, management or processes. The technical report will require (1) the submission of a topic for approval, (2) a formal proposal, (3) a final submission, and (4) a presentation. The report should address a topic related to construction administration in more detail than covered in the course. The schedule for each of the required submissions is included below in Table 1.
Table 1. Schedule
Date Item
September 6, 2022 Issuance of RFP
September 15, 2022 Submission of topic for approval
October 6, 2022 Formal submission of report proposal
December 1, 2022 Final report due
December 6 or 8, 2022 Presentations in class

1. Topic Submission
Each student is responsible for selecting a topic for their report and presentation that is related to Construction Administration. The topic should be defined and researched well enough to make sure there is adequate information and references available for completion of the project.
Some sample topics are included below for reference. Other topics may also be submitted.
• Specific OSHA safety topics such as trenching safety. If chosen, the report should identify the topic, present case studies, give the background, history, etc.
• Traffic safety during construction
• Project delivery methods
• Contract law or legal case studies
• Conflicts of interest in design-build/legal requirements of design-build
• Methods for scheduling and planning
• Permitting (e.g., NPDES, USACE Wetland Permitting, etc.)
• Codes (e.g., International Building Code, AISC Steel Construction Manual, ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete)
• Applicability of federal legislation such as Clean Water Act, American with Disabilities Act, Davis-Bacon Act
• Sustainable Design/LEED program Requirements
• Building Information Modeling (BIM)
• Hazardous waste, materials, handling
• Labor relations
The submission of the selected topic should include the following:
1. The proposed topic
2. A link to a website or web-based article and summary of information available
3. A journal or paper reference from an industry journal, such as in ASCE journals.
Submission of the topics is due 9/15/2022 submitted via Blackboard. Approval of the submitted topics or suggestions on revising the topics will be given by 9/20/2022 in class.
2. Report Proposal
After approval of the report topic is given by the instructor, a written proposal will be required. The proposal should include the following:
1. Summary: A written summary of the overall scope and objective of the report.
2. Paper Outline: A detailed outline of the body of the text with major headings
3. References: Citations of potential references with
a. At least one current journal article
b. At least two non-internet sources (hint: go see the librarian)
c. At least four sources
4. Schedule: A schedule for completion. At a minimum the schedule shall address intermediate steps, such as research, first draft, final draft, and final submission. Indicate major milestones that you intend to reach over the next two months prior to the report due date.
The outline proposal is due as indicated in Table 1 and shall be submitted via Blackboard. Responses and suggestions related to the proposal will be given by the instructor within two weeks after receipt.
The report proposal will be worth 40 points out of 200 total points for the report submission. Performing research of the topic to solidify a direction for the report and develop a logical outline for the report is required for successful completion of the proposal and obtaining full credit. Consider the following items:
1. The summary should include a thesis or overall objective of the report, discuss main points, indicate logical transitions between sections and identify anticipated conclusions.
2. The sources should be relevant and support the information included with the summary.

3. Final Report
The report will be evaluated for structure; layout and format; writing and language style; technical content and length; and appropriate use of references. The following specifications outline the requirements of the report and provide a metric for grading and for use in preparing your proposals.
1. Structure of report (10 points)
 Cover sheet
 Table of Contents
 Table of Figures (at least one figure is required)
 Table of Tables (at least one table is required)
 Summary
 Introduction
 Body
 Conclusion
 Works Cited
 Appendices, if applicable
2. Layout and Format of Report (10 points)
 Page numbers centered in footer
 Page numbers use i, ii, iii, etc. for Table of Contents, Figures, etc.
 Page numbers use 1, 2, 3, etc. for body of report
 Section titles included
 Paragraph spacing and tabs appropriate
 1” margins and double spaced
 Figures
o Figure captions below figures
o Figures referenced in text before appearing in report
 Tables
o Table captions above tables
o Tables referenced in text before appearing in report
3. Writing and Language (20 points)
 Coherent and logical thoughts with concise language
 Correct spelling
 Correct use of grammar
 Transition statements between sections
 Technical terms and symbols are defined
 Appropriate technical writing style (e.g., no first person, factual statements)
 Contractions are not used
 “This ____” and “These ____” are defined
 i.e., used for “that is” and e.g., used for “for example”

 No more than 20% of the paper is direct quotation

4. Technical Content and Length (50 points)
 Length
o Introduction through conclusion of report is 10 pages. Cover sheet, table of contents, figures, graphs and tables are in addition to the 10 page total.
 Introduction
o Defines scope of report
o Provides appropriate background
o Lays out basis for report
o Demonstrates importance of topic
 Body
o Includes sections that are logical
o Topic is adequately developed
 Conclusion
o Summarizes main points
o Does not introduce new information
o Provides overall significance of report
5. References (10 points)
 At least one current journal article included
 At least two non-internet sources included
 At least four sources included
 References correctly cited in text
 References correctly cited in Works Cited
For additional information on technical writing refer to Locally, visit the Learning Center, located in Cayan Library, for writing assistance and review. In addition, draft submissions will be accepted for review by the instructor if submitted by 11/15/2022.
Final submissions of the report are due as indicated in Table 1. and shall be submitted via Blackboard.

4. Report Presentation
The presentation will be given the last week of class and will be evaluated based on the structure, speech, delivery and visual aids. These categories are based on criteria presented by Penn State University at See the following criteria.
1. Structure (20 points)
 Introduction (e.g., a “hook” to catch attention)
 Body of presentation communicates knowledge and relevancy of topic
 Logical progression of thoughts
 Effective transitions
 Conclusion
 Technical content effectively conveyed (10 of the 20 points for this item)

2. Speech (8 points)
 Language choices
 Appropriate analogies, stories or examples
 Anticipating questions (e.g., “you might be thinking…”)
 Defining key terms

3. Delivery (12 points)
 Length is 10 minutes ±1minute (9-11 minutes total)
 Rate is appropriate
 Eye contact is maintained with audience
 Pauses are used effectively
 Filler words are excluded (i.e., “uh,” “um,” etc.)
 Movement is appropriate (e.g., location and hands)

4. Visual Aids (10 points)
 Visual aids are used effectively
 Limited text on slides
 Appropriate pictures/figures
 Text is legible, e.g., appropriate size, colors, contrast, etc.
 Figures are referenced appropriately

Report Presentation Grading Sheet

1. Structure (20 points)
 Introduction (e.g., a “hook”)
 Body of presentation communicates knowledge and relevancy of topic
 Logical progression of thoughts
 Effective transitions
 Conclusion
 Technical content effectively conveyed (10 of the 20 points)

2. Speech (8 points)
 Language choices
 Appropriate analogies, stories or examples
 Anticipating questions (e.g., “you might be thinking…”)
 Defining key terms

3. Delivery (12 points)
 Length is 10 minutes ±1minute (9-11 minutes total)
 Rate is appropriate
 Eye contact is maintained with audience
 Pauses are used effectively
 Filler words are excluded (i.e., “uh,” “um,” etc.)
 Movement is appropriate (e.g., location and hands)

4. Visual Aids (10 points)
 Visual aids are used effectively
 Limited text on slides
 Appropriate pictures/figures
 Text is legible, e.g., appropriate size, colors, contrast, etc.
 Figures referenced appropriately


Engineering Essay Final Written Report

Final Written Report

      The final written report in essay form must present your completed literature review making a claim about the current literature related to the scenario described by the terms you chose. The essay must progress the narrative from the general context and topic to the particular themes and thesis you chose tied to the context outlined by class. Then it must review the specific literature that provides the support of the theme you identified as the one to review. Finally, the essay should conclude with the outcome of this review to highlight the results of the analysis (research debates, consensus, gaps in knowledge, etc.) along with your claims for the resulting conclusion of the analysis based on what you have chosen as articles to include.

The essay should be between 6-8 pages double spaced but can be longer if needed to accomplish your argument for the chosen thesis. Your essay will contain citations to over 20 articles and must have at least eight (8) quality sources just included in the specific chronological review from the NJIT database representing an article from each year 2018-2022 and an additional one that is most significant outside of these seven. These must all support your main theme in the literature review in the specific section in addition to those needed for the other areas of the essay. Be sure to provide proper in-text citations with full citation at the end in a reference page. To assist, the following breakdown is provided for possible sections of the work with description:


Open your essay with a clear concise opening that defines an expert and  distinguishes that from expertise. Then, explain your perspective on the specific aspect of this general domain you chose to examine with the chronological literature review. This will provide the reader a sense of the main theme you focused upon and the factors that are related to it. You are setting up the area of interest that the literature review will explore based on what you found for keywords and in the articles you will present with the chronological review. You should end this section with a clear concise thesis statement followed by a description of how the paper unfolds to cover the subsequent content.

Particular Background

This section must describe the general conception of the components of the concept of an expert and how that informed your decisions as you explored the literature.  This should provide the basis that underpins the baseline knowledge. Then explain the common thread you identified in the literature that serves as a theme. Explain the rationale for why that is a major theme and ow it ties your investigation together connected back to your original domain. This may be due to the significance of the topic, the prominence of the source or author, the number of other articles cited, or even just a relevance to your own experiences. This reasoning must be clearly and completely explained with elaboration, detailed support, and examples. All content drawn from class materials and the annotated bibliography must be cited properly with in-text citations and in the works cited page.


Review of Specific Literature in the major theme

This section presents your chronological literature review for at least eight (8) scholarly sources from the NJIT database. The analysis of each article for the years 2018-2022 needs to explain the major thesis of the article, its conclusion and how it ties to the thread of the review. Once this storyline of the history of a narrow theme is presented, the literature review must present at least one article of major significance tied to the theme described by those articles. Typically, this article is comprehensive in nature and/or foundational to the work discussed in the theme being explored. Explain the significance of the article, the quality of its conclusions and the trustworthiness of the author and publisher.


Article description of quality and significance.

For each article to be presented in the literature review it is necessary to objectively describe and evaluate  the content and the researchers.  This allows a better understanding of how that work fits within the larger collection of research being done on the topic and if the findings can be trusted.  This type of analysis needs to be presented for each item included in the literature review.


Quality and Relevance of Article

When describing the article you chose to include in the literature review, you need to describe how it is relevant to your   topic and domain as well as its quality.  This can be accomplished by answering the following items:

  • What is the Author’s thesis, major claim and conclusion presented in the article
  • Why did you select the article as significant and related to this literature review? Provide a detailed explanation with examples.
  • How does it relate to the topic of interest for the course and your chosen domain?


What is your argument for why this article is trustworthy and of quality?  Provide detailed explanations.

  • What is the reputation of the author? Be sure to explain the credentials of each author in relation to the topic of research and their expertise.  Explain the training and record of accomplishment of the authors and how that is relevant to the subject being
  • What is your analysis of the reputation and quality of the publication?
  • How many sources were cited and how many times was this source itself cited?
  • What are the limits, possible bias and other issues of objectivity or applicability for the source and its content?


NOTE: Do not just pick any seven articles to list and add another unrelated article to discuss. All the work must fit together and lead to the conclusion of the value of the work to a common theme.


Finally, the essay should conclude with your own opinion about the topic explored and the value of the theme you identified in the literature. This should highlight the results of the analysis (research debates, consensus, gaps in knowledge, etc.). This analysis should be the basis for the claim of a major focus at the start of the essay in your thesis statement. Be sure to make a convincing argument in your conclusion so that there is a clear take-away about your findings from the research you explored.


You must produce a 6-8 page essay not including front matter or reference page in MS Word following the class submission guidelines for presenting the body. You may choose to use MLA or APA style format for the in-text citations and list of references at the end. Do not use numbered footnotes or end notes. The paper must have in-text parenthetical citations with the associated list of cited references at the end with the style you select used consistently. The essay must have sufficient evidence properly cited to support your written work. DO NOT Plagiarize, as that will lead to failure in the course and referral to the Dean of Students for further action. In addition, you should use citations correctly and effectively to integrate the research-based evidence into the work. Thus, do not include long quoted sections nor large areas of paraphrased content in the text. Cite all work with in-text citations and full proper reference in the works cited page.


Turbine engine maintenance

Turbine engine maintenance

Turbine engine requires routine inspections on several engine components, including ignitors, fuel nozzles, compressor bleed valves, and oil filters. Define jet engine maintenance.   What is the importance of aircraft turbine engine maintenance? Does aircraft engine turbine maintenance similar for all types of jet engines? Discuss the various et engine maintenance techniques.

You are required to write an essay about turbine engine maintenance.  We can help you at to write an excellent essay.

You will get an essay of:

10 Pages

5-7 scholarly sources

Harvard referencing style



Heavy Oil Bitumen Extraction and Characterization

Heavy Oil Bitumen Extraction and Characterization

The topic of the report is Heavy Oil/Bitumen Extraction and Characterization. Given below are necessary guidelines for the report:

  1. The report should be written in essay form. APA format should be followed. It should include:
  • Body of the report consists of the following sections
  1. Introduction and background (2 pages double spaced)
  2. History of development (1 page double spaced)
  3. Feedstock, chemistry, thermodynamics, and catalysis
    1. Divide into subsections (4 pages double spaced)
  4. Process flow diagrams (Select 3 diagrams from literature, 10 pages total, 3 are diagrams)
    1. Review different flow diagrams, describe them briefly
      1. include design differences, operating conditions of alternatives, cost, safety, flexibility and environmental impact
    2. Reactor Operation and Safety (6 pages double spaced)


Effect of Automotive Aerodynamics On Fuel Consumption

Effect of Automotive Aerodynamics On Fuel Consumption

Briefly mention the importance of automotive aerodynamics. talk about how aerodynamics affect fuel consumption and how it helps to reduce fuel usage.
Show and talk about how the drag force is the number one element in aerodynamics. Show and solve some equations to approve that if you reduce the drag force you can save fuel.
Show some figures that can describe the difference between the aerodynamics of a truck car and a sports car.

Finally, show some approve that the effect of automotive aerodynamics can reduce fuel consumption. Include some equations and chat that support the study.