Supply Chain Management (SCM)

Supply Chain Management (SCM)
Assessment Information
This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes 1-4:

  1. Apply modern supply chain management principles and practice, including the evolution of modern operations management theory, to real business cases.
  2. Critically analyse the process of supply chain management decision making.
  3. Apply and analyse appropriate management frameworks which can be used for the planning and control of materials and services, from the viewpoints of quality, quantity and cost analysis.
  4. Appreciate and utilise the range of tools and techniques available to aid effective supply chain management decision-making.

This assignment is an individual assignment and requires you to produce a report.
This assignment requires you to analyse two supply chains of your choice. In addressing this report you should consider the supply chain in the following areas:

  • The overall design of the supply chains.
  • How decision are made?
  • Procurement strategy.
  • Production strategy and operations.

Criteria for Assessment
The detailed marking rubric can be found on moodle, however criteria for assessment can be found in the table below.

Report area Weighting
The overall design of the supply chains 25%
How external macro factors impact on decision making  20%
Procurement strategy 20%
Production strategy and operations 25%
Referencing 10%

Word Count
The word count is 2250
There will be a penalty of a deduction of 10% of the mark (after internal moderation) for work exceeding the word limit by 10% or more.
The word limit includes quotations and citations, but excludes the references list.
How to submit your assessment
The assessment must be submitted by 18:00 09/11/2019. No paper copies are required. You can access the submission link through the module web.

  • Your coursework will be given a zero mark if you do not submit a copy through Turnitin. Please take care to ensure that you have fully submitted your work.
  • Please ensure that you have submitted your work using the correct file format, unreadable files will receive a mark of zero. The Faculty accepts Microsoft Office and PDF documents, unless otherwise advised by the module leader.
  • All work submitted after the submission deadline without a valid and approved reason (see below) will be given a mark of zero.
  • The University wants you to do your best. However we know that sometimes events happen which mean that you can’t submit your coursework by the deadline – these events should be beyond your control and not easy to predict.  If this happens, you can apply for an extension to your deadline for up to two weeks, or if you need longer, you can apply for a deferral, which takes you to the next assessment period (for example, to the resit period following the main Assessment Boards). You must apply before the deadline.

You will find information about the process and what is or is not considered to be an event beyond your control at

  • Students MUST keep a copy and/or an electronic file of their assignment.
  • Checks will be made on your work using anti-plagiarism software and approved plagiarism checking websites.

As part of your study you will be involved in carrying out research and using this when writing up your coursework. It is important that you correctly acknowledge someone else’s writing, thoughts or ideas and that you do not attempt to pass this off as your own work.  Doing so is known as plagiarism.  It is not acceptable to copy from another source without acknowledging that it is someone else’s writing or thinking. This includes using paraphrasing as well as direct quotations. You are expected to correctly cite and reference the works of others. The Centre for Academic Writing provides documents to help you get this right. If you are unsure, please visit  You can also check your understanding of academic conduct by completing the Good Academic Practice quiz available on Moodle.
Self-plagiarism or reuse of work previously submitted – You must not submit work for assessment that you have already submitted (partially or in full), either for your current course or for another qualification of this and any other university, unless this is specifically provided for in your assignment brief or specific course or module information. Where earlier work by you is citable, i.e. it has already been published/submitted, you must reference it clearly. Identical pieces of work submitted concurrently will also be considered to be self-plagiarism. Self-plagiarism is unacceptable because you cannot gain credit for the same work twice.
Moodle includes a plagiarism detection system and assessors are experienced enough to recognise plagiarism when it occurs. Copying another student’s work, using previous work of your own or copying large sections from a book or the internet are examples of plagiarism and carry serious consequences. Please familiarise yourself with the CU Harvard Reference Style (on Moodle) and use it correctly to avoid a case of plagiarism or cheating being brought.  Again, if you are unsure, please contact the Centre for Academic Writing, your Progress Coach or a member of the course team.
Return of Marked Work
You can expect to have marked work returned to you on the 04/05/2020. If for any reason there is a delay you will be kept informed. Marks and feedback will be provided online. As always, marks will have been internally moderated only, and will therefore be provisional; your mark will be formally agreed later in the year once the external examiner has completed his / her review.

Memo to Employees of Organization About Change Assignment

Memo to Employees of Organization About Change Assignment 
Leadership Management in Health Human Services Organizations Recently there have been whispers from employees within the company that there is talk of a merger that may occur. As the CEO of Right Way you are concerned about what your employees are hearing.
Right Way is a home health agency that caters to the elderly population within the community. The company offers a variety of services that one might find in an assisted living facility but allows the patient to stay in the comfort of their own home.
The rumors started several months ago when a new company came into the area. While they are new to the area the company is definitely not new to the world of home health care. There have been talks that this company, Always Right, plans on merging with Right Way.
Due to your leadership training and the company’s open communication policy, you decide to hold a meeting. This meeting will occur at the end of the week and all employees with the company will be invited to the event. At the event the merger details will be discussed since they have recently been agreed upon by both sides.
For this assignment, you will create the memo that announces the merger, what to expect and that questions and concerns will be answered at the meeting, which is scheduled for…………………. The memo will address what is occurring with the merger, how this will allow further expansion into home health care as well as bringing on other services for patients, along with what employees should expect with employment. Human services options are often needed with elderly patients and this merger will allow that to occur. Please also be sure to include in the memo what plans will come from the merger (expansion of facility, more programs or services offered, layoffs or pay raises, more employment opportunities, etc.) The memo will need to be professionally done and no longer than one page – I would suggest using single spacing and looking up a memo template in Word.
Please remember to include a title page, reference page and rubric in the assignment. Must meet HSA guidelines – should be in Times New Roman or Arial 12-point font and should be the same title page as used throughout the program and as in an example in the course. Please make sure to follow HSA Style Guidelines for formatting the paper including a running head.

Memo to Employees of Organization About Change Assignment

Memo to Employees of Organization About Change Assignment 
Leadership Management in Health Human Services Organizations Recently there have been whispers from employees within the company that there is talk of a merger that may occur. As the CEO of Right Way you are concerned about what your employees are hearing.
Right Way is a home health agency that caters to the elderly population within the community. The company offers a variety of services that one might find in an assisted living facility but allows the patient to stay in the comfort of their own home.
The rumors started several months ago when a new company came into the area. While they are new to the area the company is definitely not new to the world of home health care. There have been talks that this company, Always Right, plans on merging with Right Way.
Due to your leadership training and the company’s open communication policy, you decide to hold a meeting. This meeting will occur at the end of the week and all employees with the company will be invited to the event. At the event the merger details will be discussed since they have recently been agreed upon by both sides.
For this assignment, you will create the memo that announces the merger, what to expect and that questions and concerns will be answered at the meeting, which is scheduled for…………………. The memo will address what is occurring with the merger, how this will allow further expansion into home health care as well as bringing on other services for patients, along with what employees should expect with employment. Human services options are often needed with elderly patients and this merger will allow that to occur. Please also be sure to include in the memo what plans will come from the merger (expansion of facility, more programs or services offered, layoffs or pay raises, more employment opportunities, etc.) The memo will need to be professionally done and no longer than one page – I would suggest using single spacing and looking up a memo template in Word.
Please remember to include a title page, reference page and rubric in the assignment. Must meet HSA guidelines – should be in Times New Roman or Arial 12-point font and should be the same title page as used throughout the program and as in an example in the course. Please make sure to follow HSA Style Guidelines for formatting the paper including a running head.

IOSCM (International Operations Supply Chain Management) concepts/tools to solve problems in managing international operations.

IOSCM (International Operations Supply Chain Management) concepts/tools to solve problems in managing international operations.
Individual Project Final Report Instructions
Note: The project report will be submitted to Turnitin to avoid plagiarism and ensure academic
integrity. The submission link will be posted under “Assignments” on the course website.
Students must check out the originality report generated by Turnitin after submitting the project
reports. Project reports with a similarity level of 30% or higher to existing sources will not be
accepted for grading. A project report that was previously submitted and graded in another class
will not be accepted for grading in this class.
The purpose of this assignment is to identify and apply IOSCM (International Operations Supply
Chain Management) concepts/tools to solve problems in managing international operations. To
this purpose, you should find an interesting IOSCM problem from the real business world and
think about how you can apply the IOSCM concepts/tools that you learned in this course to solve
the problem.
More specifically, each individual should:
• Find a problem in managing international operations supply chain from the real business
world (from your own work experience or from any business articles/cases)
• Identify specific IOSCM concepts/tools that can be applied to the problem
• Apply at least two operation supply chain concepts/tools to propose a solution to the
• Analyze the expected results that may be obtained when the solution is implemented.
The table in the appendix below will serve as the grading rubric for this assignment.
The report should be 10-15 pages in length including the cover and appendices, with 1” margins
on all sides, double-spacing, and 12 point font. The cover of the report should include title,
class code and name, section number, your full name, and date of completion.
The report MUST follow the outline below:
1. Abstract (150 words maximum)
• Summarize the entire report, including problem statement, IOSCM concepts/tools that
have been applied to the problem, and expected results of the proposed solution.
2. Background information
• Clearly state whether the problem is from your own work or from business articles/cases.
If it is from business articles/cases, provide its source (title, author, name of the journal,
date published).
• Briefly introduce the company background (e.g., name, products, business size, location,
internal/external interesting facts, etc).
3. Problem Description
• Describe the problem clearly and specifically.
o You should focus on a single problem, although you can introduce several other
issues for informational purposes.
o The problem may involve either operational decision-making, process
improvement, or supply chain strategies in managing international operations and
supply chain.
• This section must include a problem statement starting with, e.g., “This paper considers
the problem of determining …”, “The main problem of the firm is how to …”, etc, either
in the beginning or at the end of the section.
4. IOSCM concepts/tools that can be applied
• Describe what specific IOSCM concepts/tools can be applied to the problem and why
they are appropriate to the problem. This section should make it clear that you understand
the concepts/tools you are about to use. Since section 5 need to apply two or more
IOSCM concepts, at least two IOSCM concepts need to be identified in this section.
5. Application of IOSCM concepts/tools
• Choose two or more IOSCM concepts/tools among the ones provided in section 4 and
apply it to propose a solution to the problem.
• This section should include your supportive evidence/calculations in details to show how
you have applied the IOSCM concept/tool(s) to develop the solution.
6. Analysis of expected results
• Analyze the expected results of the proposed solution.
• The expected results may include cost/revenue impact and/or improvement of operational
performance. You must be specific to receive full credit.
• Discuss the pros and cons of the suggested solution.
7. Conclusion
• Conclusion about the problem, IOSCM tools, analysis, and results.
• Compare what’s the difference between domestic and global operation supply chain
management in your case.
You are highly encouraged to find a problem from your own work if you work for a
multinational company, so that you may apply to your work the concepts/tools that you learned
from this course. However, if you want to find a problem from business articles/cases, you can
find one from any journals/newspapers such as The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Forbes,
Harvard Business Review, and so on. Or you can surf the Internet to find an interesting
The meaning of a problem in managing international operations will become clearer as you study
this course. As you can see in the textbook contents and course schedule, an IOSCM problem
may involve but not limited to global operations strategy, global sourcing, global supply chain
management, logistics network design for global operations, risk management in global
operations, information management for global operations, process design and improvement for
global operations, etc.
Examples of the IOSCM concepts/tools that can be applied to your problem include but not
limited to Strategic Importance and Criticality Matrix, third-party logistics, criteria for backward
vertical integration versus development of local suppliers, framework for supply chain structures,
three approaches for the orientation of facility networks, operational flexibility for minimizing

IOSCM (International Operations Supply Chain Management) concepts/tools to solve problems in managing international operations.

IOSCM (International Operations Supply Chain Management) concepts/tools to solve problems in managing international operations.
Individual Project Final Report Instructions
Note: The project report will be submitted to Turnitin to avoid plagiarism and ensure academic
integrity. The submission link will be posted under “Assignments” on the course website.
Students must check out the originality report generated by Turnitin after submitting the project
reports. Project reports with a similarity level of 30% or higher to existing sources will not be
accepted for grading. A project report that was previously submitted and graded in another class
will not be accepted for grading in this class.
The purpose of this assignment is to identify and apply IOSCM (International Operations Supply
Chain Management) concepts/tools to solve problems in managing international operations. To
this purpose, you should find an interesting IOSCM problem from the real business world and
think about how you can apply the IOSCM concepts/tools that you learned in this course to solve
the problem.
More specifically, each individual should:
• Find a problem in managing international operations supply chain from the real business
world (from your own work experience or from any business articles/cases)
• Identify specific IOSCM concepts/tools that can be applied to the problem
• Apply at least two operation supply chain concepts/tools to propose a solution to the
• Analyze the expected results that may be obtained when the solution is implemented.
The table in the appendix below will serve as the grading rubric for this assignment.
The report should be 10-15 pages in length including the cover and appendices, with 1” margins
on all sides, double-spacing, and 12 point font. The cover of the report should include title,
class code and name, section number, your full name, and date of completion.
The report MUST follow the outline below:
1. Abstract (150 words maximum)
• Summarize the entire report, including problem statement, IOSCM concepts/tools that
have been applied to the problem, and expected results of the proposed solution.
2. Background information
• Clearly state whether the problem is from your own work or from business articles/cases.
If it is from business articles/cases, provide its source (title, author, name of the journal,
date published).
• Briefly introduce the company background (e.g., name, products, business size, location,
internal/external interesting facts, etc).
3. Problem Description
• Describe the problem clearly and specifically.
o You should focus on a single problem, although you can introduce several other
issues for informational purposes.
o The problem may involve either operational decision-making, process
improvement, or supply chain strategies in managing international operations and
supply chain.
• This section must include a problem statement starting with, e.g., “This paper considers
the problem of determining …”, “The main problem of the firm is how to …”, etc, either
in the beginning or at the end of the section.
4. IOSCM concepts/tools that can be applied
• Describe what specific IOSCM concepts/tools can be applied to the problem and why
they are appropriate to the problem. This section should make it clear that you understand
the concepts/tools you are about to use. Since section 5 need to apply two or more
IOSCM concepts, at least two IOSCM concepts need to be identified in this section.
5. Application of IOSCM concepts/tools
• Choose two or more IOSCM concepts/tools among the ones provided in section 4 and
apply it to propose a solution to the problem.
• This section should include your supportive evidence/calculations in details to show how
you have applied the IOSCM concept/tool(s) to develop the solution.
6. Analysis of expected results
• Analyze the expected results of the proposed solution.
• The expected results may include cost/revenue impact and/or improvement of operational
performance. You must be specific to receive full credit.
• Discuss the pros and cons of the suggested solution.
7. Conclusion
• Conclusion about the problem, IOSCM tools, analysis, and results.
• Compare what’s the difference between domestic and global operation supply chain
management in your case.
You are highly encouraged to find a problem from your own work if you work for a
multinational company, so that you may apply to your work the concepts/tools that you learned
from this course. However, if you want to find a problem from business articles/cases, you can
find one from any journals/newspapers such as The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Forbes,
Harvard Business Review, and so on. Or you can surf the Internet to find an interesting
The meaning of a problem in managing international operations will become clearer as you study
this course. As you can see in the textbook contents and course schedule, an IOSCM problem
may involve but not limited to global operations strategy, global sourcing, global supply chain
management, logistics network design for global operations, risk management in global
operations, information management for global operations, process design and improvement for
global operations, etc.
Examples of the IOSCM concepts/tools that can be applied to your problem include but not
limited to Strategic Importance and Criticality Matrix, third-party logistics, criteria for backward
vertical integration versus development of local suppliers, framework for supply chain structures,
three approaches for the orientation of facility networks, operational flexibility for minimizing

Starbucks Core Strategic Management

Starbucks Core Strategic Management
• The assignment should be prepared as a Word document, 3-4 pages in length for each
discipline’s questions.
• The document should be double-spaced, using Arial font #12.
• Add any Appendices at the end of the Word document.
• Your reference sources, in addition to the base case and question sets, should be online sites
and articles, Bloomberg terminals, your Integrated Semester textbooks, PowerPoint slides, and
other sources you professor assigns.
Starbucks has developed a new coffee which uses some standard and some new ingredients. It
believes this coffee could become wildly popular with its younger customers but wants to test
market it in a few stores in key locations around the country to assess customer reaction.
You are the manager of a Starbucks store that has been selected for this test marketing.
a. You have full responsibility for the success of the test market at your store. Write a memo
outlining the preparations that you will have to make at your store before the start of the test
marketing. Your memo should focus on at least four of the following issues: staffing, training,
equipment, supplies, location, store layout, quality, customer service, etc. (750 words)
b. Describe any interactions you would have with managers at Starbucks Finance, Marketing,
and HR as you get ready for the start of the test-marketing in your store. For what issues would
you need their help and support? (250 words).

Starbucks Core Strategic Management

Starbucks Core Strategic Management
• The assignment should be prepared as a Word document, 3-4 pages in length for each
discipline’s questions.
• The document should be double-spaced, using Arial font #12.
• Add any Appendices at the end of the Word document.
• Your reference sources, in addition to the base case and question sets, should be online sites
and articles, Bloomberg terminals, your Integrated Semester textbooks, PowerPoint slides, and
other sources you professor assigns.
Starbucks has developed a new coffee which uses some standard and some new ingredients. It
believes this coffee could become wildly popular with its younger customers but wants to test
market it in a few stores in key locations around the country to assess customer reaction.
You are the manager of a Starbucks store that has been selected for this test marketing.
a. You have full responsibility for the success of the test market at your store. Write a memo
outlining the preparations that you will have to make at your store before the start of the test
marketing. Your memo should focus on at least four of the following issues: staffing, training,
equipment, supplies, location, store layout, quality, customer service, etc. (750 words)
b. Describe any interactions you would have with managers at Starbucks Finance, Marketing,
and HR as you get ready for the start of the test-marketing in your store. For what issues would
you need their help and support? (250 words).

Starbucks Core Strategic Management

Starbucks Core Strategic Management
• The assignment should be prepared as a Word document, 3-4 pages in length for each
discipline’s questions.
• The document should be double-spaced, using Arial font #12.
• Add any Appendices at the end of the Word document.
• Your reference sources, in addition to the base case and question sets, should be online sites
and articles, Bloomberg terminals, your Integrated Semester textbooks, PowerPoint slides, and
other sources you professor assigns.
Starbucks has developed a new coffee which uses some standard and some new ingredients. It
believes this coffee could become wildly popular with its younger customers but wants to test
market it in a few stores in key locations around the country to assess customer reaction.
You are the manager of a Starbucks store that has been selected for this test marketing.
a. You have full responsibility for the success of the test market at your store. Write a memo
outlining the preparations that you will have to make at your store before the start of the test
marketing. Your memo should focus on at least four of the following issues: staffing, training,
equipment, supplies, location, store layout, quality, customer service, etc. (750 words)
b. Describe any interactions you would have with managers at Starbucks Finance, Marketing,
and HR as you get ready for the start of the test-marketing in your store. For what issues would
you need their help and support? (250 words).

Creating Effective Advertisements Marketing Management

Creating Effective Advertisements Marketing Management

Kotler, P. T. & Keller, K. L. (2016). Marketing management (15th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
Discussion 1
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
Imagine you are the product manager for a new Superbowl television ad. Discuss what you would measure to determine the effectiveness of that advertisement on the day it was shown, a month later, and six months later.
Reply to at least 2 of your classmates. Be constructive and professional in your responses. 

Marketing management Effectiveness of Superbowl television ad

Marketing management Effectiveness of Superbowl television ad

Kotler, P. T. & Keller, K. L. (2016). Marketing management (15th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
Discussion 1
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
Imagine you are the product manager for a new Superbowl television ad. Discuss what you would measure to determine the effectiveness of that advertisement on the day it was shown, a month later, and six months later.
Reply to at least 2 of your classmates. Be constructive and professional in your responses. 