Project Proposal – Execution, Control, and Closure

Assignment 3: Project Proposal – Execution, Control, and Closure
Due Week 10 and worth 150 points
Note: This is the third of three assignments which, as a whole, will cover all aspects of the
project life cycle relevant to your selected project.
Now, it is time for you to discuss your project’s challenges (e.g., risks); performance
management plan (e.g., earned value management); and proposed plan for closing the
project when it is done.
Write a four to six page paper, in which you define the execution, control, and closure
aspects of your chosen project. In your paper you must:
1.Provide a brief summary of your chosen project.
2.Identify and discuss your project’s greatest challenges (at least three) and provide a
recommendation for addressing each of the challenges.
3.Examine how you manage your project performance via earned value management.
Identify at least three key EVM metrics you will use for your project.
4.Discuss your plan to properly close your project when it is over.
5.Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar
websites do not qualify as quality resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
•Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on
all sides.
•Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the
professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page
are not included in the required page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
•Develop a process for measuring the progress of a project, providing oversight,
coordinating project closure, and determining project effectiveness.

Project Proposal – Execution, Control, and Closure

Assignment 3: Project Proposal – Execution, Control, and Closure
Due Week 10 and worth 150 points
Note: This is the third of three assignments which, as a whole, will cover all aspects of the
project life cycle relevant to your selected project.
Now, it is time for you to discuss your project’s challenges (e.g., risks); performance
management plan (e.g., earned value management); and proposed plan for closing the
project when it is done.
Write a four to six page paper, in which you define the execution, control, and closure
aspects of your chosen project. In your paper you must:
1.Provide a brief summary of your chosen project.
2.Identify and discuss your project’s greatest challenges (at least three) and provide a
recommendation for addressing each of the challenges.
3.Examine how you manage your project performance via earned value management.
Identify at least three key EVM metrics you will use for your project.
4.Discuss your plan to properly close your project when it is over.
5.Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar
websites do not qualify as quality resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
•Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on
all sides.
•Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the
professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page
are not included in the required page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
•Develop a process for measuring the progress of a project, providing oversight,
coordinating project closure, and determining project effectiveness.

Application of Change Management Theory (Starbucks, McDonalds, Chipotle, Walmart, etc)

Choose an organizational development concept or theory (Change Management) from our
readings and discussions. In a 5 to 7 page paper, build out the theory by applying it to an
organization (Starbucks) of your choice.
• Be thorough as you apply the concept or theory to your organization.
• Be sure to clearly identify the organization problem or issue and work through the chosen
theory as you apply it to the organization.
• You are expected to incorporate at least one of the following course objectives in your short
1. Evaluate definitions, theories, and models of corporate culture
2. Identify the roles and relationships corporate culture has in organizational performance
3. Use a systems perspective in analyzing organizational conditions
4. Evaluate theories and models for managing change in organizations
5. Identify common barriers to effective change management
6. Prescribe appropriate OD strategies and techniques in applied settings
Your paper should be 5 to 7 pages long, excluding cover and reference pages. Please follow
APA guidelines for citations, quotations, and references, and you must use at least 8 scholarly
resources that are dated within the last five years.
You are strongly encouraged to use the required and reserved readings in this course, as well as
peer-reviewed journal articles found through the university library. Research methodology and
problem analysis will be emphasized in the grading of this assignment.

Application of Change Management Theory (Starbucks, McDonalds, Chipotle, Walmart, etc)

Choose an organizational development concept or theory (Change Management) from our
readings and discussions. In a 5 to 7 page paper, build out the theory by applying it to an
organization (Starbucks) of your choice.
• Be thorough as you apply the concept or theory to your organization.
• Be sure to clearly identify the organization problem or issue and work through the chosen
theory as you apply it to the organization.
• You are expected to incorporate at least one of the following course objectives in your short
1. Evaluate definitions, theories, and models of corporate culture
2. Identify the roles and relationships corporate culture has in organizational performance
3. Use a systems perspective in analyzing organizational conditions
4. Evaluate theories and models for managing change in organizations
5. Identify common barriers to effective change management
6. Prescribe appropriate OD strategies and techniques in applied settings
Your paper should be 5 to 7 pages long, excluding cover and reference pages. Please follow
APA guidelines for citations, quotations, and references, and you must use at least 8 scholarly
resources that are dated within the last five years.
You are strongly encouraged to use the required and reserved readings in this course, as well as
peer-reviewed journal articles found through the university library. Research methodology and
problem analysis will be emphasized in the grading of this assignment.

Execution of Strategy,Inc.

Design a plan to implement a business strategy throughout an organization.
Designing and developing a business report has become an essential skill for professionals to
In this Assignment, your business report will contain a company analysis of resources to aid in
the implementation and execution of strategy.
Your research, organization, planning, and critical thinking abilities will be critical in the
development of your business report and execution of the Assignment requirements.
Step 1: Explore the templates within MS Word that can be used to develop your Assignment
(search for business report templates). You may choose to design your own business report
without a template if you wish.
Step 2: Provide a brief synopsis of the company from your chosen case study. Include the
company name, industry sector, products, target market, and any other pertinent background
Step 3: Identify and explain at least three of the company’s strategic priorities as indicated in
business documentation. If none exist, you must create them by analyzing the business situation
and using strategic management and leadership abilities.
• Write a broad statement of what is to be accomplished in relation to each identified strategic
priority. Be specific.
• Indicate how the accomplishment of each strategic initiative is monitored and measured.
• Identify by job title, the people that are accountable for the success of the strategic priorities
that provide direction for the work that needs to be done, and who monitors progress and how
progress is monitored.
Step 4: Analyze and explain the allocation of resources (financial, labor, capital assets, time,
supplies, etc.) within the company based on strategic priorities. Conduct research on the
company to learn more about the allocation of resources as necessary.
• Using the 5-W’s and 1-H analysis technique, explain the proper allocation of resources that will
help the company reach the identified strategic priorities.
• Explain how successful resource allocation is measured to ensure progress is being made.
State specific performance and time measurements to determine success.
• Identify by job title, the people that are accountable for the success of the allocation of
resources that provide direction for the work that needs to be done, and who monitors progress
and how progress is monitored.
Step 5: Analyze and explain the value chain activities of the company.
• Identify and explain the best practices and process management tools that drive continuous
improvement in the performance of value chain activities.
• Explain how the company value chain activities help reach the identified strategic priorities.
• Indicate how the achievements of value chain activities is monitored and measured.
• Identify by job title, the people accountable for the success of the value chain activities that
provide direction for the work that needs to be done, and who monitors progress and how
progress is monitored.
Step 6: Analyze information and operating systems that enable company personnel to carry out
their strategic roles proficiently. Conduct research to identify and make recommendations on
information and operating systems that may improve the company’s execution of strategy.
• Explain how your recommendations improve efficiencies to reach the identified strategic
• Indicate how the effectiveness and efficiencies of information and operating systems are
monitored and measured.
• Identify by job title, the people accountable for the success of the information and operating
systems that provide direction for the work that needs to be done, and who monitors progress
and how progress is monitored.
Step 7: The goal of this implementation plan is to demonstrate your ability to apply effective
managerial leadership in achieving superior strategy execution. Aspects of the culture of a
company can be fragile and must be monitored at all times to ensure alignment with strategic
• Analyze and explain the key features of the company’s corporate culture.
• Analyze and explain the role of the company’s core values and ethical standards in building its
culture and why they are important to reaching the identified strategic priorities.
• Analyze and explain how the company’s culture drives proficient strategy execution.
• Identify explain the use of incentives and rewards that encourage superior performance in
reaching the identified strategic priorities.
• Indicate how the effectiveness of the company culture is monitored and measured.
• Identify by job title, the people accountable for the success of the company culture that will
provide direction for the work that needs to be done, and who monitors progress and how
progress is monitored.
Step 8: Meet the following format requirements in this Assignment:
• Use a minimum of three academic research resources (including your textbook) to substantiate your thoughts, ideas, opinions, etc.
• Outline your business report with headings and subheadings to ensure you include all required
topics, and to control the flow of ideas for your reader.
• Your business report should be professionally designed using desktop publishing skills.

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
Assignment based around ADR
What is ADR?

  • Any method for resolving a disagreement that is an alternative to the courts
  • Encouraged by the governments and court inside and outside the UK
  • Parties are obliged by UK law to use ADR to avoid ending up in court
  • Courts can penalise parties who unnecessarily end up in court when they could have reasonably used ADR.

ADR is growing around the world

  • Economic recession and increasing costs of dealing disputes in the courts has seen increasing demands for cheaper and quicker alternatives.
  • Governments and judiciaries around the world are actively encouraging use of ADR.
  • Tenancy agreements, building contracts and other commercial contracts now routinely include dispute resolution provisions, which enable parties to resolve their disputes privately, and without going to court.
  • Industries

Alternative Dispute Resolution= ADR

  • Arbitration
  • Mediation
  • Dispute Boards
  • Expert determination
  • Ombudsman
  • Negotiation is the ODD ONE OUT (tactic where you find 2 parties discuss an answer and to get to a resolution) best cheapest and quickest one to ADR
  • Independent Review etc.

Problem with courts:

  1. -time
  2. money
  3. one or both parties still unhappy
  4. relationship damage
  5. reputations

ADR is in growing use around the world

  • Economic recession and costs of resolving disputes
  • Government and judicial encouragement
  • Commercial imperative leading to innovation and adoption of new ways

Arbitration, a form of ADR it’s a way to resolve disputes outside the courts. The dispute is decided by an arbitrator who produces a decision called an arbitration award is legally…

  • Form of ADR offers an alternative to the courts for resolving disagreements
  • Regulated in UK by act of parliament, Arbitration act 1996 – go to legislation UK Acts 1996
  • A party cannot take the same disagreement to court once it has been arbitrated

UK Arbitration

  • Used to resolve many types of commercial property disputes

(approx., 3000 rent review arbitrators appointed annually by RCIS

  • Manage rural property disputes

Disputes under the agriculture holdings act 1986 & agriculture tenancies act 1995

  • Provides resolution for construction disputes

Not so frequently used now as 28 day adjudication has been more popular since 1998 in the UK, but remains popular in non-UK jurisdiction E.g. UAE.
International Arbitration
Used internationally
International contracts such as FIDIC (federation of international
New York convention on Arbitration Awards
Local laws and regulations
Arbitrators Role
Act like a judge
Decision maker
Evaluation of opinion
Awarding costs
Limits of the dispute
Advantages of Arbitration
Faster than litigation in court
A time limit can be placed on the length of the process
Cost – cheaper and more flexible
Informal – more commercial and less formal than court
Confidentially – unlike court rulings, arbitration proceedings and arbitral awards are confidential.
No appeals, the arbitration decision if final. Even if one party feels that the outcome was unfair, unjust or biased they cannot appeal it
Evidence – rules of evidence may prevent some evidence from being considered by a judge or a jury, but an arbitrator may consider that evidence, So an arbitrators decision…
Expert determination is described as a procedure by which the parties to a dispute appoint an independent and neutral expert to determine the dispute in private. Like arbitration, it allows trade secrets and other sensitive information to be kept out of the public domain. The expert is a person with specialist or technical knowledge relevant to the dispute. Their experience and professional knowledge are expected to help solve the dispute.
Expert determination
Provides cost efficient resolution for dispute and problems, confidential and private.
Controlled by parties so scope of jurisdiction and terms of reference come from contract with parties so is unable to award costs unless the contracts state so.
Knowledge and expertise?
No legal mechanism?
Right or wrong? ( see johns wood )
Mediation – is a dynamic, structured interactive process where an impartial third party assists disputing parties in resolving conflict through the use of specialised communication and negotiation techniques. All participants in mediation are encouraged to actively participate in the process.
Falls into 3 different methods

  1. Stakeholder consultation
  2. Facilitated (helps parties to find their own solution but does not impose his own solutions
  3. Evaluative (mediator offers views on specific issues or overall positions

Why mediate?

  • Quick and informal
  • Economically viable
  • Able to deal with issues which courts cannot
  • Fair and transparent
  • Able to maintain relationships
  • Adaptable
  • Able to deal with emotive issues
  • Meditation process – typical steps
  • Initial contact with the parties
  • Private meetings with each party
  • Further private meetings
  • Joint meeting setting the agenda
  • Exploration
  • Settlement
  • Follow up

What makes mediation successful

  • Releases pressure off wired people
  • Moves from entrenchments to forward planning
  • Mediator acts as catalyst
  • Safe forum to explore people’s needs
  • Is flexible not rule bound
  • Active listening
  • Reality checking
  • Gets innovative solutions
  • Deals with emotive issues

ADR for the future
Early identification
Benefits of ADR
Less formal
Conflict avoidance in dispute resolution- involves carefully and properly planning with clarity the strategy for executing a project…
Why conflict avoidance?

  • Helps parties to prevent and control disagreements through a bespoke contract
  • Flexibility pay as you go
  • Promotes ownership of issues in disagreements
  • Encourage collaborative working
  • Issues reviewed by independent panels of experts who make non-binding recommendations

More info at:

Management Decision Problem

Chapter 13. Management Decision Problem (13-9). located in your course text. Read the business scenario and provide a response to:
Diagram (List the steps) of the existing process.
What is the impact of the existing process on Sear’s operational efficiency and customer relationships?
What changes could be made to make this process more efficient?
How could information systems support this change?
Diagram (List the steps) of the new improved process?
Book: Management Information Systems
Edition: 15th
ISBN: 9780134639710
Author: Laudon
Publisher: Pearson
Formats: Hardcover, BryteWave Format
Copyright Year: 2018

Reflective Writting on Teamworking and team roles & professionalism

Teamworking and team roles & professionalism around the health and social care in the UK and please
use Gibs Cycle.

Management Report on the Gender Pay Gap

The second assignment offers a choice of management report topics (LO1, 2, 3, 4).
Choose ONE topic from the list below. Identify your choice at the front of your management report.

  1. Prepare a Management Report on the gender pay gap. Apply this to a relevant organisation that operates in the UK. Your report should outline the aim(s), legal regulation (if relevant), and costs and benefits for that organisation in dealing with this issue. Your report should also briefly outline the timescale, cost and prioritisation of any recommendations.

Management Reports should meet the following criteria:

  • Your report should be 1800 words in length (+/- 10%, excluding bibliography, tables, figures, etc.). State the exact number of words you have written.
  • Properly referenced using the Harvard Referencing System.
  • Have an appropriate number of references
  • Use a variety of academic sources – books, academic journals, and websites as well as some practitioner/public policy ones.
  • Proof-read the report for spelling and grammatical errors.

Risk Management and Patient Care During Flooding Crisis

Your paper should be about Risk Management and Patient Care During Flooding Crisis
It should cover the following:

  • Flooding emergency situation
  • Management of resources during an emergency
  • Chain of command during a flooding emergency
  • Roles and responsibilities of those involved in the chain of command structure
  • Community engagement during a flooding emergency
  • Steps for supply chain management