Risk Management and Patient Care During Flooding Crisis

Your paper should be about Risk Management and Patient Care During Flooding Crisis
It should cover the following:

  • Flooding emergency situation
  • Management of resources during an emergency
  • Chain of command during a flooding emergency
  • Roles and responsibilities of those involved in the chain of command structure
  • Community engagement during a flooding emergency
  • Steps for supply chain management

Neo-classical Management Leader Paper

1. Write a 3 pages response summarizing what you have learned from ONE of the identified leaders about their leadership and why these points are important to you personally.
2. Use any one of the following neoclassical leaders: Robert Greenleaf, Margaret Wheatley, William Deming, Peter Drucker, Henry Mintzberg, Frederick Herzberg, Chester Bernard, Mary Follet, Abraham Maslow.
3. The content should be included:
– Introduction to the leader including their background.
Explain their theory in your words.
– What was the leader known for?
What was their inspiration?
What did they do that was different?
– How did their research/theory effect leadership today?
Can you give examples of their theory in use today?
– Conclusion
– Does this theory make sense in today’s world?
How will you use this leadership style to your benefit?

Neo-classical Management Leader Paper

1. Write a 3 pages response summarizing what you have learned from ONE of the identified leaders about their leadership and why these points are important to you personally.
2. Use any one of the following neoclassical leaders: Robert Greenleaf, Margaret Wheatley, William Deming, Peter Drucker, Henry Mintzberg, Frederick Herzberg, Chester Bernard, Mary Follet, Abraham Maslow.
3. The content should be included:
– Introduction to the leader including their background.
Explain their theory in your words.
– What was the leader known for?
What was their inspiration?
What did they do that was different?
– How did their research/theory effect leadership today?
Can you give examples of their theory in use today?
– Conclusion
– Does this theory make sense in today’s world?
How will you use this leadership style to your benefit?

Business Management: Decision-Making Processes

Decision-making is part of everyday life, some decisions are easier to make than others and it is
the role of managers to give consideration to information that assists the decisions that need to
be made. Understanding how you make decisions will enable you to think about the information
that you will need to support you in making decisions.
Consider a time where you have had to make a decision, or a number of decisions, that have
had a major impact on your life. Drawing upon this, identify, assess and evaluate your personal decision-making style and skills. Your work must include examples and theory to support and
justify your assessment of your personal decision making style and skills. Within it you should:
1. Identify your personal decision making skills and style, supported with relevant academic
theory and reinforced with personal examples of your decision making approach in practice.
2. Acknowledge through the assessment and evaluation you present, which skills and styles
were successful and which hindered your decision making; with justification as to why based
upon and supported by academic theory.
3. Articulate a plan of how you might alter your approach to making decisions in the future,
having identified, and assessed your personal decision- making skills and style with respect to
academic decision-making theory.
Consideration required to undertake the assignment.
You may for example refer to your decision making surrounding deciding to come to study at The
University of X. When you are looking back at this example you will need to evaluate how you
undertook this decision. In the process of doing this you should assess whether you adopted a
good approach to making this decision and whether anything within your personal decision
making style could hinder you in the future when making decisions. Having considered these
challenges, you need to outline what you might do differently and recognise any points that may
erode your decision making process. All aspects of your analysis (the identification of your
decision making style, the evaluation of your decision making style and your plan for altering
your approach to making future major decisions) must be supported throughout with reference to academic theory.
Use theory and examples to demonstrate the points that you are discussing, ensuring you
reference accurately using the Harvard Method.

Contemporary Supply Chain Management

Assessment Information
This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes 1-4:

  1. Apply modern supply chain management principles and practice, including the evolution of modern operations management theory, to real business cases.
  2. Critically analyse the process of supply chain management decision making.
  3. Apply and analyse appropriate management frameworks which can be used for the planning and control of materials and services, from the viewpoints of quality, quantity and cost analysis.
  4. Appreciate and utilise the range of tools and techniques available to aid effective supply chain management decision-making.

This assignment is an individual assignment and requires you to produce a report.
This assignment requires you to analyse two supply chains of your choice. In addressing this report you should consider the supply chain in the following areas:

  • The overall design of the supply chains.
  • How decision are made?
  • Procurement strategy.
  • Production strategy and operations.

Organizational Behavior within the Walt Disney World Company

Students are responsible for submitting an Applied Paper relevant to the student’s workplace,
industry or profession and to an organizational behavior topic discussed in the textbook. The
paper should be a minimum of 15 typed pages, double spaced, 12 pt. font, in APA style with at least five references from scholarly publications. More references could be used and is
recommended to build a strong premise. An Assignment Submittal Cover Sheet is also required.
The paper MUST be based on an organizational behavior topic.
Organizational Behavior (OB) topics (for the term paper) from the Academy of Management (the
premier management organization with over 10,000 members):
Organizational behavior is devoted to understanding individuals and groups within an
organizational context. The field focuses on attributes, processes, behaviors, and outcomes
within and between individual, interpersonal, group, and organizational levels of analysis.
Major topics include (note: your paper must be an OB paper):
individual characteristics such as beliefs, values, personality, and demographic attributes, and
individual processes such as learning, perception, motivation, emotions, and decision making
interpersonal processes such as trust, justice, power/politics, social exchange, and networks
group/team characteristics such as size, diversity, and cohesion, and group/team processes
such as development, leadership, decision making, and cooperation and conflict
organizational processes and practices such as leadership, goal setting, work design, feedback,
rewards, communication, and socialization
contextual influences on individuals and groups such as organizational and national culture, and organizational identity and climate
•and the influence of all of the above on individual, interpersonal, group, and organizational
outcomes such as performance, creativity, attachment, citizenship behaviors, stress,
absenteeism, turnover, deviance, and ethical behavior

14 Principles of Management (Reflection Paper)

Discuss application of 14 principles of management in your current or previous workplace. If you have not been employed, discuss how the 14 principles can be applied in your future organization.

Job Satisfaction Organization Evaluation/SWOT Analysis for Job Satisfaction Plan

Carry out a “Job Satisfaction Organization Evaluation/SWOT Analysis for the Organization’s Job Satisfaction Plan.”
Instructions: Create a power point slide presentation to be added to the first part of the project which was completed in Assignment 1 having these elements.
Part 2 assignment(Job Satisfaction Organization Evaluation ……..
1. An assessment of what the organization is doing to improve job satisfaction (2-3 slides).
2. An evaluation of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats associated with this (these) job satisfaction policy and procedure(s) (2-4 slides).
Part 3 assigment (SWOT analysis for the organization’s job satisfaction………
3. Based on the literature provided in the first part of this presentation, and the SWOT analysis for the organization’s job satisfaction plan presented in the second part of this presentation, provide a recommended plan which the organization could implement to improve job satisfaction.
Provide a rationale with this recommendation, as well as a timeline for implementing the new process (5 -6 slides

Risk Management Plan and Risk Register

This Presentation/PPT is all about the Risk Management Plan and Risk Register that I’ve done earlier this semester. Besides a written down instruction, I also uploaded a video instruction, hoping it may help.
I only pay for seven slides since I will finish Slide 1, Slide 2, and Slide 10 by myself. 【You can find the slide number from the attached instruction】
1. Project Overview – the Risk Management Plan and Risk Register are both about this case.
2. Project Breakdown – this is the project breakdown for this case.
3. The Risk Management Plan
4. The Risk Register
5-6. Instruction
7. Grading Rubric

Talent Identification and Management Paper

Talent Identification and Management Paper, Requirements
In this assignment, you are to assume that you were just promoted to the position of Vice President of HR for a 250 person organization. You will report directly to the CFO, who reports to the President of the company. There is a staff of two generalists already in place that would report to you. In a 6-7 page paper, double-spaced, using APA formatting: Describe the strengths that you think you would bring to the situation. Drawing from the readings, what parts of the job do you see as your greatest challenges, and how would you overcome them?