McDonald’s Operations Strategy

Your task is: 
To write an analytical report to focus on the ‘Operations Strategy’ of McDonald’s in a global business environment and the major operations practice they have adopted.
You are specifically tasked to:
1. Critically reflect on how operations contribute to McDonald’s organisational performance. In your response, consider which processes are in place to assume the company’s competitive advantage.
2. Assess McDonald’s operations strategy (i.e. ‘lean thinking’, ‘quality’, TQM) and implications for setting up processes and/or supply chains?
3. Evaluate the statement “Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable. Be honest and transparent anyway” from the perspective of McDonald’s operations function. Consider in your response, the transparency, traceability and vulnerability of operations.
4. Based on your analysis, list some recommendations to McDonald’s to remain competitive in a turbulent and global business environment. Consider new trends like veganism and more environmentally conscious customer in your response.
Note: Your recommendations should be listed, following your conclusion and clearly relate to your analysis in the main body (to questions 1 – 3).
This report should be underpinned by theoretical principles and concepts that you have learnt on the Operations Management module.
Please ensure that your report includes an Executive Summary and follows the principles of academic writing in an analytical report writing style. You must present your in-text citations and reference list following the APA 6th ferencing system. Ensure your word processing dictionary is set to British English.

Employee Development and Retention (Discussion Board)

Employee Development and Retention. Post an answer the following four questions and cite 2 professional references. What are the advantages of using capable senior employees as mentors or trainees for newer employees? What components should be included in any in-service training program? Can in service training containing education motivate employees? Why should a healthcare organization provide succession planning? What are the advantages and disadvantages of succession planning?

Employee Relations (Discussion Board)

Employee Relations (Discussion Board),
Write a 2 – 3 page paper and answer the question listed below. The paper should have an introduction, conclusion and cite 2 additional professional references outside the text book. Paper should also be in APA formatting. Consider authoritarian, legalistic and humanistic approaches to employee relations and explain your personal approach to employee relations. If you are/were a healthcare manager what could be the advantages and disadvantages of your preferred style.

Team Conflict Management Theories and Practice

Team Conflict Management Theories and Practice 
Cover the following

  • Role of Leaders in Conflict Resolution
  • Development of an Ethical and Diverse Culture
  • Theories of Conflict Management and Practical Approaches (
    1. Cooperative Model
    2. Principled Negotiation
    3. Human Needs Model
    4. Conflict Transformation Theory
    5. Conflict Transmutation Model
  • Leadership Approaches and the Development of Conflict-Competent Teams

How to Manage Time

How to Manage Time
Web Quest
The objective of preparing this Web Quest was to help anyone who is experiencing challenges in time management.
The world is increasingly becoming dynamic. With globalization, there is stiff competition in every sector. Every one of us is expected to deliver the best output (quality, volume, price, and so forth) than any other time in history. This can be delivering the best products to the market, producing, the best reports, high-quality research, delivering world class services, and so forth. However, everybody in the world has only 24 hours to work per day. Consequently, our ability to survive competition largely depends on how best we manage our time. However, although the fact time is one of the greatest resources for humanity, many people find it difficult to manage. But Peter Drucker once said that unless a person learns to manage time, such a person can never manage anything else. But we cannot blame people who waste their time. Maybe they lack access to sources of information about effective time management. In this Web-Quest, I am going to describe how a person can manage time effective for maximum productivity. This Web-Quest, however, is not specific to any particular job or setting. An employee, a researcher, a student, a farmer, a marketer, and any other person can tailor it to suit the activities he/she is engaged in.
Often, we find ourselves in trouble after wasting much of our day being busy but not delivering substantial results. At a glance, here is a list of the things one can do for effective time management.

  • Make a to do list
  • Eliminate any form of distraction
  • Take occasional breaks
  • Divide big tasks into smaller manageable units
  • Discover productive times
  • Enhance efficiency
  • Take limits into account

(a). Make a to do list
A to-do list is a key to efficiency (Mind Tools-a). A to-do list helps in not only focusing on the right area but also enhance productivity (Loder). When you have a prior knowledge of what you are going to do in the following day or week or even the next few hours, chances of wasting your time on unnecessary assignments or activities is minimized. However, the to-do-list need to be thoroughly thought out.
(b). Eliminate any form of distraction
Most of the things that largely contribute to time wastage are distractions which come in the form of work environment, meetings, e-mails, gossips, phone calls, smoking, instant messaging, browsing social media, and personal technology (Mind Tools-b; Poppick). If you discover that there are some distractions, then it is high time you eliminate them. For example, if social media sites are a distraction, then you can mute the apps on your phone. If calls are becoming a problem, then you either switch off the phone or put in silent mode. If it is websites, then you can disconnect the data connection.
(c). Take occasional breaks
Working continuously can make one burn out easily. Taking occasional breaks help you in rejuvenating your energy. Taking breaks at work boost productivity (Bartolotta; Taylor 461-465). However, it is important that you time your breaks to start and end at predictable times.
(d). Divide big tasks into smaller manageable units
Everything that has been successfully delivered such as building a large aircraft to even cooking basic food in your kitchen requires that big activity is broken down into small units which are then performed in a sequence. When the task is big, it helps breaking it into smaller parts (UGA; )For example, writing a big report involve breaking it into parts such as cover page, abstract, executive summary, table of contents, introduction, main body, conclusion, recommendation, references, appendices, and so forth.
(e). Identify productive times
Some people works best in the morning, some midday, others evening, while even some at night. Sometimes it also depends on what one is doing. Some people works best in some activities when there is silence while they can perform other activities well when it is noisy.  According to Vanderkam, it is very important to plan your work such that it falls on the most productive hours of the day. In fact, it is good noting that the 8-hour work day does not necessarily work well for some jobs (Bradberry).
Works Cited
Bartolotta, Kate. “5 Science-Backed Ways Taking a Break Boosts Our Productivity.” Huffington Post, 1 November 2016. Accessed 9 April 2017.
Bradberry, Travis. “Why The 8-Hour Workday Doesn’t Work.”Forbes, 7 June 2016. Accessed 9 April 2017.
Loder, Vanessa. “Five Best To-Do List Tips.” Forbes, 2 June, 2014. Accessed 9 April 2017.
Mind Tools-a. “To-Do Lists.” Accessed 9 April 2017.
Mind Tools-b. “Minimizing Distractions: 10 ways to take control of your day.” Accessed 9 April 2017.
Poppick, Susie. “These are the top workplace productivity killers.” CNBC, 9 June 2016. Accessed 9 April 2017.
Biafore, Bonnie. “Splitting Tasks into Smaller Pieces.” Safari, 2007. Accessed 9 April 2017.
Taylor, Wendell C. “Transforming work breaks to promote health.” American journal of preventive medicine 29.5 (2005): 461-465.
University of Georgia (UGA). “Break large tasks down into smaller, more manageable pieces.”Columns, 24 March 2014. Accessed 9 April 2017.
Vanderrkam, Laura. “How to Figure out Your Most Productive Time of Day.” Fast Company, 12 August 2014. Accessed 9 April 2017.

Management in a Multicultural Globalized World

Management in a Multicultural Globalized World  (4,500 words)

  1. Introduction
  2. Globalization and Culture
  3. Current Management Challenges
  4. Solution to Face-to-face Management
  5. Virtual Management Defined
  6. Leveraging Technology in Management
  7. MNEs and Virtual Teams
  8. Virtual Management Systems for Recruitment
  9. Virtual Management Systems and Innovation
  10. Challenges of Virtual Management Systems
  11. Solution to Challenges in Virtual Management Systems
  12. Opportunities to Motivate Virtual Teams
  13. Monitoring Progress in Virtual Teams
  14. Virtual Teams vs Fce-to-face Team
  15. Recommendation

Employee Behavior and Job Satisfaction

Assignment: Employee Behavior and Job Satisfaction
Good employee engagement is key to an efficient and effective organization. Understanding job
attitudes and job satisfaction is imperative to creating an organization that is productive.
The following Course Outcome is assessed in this Assignment:
Describe the impact of individual behavior on business outcomes.
Read the fictional scenario and respond to the checklist items in a 2–3 page paper with an
additional title and references page.
Scenario (fictional): The following four employees have different attitudes towards their jobs
and different levels of job satisfaction which impacts their behavior on the job at this beverage
company. You are the HR Director who is becoming concerned regarding the behavior of some
employees at work. Read the following background information on each of the four employees
and address all the checklist items.
Employee #1: Marketing product manager: She experiences cognitive dissonance every time her
boss tells her she should not worry about the lower end of the market as “those people don’t have
much buying power” when the company’s values statement says that the company values the
welfare of everyone everywhere. She is frequently late to work and her boss has given her a
warning as result.
Employee #2: Chemist: He is in a highly visible job creating new products that creates a lot of
stress and works 12-hour days. He is loyal but feels depressed by the constant work. He is
starting to look at job openings online in his off-hours.
Employee #3: Loading dock manager: This representative works the 12am –7am shift. She does
what is required but complains in the employee breakroom about the offices and work conditions
when she is on break. The other employees tend to agree with her when she complains. Lately
the Distribution Supervisor has noted employees’ reduced effort on the shift.
Employee #4: Quality control administrator: He is the sole Asian in the organization and feels
isolated as though he is just a placeholder versus really making a recognized difference in the
organization. The company promotes itself as a diverse organization, which he knows is not true.
He feels as if everyone expects him to fail since not many people engage with him, including his
boss, on any regular basis.
The four employees have different attitudes and levels of job satisfaction.
• Describe the attitudes and job satisfaction of each of the four employees.
• Categorize and explain the responses the employees have to dissatisfaction based on the
• Explain how the above attitudes and job satisfaction for each employee impacts the
organization in terms of profit, employee turnover, and affecting other employee
• Include at least 2 scholarly* citations with accompanying references regarding attitudes
and job satisfaction and the impact on the organization that support your responses to the
checklist item above.
• Explain what each of the managers of the four employees can do to change the
employees’ attitudes for the better (referencing at least one of Mintzberg’s managerial
roles to explain your response).
Submit your 5–7 page APA formatted and citation styled paper with additional title and
reference pages to the Dropbox.
*Scholarly sources have been put through a peer-review by experts to ascertain that the content
is original, proves any statements or claims with viable research, etc.
Select “Library” under the Academic Tools area. Then select “Limit to: Peer Reviewed” before
doing your search on a topic.

Succession Planning Process

Describe a hypothetical succession planning for an employee in an organization of your choice. The organization should have information about the positions online and the details of the employee you want to plan for succession. CEOs, Presidents, CFOs,  and MDs often have their details displayed in many companies. (4-5 pages, APA format)

Labor Relations and Ethical Management

Labor Relations and Ethical Management, Instructions  
Read the case and analyze the ethical issues in the company. Discuss the ethics and every employee involved. (5-7 pages)

Managerial Economics and Strategic Analysis (Case study of Starbucks)

Managerial Economics and Strategic Analysis (Case study of Starbucks),  Requirements:
Address the following in your case study (2,200 words, APA style)

  • Organizational success and strategies
  • Efective leadership
  • Organization structure
  • Ethical organization
  • Types of risks and risk management
  • Strategic control
  • Organizational structure
  • motivational strategies