Psychology of Well-Being and Happiness

Address the  following in your paper

  • Traditional vs modern view of psychology
  • Positive psychology (introduction)
  • Field of positive psychology
  • Definition of happiness and well-being
  • Subjective well-being (SWB)
  • Eudaimonic approach to happiness
  • Authentic Happiness Theory, by Seligman
  • Character strengths and values
  • Applications of Positive Psychology

History and Influence of Positive Psychology

This assignment gives you the opportunity to explore a new school of thought in the psychology
Congratulations! Imagine you have landed a researcher’s job. Your first project is to contribute to
a reference manual for health care providers published by your organization. This manual will be
used as an internal “encyclopedia” that providers can use to find detailed information on mental health services available to affiliated clinics.
Assignment Preparation
You have been asked to trace the history and influence of a new school of thought: positive
Assignment Instructions
In your paper include the following:
Discuss the founding figures, events, and ideas of this school of thought.
Analyze the historical influences that led to the development of this school of thought.
Analyze the societal influences that led to the development of this school of thought.
Analyze how this school of thought guides social thinking. Provide examples.
Submission Requirements
You do not need an index or abstract for this paper. Use the APA Style Paper Template [DOC].
Length: 2–3 typed, double-spaced pages.
Written communication: Must be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
Resources and citations: A minimum of one scholarly source is required. A maximum of one
nonscholarly but credible source may be used. Format according to current APA guidelines.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Down Syndrome

Down Syndrome 

  • Symptoms of Down syndrome
  • Screening of Down Syndrome During Pregnancy

History and Treatment Plan of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – Case Study

History and Treatment Plan of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – Case Study 
Read the case and recommend the treatment procedure apropriate for Jared (1,500 words).

Community Psychology (Article Summary)

Article summary of the following:
Oppezzo, M., & Schwartz, D. L. (2014). Give your ideas some legs: The positive effect of walking on creative thinking. Journal of experimental psychology: learning, memory, and cognition, 40(4), 1142.
Zaff, J. F., Donlan, A. E., Jones, E. P., & Lin, E. S. (2015). Supportive developmental systems for children and youth: A theoretical framework for comprehensive community initiatives. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 40, 1-7.

Concepts in Community Psychology

What is the Future of Community Psychology? (550 words).

Mental Health Systems

Mental Health Systems (Summary)
Graham, C., Rollings, C., de Leeuw, S., Anderson, L., Griffiths, B., & Long, N. (2014). A qualitative study exploring facilitators for improved health behaviors and health behavior programs: mental health service users’ perspectives. The Scientific World Journal, 2014. Retrieved from
Kessler, R., Miller, B. F., Kelly, M., Graham, D., Kennedy, A., Littenberg, B., & Morton, S. (2014). Mental health, substance abuse, and health behavior services in patient-centered medical homes. The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 27(5), 637-644.
200-250 words per article.

Primary and Secondary Prevention (Article Summary)

Summarize these articles. (200-250 words per article).
Brun, J-P., & Martel, J. (2005). Three Levels of Action to prevent work-related mental health problems. Université Laval, Québec: Chair in Occupational Health and Safety Management.
Luijten, N. (2010). When do the advantages of preventive healthcare overcome the disadvantages? Retrieved from

Professional Blueprint – Community Psychology (CP)

The final project for this course is the creation of a professional blueprint for your work in the field of community psychology (CP). The blueprint is a professional statement that provides a foundation and framework for professional growth in a body of knowledge and practice that is evolving and changing. The blueprint combines knowledge—what you will learn about CP—with your professional goals, insights, beliefs, and practices. This framework will help guide your work in fostering strong communities.
The project is divided into two milestones that scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Three and Five. The final submission is in Module Seven.
This project will assess your mastery with respect to the following course outcomes:
•Evaluate the central concepts of community psychology to determine the relevant and applied nature of the concepts to professional practice
•Illustrate the connections between social issues and community support systems with the creation of policies and interventions for individual andcommunity development
•Engage in research to promote theories for social change that are applicable and beneficial to the community
•Apply the concepts of community psychology to real-world scenarios based on an analysis of community issues
The professional blueprint is a structured paper that includes a number of specific elements that link your expanding knowledge of CP with your professional goals and interests. The blueprint should synthesize the lectures, assigned resources, annotated bibliography articles, and additional resources into a framework for your professional growth in the field.
Note: You will be creating an annotated bibliography throughout the course modules. The work you do in each of the modules should directly relate to this project. You should use the resources that you collect in your annotated bibliography to inform your project.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
1.GoalsWrite a brief, one-page statement explaining your professional goals and career interests, particularly as they relate to CP.
Write a two-page response to the following questions:
a.What is CP?
b.How did it start?
c.Are the conditions that gave rise to it still present?
3.ApplicationWrite a two-page response to the following questions:
a.What conditions or issues in CP are most pertinent to your professional goals and career interests?
b.How will CP add to your understanding of how to respond to these conditions or issues?
4.The Future of CPWrite a two-page response that explains your vision for the future of CP. Include specific examples to illustrate key points.
5.Key ConceptsWrite a two-page response that identifies and analyzes at least five key concepts in CP. Reference course resources, articles, and professional experienceas appropriate.
6.Stakeholder PerceptionsWrite a two-page response to the following questions:
a.Are the concepts identified readily agreed upon or contentious?
b.How are the concepts understood by different stakeholder groups (police, educators, business owners, taxpayers, and so on) in the community?Provide specific examples to support your position.
7.Systems View
Write a two-page response to the following questions:
a.As a systems thinker, how do various agencies and their goals interact in the community? Pick two agencies and demonstrate how their goals,missions, and outcomes support the community.
b.Does your community have any interagency associations that coordinate planning and social change efforts? For example, does the communityhave a human service association such as United Way? (These efforts may deal with prevention, crisis response, building community resilience,and so on.)
8.Your Role in the System
Write a two-page response to the following questions:
a.In your current role, what system are you part of?
b.What specific ideas and issues drive that system? (Example: the benefits of elder day-care services or of youth diversion courts.)
c.As part of the system, how do these issues impact you?
Note: If you are not currently working in this field, answer based on your intended position in the future.
9.Topic of Interest
Write a two-page response to a question of your choice that highlights your professional and career interests—a particular idea, concept, or theory thatyou would like to study further.

People Affected by Alcohol and Substance Abuse

People affected by alcohol and substance abuse
• A description of the vulnerable population (and why they need assistance in your community.
• A description of the health service needs of the vulnerable population you have chosen to serve
with your program.
• In order to support the need for the service you propose, cite statistical data obtained from your
county health department, state health department, and organizations or agencies who serve the
vulnerable population.
• A description of your proposed community service or program; include the specific service(s)
provided and one continuum of care level (prevention, treatment, or long-term care). Explain how
the selected service(s) and the continuum of care will impact the chosen population.
• Discuss the social and cultural norms of your vulnerable population and how these play a role
in the need for the services offered by your program. Describe how the vulnerable population
experiences the health care system. Analyze methods your program can use to overcome social
and cultural differences.
• Identify two or more community organizations or agencies with which you can partner in order
to implement your program. Explain how these organizations can help you implement the
services you offer and the continuum of care offered by the potential partnering agencies.
Explain which services these organizations will provide to your clientele that are not covered by
your program.
• Analyze at least four potential funding sources for your program, one of which must be from a
state funded agency, one of which must be from a federally funded agency and the remaining
two can be not-for-profit or for-profit business sources. Explain what factors must be met in order
to receive funding from your sources.
Be detailed and convincing in describing the above elements. An APA formatted Final Paper
The Final Paper:
• Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length
• Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
• Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
• Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
• Must document all sources in APA style,
• Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style