Mental Health Professional (Use of Statistical Analyses in the Real World)

Statistical Analysis in Psychology 
As a mental health professional in the new era, consider how the appropriate application of
statistical analysis can be used to understand real-world issues and issues in behavioral science,
and to make informed decision making. As a mental health professional, you are expected to
remain current on field research and to apply the new knowledge within your work.
For this assignment, complete the following:
Select an area of interest within statistical or research psychology.
Use the library to locate one peer-reviewed journal article in your area of interest that uses the
interpretation of statistical analysis to study an issue that is important in individual, organizational, or social contexts. Select an article that uses quantitative (not qualitative)
analyses to address an important individual, organizational, or social issue.
Write a 2–3-page paper in which you will provide a critical analysis of the article. The criteria that
will be used to assess your paper are listed below. Follow the directions listed below each
Criterion 1: Explain an issue explored through quantitative research in a peer-reviewed journal
In your words, explain the issue that the study was undertaken to address and why it is important
in individual, organizational, or social contexts.
Criterion 2: Evaluate research that proposes solutions based on interpretation of statistical
Explain and evaluate the research methodology, including the following:
Relevance and clarity of the research questions and hypotheses.
Methods of sampling and gathering data.
Methods of statistical analyses.
Evaluate areas of strength and areas of weakness in the study design and research process.
Criterion 3: Assess conclusions based on interpretation and selection of supporting statistical
Explain and evaluate how the statistical analyses support the conclusions, or if the support is not
Was the null hypothesis rejected or did the author (or authors) fail to reject the null hypothesis?
Optional: Propose alternative experimental methods or hypotheses that could be used to investigate the study’s issue.
Criterion 4: Write clearly and concisely, with correct spelling, grammar, and logical organization,
and with respect for readers.
Try to write in the clearest, most concise, and direct way.
Check spelling, grammar, punctuation, and organization.
Explain the meaning of statistical terms in plain language.
Communicate in a manner that respects the dignity, cultural and ethnic backgrounds, and
individual uniqueness of a diverse audience.
Criterion 5: Apply APA guidelines.
You may wish to use the APA Paper Template (given in the Resources) to increase your
understanding of APA style and format, a key component of academic writing.

Applied Psychology Topics Assignments

Signature Assignment Instruction 
Read the Instructions Carefully
In this course, we reviewed the Foundation of Applied Psychology,
which included looking at Clinical and Counseling Psychology,
Educational Psychology, Forensic Psychology, Health Psychology,
Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Social Psychology, and Career
Choices in Psychology.
In your Signature Assignment, you will select one of the following
applied psychology topics and write an 6-8 page research paper that
includes at least 6-8 resources from the Touro Library. You may select
one of these topics to research or suggest another topic of your
choice as long as it relates to applied psychology.

  • Intelligence Testing
  • Group Testing
  • Drug Rehabilitation
  • Work Effectiveness
  • Worker Motivation
  • Emotion Training
  • Vocational Testing
  • Morale Boosting
  • Performance Under Stress
  • Psychological Warfare
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Forgiveness
  • Conflict Resolution
    Your Signature assignment must discuss the following topics:
    (1) Why is your topic of interest related to the field of applied
    (2) Identify at least 2 psychology theories that helps explain your
    research topic
    (3) How is your topic being measured or evaluated in the field of
    1 / 2
    (4) What does the current research results suggest with respect to
    your topic?, and (5) Share your specific personal experiences or case
    examples of your topic in everyday life.
    Writing Guidelines for Signature Assignment:
    You must use proper psychology terminology in this essay. Do not
    exceed 8 pages in this assignment, excluding title and references
    The Signature Assignment must be written in APA style format (ex.
    double-spaced with 1-inch margins and typed in 12-point Times New
    Essays should be proofread for spelling and grammar mistakes.
    Writing Resources (Use as Needed):
    APA Style. Retrieved from
    APA Style Guides, Retrieved from
    If you do not turn in your Signature Assignment before the deadline,
    points may be deducted from your score for tardiness. If you
    anticipate a problem turning in your assignment on time, please
    contact your instructor immediately to avoid a failing grade for nonsubmission.

Signature Assignment about ADHD

ADHD (Signature Assignment about ADHD) 
This assignment is very step by step, it literally tells you section by section to answer and format the case study.
For your signature assignment, you are to write hypothetical case study of one person with a disability or disorder, from birth through end-of-life. The purpose of this assignment is to show your understanding of the lifespan developmental issues of someone with a disorder. Choose a different disorder than the one you covered for your case assignment. You may choose to study an individual with a disorder that develops in childhood (e.g. autism), or an individual that develops a disorder later in life. Use readings from modules 1-8 and your own research to back up your case study with facts and theoretical perspectives. Make sure to cite all of your sources.
Because everyone has individual differences, you do not need to outline every possible developmental trajectory of the disorder. This is the point of doing a case study – you need only envision the individual development of one person. It is possible that the individual you are studying does not show developmental problems in some stages. If this is the case, outline your case’s normal development for the age range. The following is a sample outline for the paper- in the files attached.
You should use a minimum of 5-8 academic sources in your Signature Assignment.
Pronoun Use: when writing academic papers, do not use “I,” “you,” “we,” or other personal pronouns. When doing academic writing, we do not want your opinion – we want to know what the experts say about the topic you are researching. Do not use contractions such as “don’t” or “isn’t” – all contractions should be written out, like “do not” or “is not.”
“Use readings from modules 1-8 and your own research to back up your case study with facts and theoretical perspectives. Make sure to cite all of your sources.”
I will forward you some articles to use- and of course your own you must use too.

Signature Assignment about ADHD

ADHD (Signature Assignment about ADHD) 
This assignment is very step by step, it literally tells you section by section to answer and format the case study.
For your signature assignment, you are to write hypothetical case study of one person with a disability or disorder, from birth through end-of-life. The purpose of this assignment is to show your understanding of the lifespan developmental issues of someone with a disorder. Choose a different disorder than the one you covered for your case assignment. You may choose to study an individual with a disorder that develops in childhood (e.g. autism), or an individual that develops a disorder later in life. Use readings from modules 1-8 and your own research to back up your case study with facts and theoretical perspectives. Make sure to cite all of your sources.
Because everyone has individual differences, you do not need to outline every possible developmental trajectory of the disorder. This is the point of doing a case study – you need only envision the individual development of one person. It is possible that the individual you are studying does not show developmental problems in some stages. If this is the case, outline your case’s normal development for the age range. The following is a sample outline for the paper- in the files attached.
You should use a minimum of 5-8 academic sources in your Signature Assignment.
Pronoun Use: when writing academic papers, do not use “I,” “you,” “we,” or other personal pronouns. When doing academic writing, we do not want your opinion – we want to know what the experts say about the topic you are researching. Do not use contractions such as “don’t” or “isn’t” – all contractions should be written out, like “do not” or “is not.”
“Use readings from modules 1-8 and your own research to back up your case study with facts and theoretical perspectives. Make sure to cite all of your sources.”
I will forward you some articles to use- and of course your own you must use too.

Historical perspectives on mental illness

Journal Questions

Address the following question areas in your reflective journal:
Historical perspectives on mental illness (500 words)

  1. How have understandings of mental illness shifted over the course of the 20th century?
  2. What are some of the implications of this history for people with mental health problems today?
  3. What are the implications of this history for contemporary social workers?

Lived experiences of mental health problems

Journal Questions
Address the following question areas in your reflective journal
Lived experiences of mental health problems (800 words) 

  1. Choose one mental health problem (e.g. schizophrenia, anxiety, depression or bipolar disorder) and outline the prevalence, main symptoms, risk factors and therapeutic interventions commonly used. (500 words)
  2. Drawing on the sessions given by the people who talked to the class about their experiences of mental illness, and the experiences described in the SANE and Off the Rails DVDs shown in, discuss the following: individual reactions to the onset of mental illness; self-management strategies; and potential sources of support. (300 words)

Legal aspects of mental health

Journal Questions
Address the following question areas in your reflective journal:
Legal aspects of mental health (300 words) 
Summarize the different levels of community treatment and detention and treatment orders in terms of who can make them, length of duration and whether consent is required for psychiatric treatment.
You can reference the lecture notes for this question, but not for any other questions in this assignment.

Harry Potter on the perspective of Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud


Analyzing Harry Potter from a psychological perspective. Carl Jung developed the idea of
archetypes, and you could apply those to the characters. Joseph Campbell developed the Hero’s journey idea using these archetypes. You can tie into Sigmund Freud and apply some of his theories to the characters. You can also tie into more modern psychology and how adolescents often have some mental health conditions come out, and how a support system can help them.
You will write a literary analysis paper in which you create an argument about a literary work or
works, or an author or authors contributions and influences. You can explore some or all of the
following in depth: an author’s life, works, themes, symbols, characters, etc. You may also
compare/contrast two works, or two different forms of one work (book vs. movie version). Many
people argue that a certain author or genre should be taught in K-12. The most important thing to
remember is that you will be making an argument. This is not a report.
As quoted from Purdue: “Literature is an art form, and as such it is meant to move, inspire or
even outrage its readers. If you have a lot of options, choose something that appeals to you,
even if you cannot justify your choice.”
Your research paper will allow you to delve into a topic related to literature in a more
comprehensive manner than your previous essays. You will conduct research to help you
present your information and argument.
1. Your paper will need to be 8-10 double-spaced pages, in 12 point font. It should reach the bottom of the 8th page, not counting the header or title or Works Cited page.
2. Your paper will need to include the basic elements of an essay (introduction, body paragraphs,
and a conclusion).
3. You will need to use at least five sources from the Library. You can use additional sources, but
should mostly rely on the library articles.
*Even if you do not quote a source in your paper, you should still include it in your “Works Cited
and Consulted” page.
4. You will need to develop and present a thesis/ argument.
5. You will be expected to show depth of thought, complete analysis of your sources, and correct
grammar and structure.
Examples of past ideas:
An argument that an author’s works helped influence a future genre (such as Poe influencing
Stephen King, gothic inspiring horror, etc.)
An argument that an author’s works created social change (such as Perkin’s Gilman exposing
the poor medical approaches to Post-Partum Depression, or the writers of the Harlem
Renaissance influencing the Civil Rights Movement).
An argument about how the landscapes and environments within an author’s works shapes their
writing (such as Mark Twain in Mississippi and Virginia City, or Kit Carson).
An examination of films that have been adapted from books, and how the medium and context
change or maintain the crucial elements of the book (such as the movie adaptation of the graphic
novel V for Vendetta)

Abnormal Psychology (Discussion)

Introduction to Abnormal Behavior
Psychologists agree that mental disorders are serious debilitating illnesses that affect the brain
and one’s ability to function daily. However, defining the term mental illness has its challenges.
The psychology field has multiple definitions of the term mental illness, but psychologists tend to
agree that mental illness affects a person’s thinking (cognition), behavior and emotional state.
According to the Diagnostic Statistical Manual-5 (DSM-5; 2013), mental illness is defined by the
four criteria.
According to Durand and Barlow (2019), psychological disorder is a dysfunction associated with
distress or impairment in functioning that is not atypical or a culturally expected response.
However, defining and differentiating abnormal behavior from that of normal behavior can
present some difficulties. For instance, consider that depending upon a society’s mores and
norms, what is considered normal in one society may not be considered normal in another.
Another example is trying to determine a person’s level of dysfunction; it can include not
functioning normally in one or more areas such as cognition, emotion, and behavior. The
individual who cries a lot or the teenager that binge eats may be showing emotional dysfunction.
The individual must be showing personal distress for the behavior to be considered abnormal as
well; yet, how should a person’s level of distress be identified?
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders
(5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.
Durand, M. V., & Barlow, D. H. (2019). Essentials of abnormal psychology. (8th ed.). Mason, OH:
Thomson Wadsworth.
To prepare for this week’s Discussion Board, review the following video in addition to this week’s
assigned Reading:

Article Review (Psychology Paper)

Using the university online library, locate two articles, (articles are attached for writer) one discussing
structuralism and one discussing functionalism. Compare and contrast what you learned from the
textbook or study guide (guide is attached) with the information you found in your chosen
articles. For example, does finding an analysis from a functional perspective make the concept
clearer to you? Does reading more about Titchener’s background convince you that structuralism
is a more solid methodology?
Be sure to include a summary of the major tenets of both schools of thought in your discussion.
Your essay should be a minimum of two pages in length; in addition to the two pages of content,
include a title page and a reference page. You are required to use your textbook and at least two
other sources.
Please consider the following as you compose your article critique:
The article should be clearly related to the course topics.
You should identify the significant points of the article, and explain how the article relates to the
course concepts.
You should present a thorough analysis and strong argument to support your interpretation of the
course concepts.
The organization of the paper should clearly present logically arranged points.
Your writing should be clear and concise with no spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors.
The number of sources should meet or exceed any expressed assignment requirements, and the
sources should be peer-reviewed or academic in nature.
APA formatting guidelines should be used for reference entries and in-text citations.