Research Paper On New Technology And Healthcare

Topic: Research paper on New technology and healthcare
I need a research paper on the above topic with APA format, Intext citations and references. The paper should have a minimum of 20 pages. Use more than 25 Scholarly articles.
Abstract – written at the end (sometimes optional)
Introduction – announce your topic, why it is important, what you intend to do: the aim of the research.
Literature Review – Review and present other scholarly work that has been done on the topic or related topic.
Method – How you went about conducting the research
The result – What you discovered
Discussion / Conclusion – Relating the result to other studies, applying your theory, proffering your opinion, future research.

Research Paper On New Technology And Healthcare

Topic: Research paper on New technology and healthcare
I need a research paper on the above topic with APA format, Intext citations and references. The paper should have a minimum of 20 pages. Use more than 25 Scholarly articles.
Abstract – written at the end (sometimes optional)
Introduction – announce your topic, why it is important, what you intend to do: the aim of the research.
Literature Review – Review and present other scholarly work that has been done on the topic or related topic.
Method – How you went about conducting the research
The result – What you discovered
Discussion / Conclusion – Relating the result to other studies, applying your theory, proffering your opinion, future research.

Elliptic Curve Research Papers

The abstract should be one paragraph of between 150 and  250 words. It is not indented. Section titles, such as the word Abstract  above, are not considered headings so they don’t use bold heading format.  Instead, use the Section Title style. This style automatically starts your  section on a new page, so you don’t have to add page breaks. (To see your  document with pagination, on the View tab, click Reading View.) Note that all  text styles for this template are available on the Home tab of the ribbon, in  the Styles gallery.
Keywords: Add  keywords here. To replace this (or any) tip text with your own, just select it  and then start typing. Don’t include space to  the right or left of the characters in your selection.
Add Title Here, up to 12 Words, on  One to Two Lines
The  body of your paper uses a half-inch first line indent and is double-spaced.  APA style provides for up to five heading levels, shown in the paragraphs that  follow. Note that the word Introduction should not be used as  an initial heading, as it’s assumed that your paper begins with an  introduction.

Literature Review

The first two heading levels  get their own paragraph, as shown here. Headings 3, 4, and 5 are run-in  headings used at the beginning of the paragraph.

Heading 21

For APA formatting requirements,  it’s easy to just type your own footnote references and notes. To format a  footnote reference, select the number and then, on the Home tab, in the Styles  gallery, click Footnote Reference.

Heading  3.

Include a period at the end of a  run-in heading. Note that you can include consecutive paragraphs with their  own headings, where appropriate.

Heading 4.

When using headings, don’t skip  levels. If you need a heading 3, 4, or 5 with no text following it before the  next heading, just add a period at the end of the heading and then start a new  paragraph for the subheading and its text. (Last Name, Year)

Heading 5.

Like all sections of your  paper, references start on their own page, as you see on the page that  follows. Just type in-text citations as you do any text of your paper, as  shown at the end of this paragraph and the preceding paragraph. (Last Name, Year)


The first two heading levels  get their own paragraph, as shown here. Headings 3, 4, and 5 are run-in  headings used at the beginning of the paragraph.

Heading 21

For APA formatting  requirements, it’s easy to just type your own footnote references and notes.  To format a footnote reference, select the number and then, on the Home tab,  in the Styles gallery, click Footnote Reference.

Heading  3.

Include a period at the end of a  run-in heading. Note that you can include consecutive paragraphs with their  own headings, where appropriate.

Heading 4.

When using headings, don’t skip  levels. If you need a heading 3, 4, or 5 with no text following it before the  next heading, just add a period at the end of the heading and then start a new  paragraph for the subheading and its text. (Last Name, Year)

Heading 5.

Like all sections of your paper,  references start on their own page, as you see on the page that follows. Just  type in-text citations as you do any text of your paper, as shown at the end  of this paragraph and the preceding paragraph. (Last Name, Year)

Conclusion and Future Study

The first two heading levels  get their own paragraph, as shown here. Headings 3, 4, and 5 are run-in  headings used at the beginning of the paragraph.

Heading 21

For APA formatting  requirements, it’s easy to just type your own footnote references and notes.  To format a footnote reference, select the number and then, on the Home tab,  in the Styles gallery, click Footnote Reference.

Heading  3.

Include a period at the end of  a run-in heading. Note that you can include consecutive paragraphs with their  own headings, where appropriate.

Heading 4.

When using headings, don’t skip  levels. If you need a heading 3, 4, or 5 with no text following it before the  next heading, just add a period at the end of the heading and then start a new  paragraph for the subheading and its text. (Last Name, Year)

Heading 5.

Like all sections of your paper,  references start on their own page, as you see on the page that follows. Just  type in-text citations as you do any text of your paper, as shown at the end  of this paragraph and the preceding paragraph. (Last Name, Year)
Last Name, F. M.    (Year). Article Title. Journal Title, Pages From – To.
Last Name, F. M.    (Year). Book Title. City Name: Publisher Name
1 Add footnotes, if  any, on their own page following references. The body of a footnote, such as  this example, uses the Normal text style. (Note: If you delete this sample footnote,  don’t forget to delete its in-text reference as well. That’s at the end of the  sample Heading 2 paragraph on the first page of body content in this  template.)

Business research

Pick one of the following terms for your research: analyzability, core technology, interdependence, joint optimization, lean manufacturing, noncore technology, service technology, small-batch production, smart factories, or technical complexity

Illegal Immigrants and Contribution to Crime Rates in US

Research question: Do Illegal Immigrants Contribute to US Crime Rates more than Citizens?
Research Paper- There is a research paper (8-page, 12-point font, double spaced) required for this course. For this paper students will select one current political issue related to one of the sub-fields of Political Science (political theory, comparative politics, international relations, public policy/administration, or American government) and conduct research on that issue that apples the knowledge you gained to critically analyze a political topic. In your paper you need to show evidence of critical thinking, in other words, the comprehensive exploration of issues, ideas, and events before accepting or formulating an opinion or conclusion. The paper will present: a) what the political issue is, including what events have taken place pertaining to the issue and how major political forces relate to the issue, b), what does scholarly research reveal about the topic, c) implications and consequences: what the likely outcome for the issue is given the balance of politics and resources.

Critique of Quantitative Research Article

Critique of Quantitative Research Article
Assignment Objectives:  At the completion of this assignment the student will be able to:

  1. Synthesize information from nursing research to critique a quantitative research article.  The knowledge gained from this assignment will provide the students with a foundation to differentiate different components of research as well as research that can be utilized in evidence-based practice
  2. Evaluate the credibility of sources of information, including but not limited to databases and Internet resources. (AACN III:4)
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of the basic elements of the research process and models for applying evidence to clinical practice.  (AACN III:2)

The students will select a quantitative research study from a peer reviewed nursing journal.  All research articles used must be pre-approved by the faculty member 4 weeks prior to the assignment
The following questions should be answered in the critique of the article.  A yes or no answer will not be accepted.  All questions should be explained.
Grade Sheet for Critique of Quantitative Research Article (Assignment 2)

Critical Element Points Points Earned Comments
Introduction– What is the research problem and is it clearly stated in the paper?
– How important is the problem to nursing?
– What is the justification for this study?
– Are there hypotheses, questions, or objectives stated?
– What theoretical or conceptual framework was used for the study? Was it clearly identified or only implied?
– How is the framework linked to the research purpose?
– How current is the research literature reviewed (consider the publication date of the paper)?
– Is the literature review organized logically?
– Does the literature review adequately support the need for the study?
Methods-What is the study design?
-Does the design fit the purpose of the study? (Explain your answer.)
-How is the design linked to the sampling method and statistical analysis?
-Describe the sample as stated in the article.  Is it adequately and clearly described in the article?
-Is the sampling procedure discussed in detail?
-What do the authors provide as justification for the size of the sample?
-Describe the study protocol (treatment and/or procedures): is it clear and concise?
-What instruments are described in the article?
-Does each instrument measure the concept it is intended to measure? (Is the concept definition consistent with the
Operational definition?)
Methods (Cont’d)
-Does the author(s) present information on reliability and validity of the instruments?
-How does the author address threats to internal and external validity that are inherent in the study design?
-What evidence is provided regarding human subject’s review and approval discussed?
-Are there indications of any ethical concerns?
-Is the study described with enough detail for replication?
Results-How are characteristics of the sample described?
-Are the research questions/hypotheses answered separately?
-What types of data were collected?
-What data analysis procedures are used to answer the research questions? (Explain your answer.)
-Are tables, charts, and/or graphs used to present the data?
-Does the text supplement or repeat the data in the tables?
-Briefly summarize the findings and analyze the results.
Discussion/Implications for practice-Does the author relate the findings to the study’s purpose (or research objectives/hypotheses/questions)?
-How do the findings of the study compare with findings from previous studies?
-Does the author discuss the findings that conflict with previous work?
-What limitations of the study are discussed in terms of practice and future research?
-What new research emerged from this study?
-What is the potential for use in nursing practice?
Overall Presentation and final summaryDoes the title accurately describe the type of study, major variables, and target population?
Does the abstract accurately represent the study?
Is the report logically consistent?
Is the writing style clear and concise?
 Total  100  

**This assignment is a component of this program’s “Outcome Assessment Plan” which evaluates the student’s critical thinking. Students who receive less than 77% will be required to modify their paper or re-present their oral presentation until a passing grade has been reached.  The student’s original grade will be the only grade counted towards the final grade

Medical Research Topic Proposal

Medical Reserach Topic Proposal
It is an assignment for statistic module but the field of study is medicine. the assignemtet is about
finding an issue relevant to medicine or diseases that people face and how could we overcome
it. in the assignment there should be some statical graphs explaining the issue.
. Title (20 words maximum)
Give a succinct title to describe your proposed work. It can be a statement or in the form of a
2. Introduction and relevance (250 words maximum)
Explain why the subject you are proposing is relevant to the degree programme you are
studying. Why is it an interesting and relevant topic? Is it a current/topical issue? Is there a need
to explore the topic further? Do you have any personal interest/motivation?
3. Key research (500 words maximum)
What is known already about the subject that you are proposing? What are the key studies that
have been done in the area? Show that you are up-to-date with the latest knowledge in the area.
This can include research in closely allied areas to your own topic if the research in your own
topic is sparse. If there is a lot of existing research in the area then you will need to be highly
selective in what you choose to discuss. You should try to evaluate the work you are reviewing,
not just list what has been done.
4. Justification of proposal (300 words maximum)
Based on the key research presented in part (3) what aspect of knowledge/research do you feel
is lacking? Are there questions that remain unanswered? Have you identified a gap in
knowledge? Are there situations that you think the existing knowledge could be tested in a better
or different way? Justify the need to undertake more research in the chosen area.
5. Aims (50 words maximum)
Having identified a gap in knowledge, as discussed in part (4), what specific aims do you have?
Please summarise in around 3 bullet points.
6. Your proposed plan of action (300 words maximum)
How will you achieve the aims set out in part (5)? Outline the methods that you will use. What
information will you collect? How will your investigation take place? Provide details of
sampling/collection/analysis of data. Will your work be literature based only? Do you intend to do
laboratory experiments? Will you undertake a survey/field work? Will you use
questionnaires/interviews? In writing your plan consider its achievability as a potential  7. Ethical issues (50 words maximum)
Do you foresee any ethical issues arising from your research proposal? If not, say why not. If so,
what are they and how might you address them?
8. References (as guidance, at least 15 references would be expected to be cited, with is no
upper limit)
Provide a full list of works that you have cited according to university citation regulations. Most of
these, although not exclusively, will be from part (3).

Medical Research Topic Proposal

Medical Reserach Topic Proposal
It is an assignment for statistic module but the field of study is medicine. the assignemtet is about
finding an issue relevant to medicine or diseases that people face and how could we overcome
it. in the assignment there should be some statical graphs explaining the issue.
. Title (20 words maximum)
Give a succinct title to describe your proposed work. It can be a statement or in the form of a
2. Introduction and relevance (250 words maximum)
Explain why the subject you are proposing is relevant to the degree programme you are
studying. Why is it an interesting and relevant topic? Is it a current/topical issue? Is there a need
to explore the topic further? Do you have any personal interest/motivation?
3. Key research (500 words maximum)
What is known already about the subject that you are proposing? What are the key studies that
have been done in the area? Show that you are up-to-date with the latest knowledge in the area.
This can include research in closely allied areas to your own topic if the research in your own
topic is sparse. If there is a lot of existing research in the area then you will need to be highly
selective in what you choose to discuss. You should try to evaluate the work you are reviewing,
not just list what has been done.
4. Justification of proposal (300 words maximum)
Based on the key research presented in part (3) what aspect of knowledge/research do you feel
is lacking? Are there questions that remain unanswered? Have you identified a gap in
knowledge? Are there situations that you think the existing knowledge could be tested in a better
or different way? Justify the need to undertake more research in the chosen area.
5. Aims (50 words maximum)
Having identified a gap in knowledge, as discussed in part (4), what specific aims do you have?
Please summarise in around 3 bullet points.
6. Your proposed plan of action (300 words maximum)
How will you achieve the aims set out in part (5)? Outline the methods that you will use. What
information will you collect? How will your investigation take place? Provide details of
sampling/collection/analysis of data. Will your work be literature based only? Do you intend to do
laboratory experiments? Will you undertake a survey/field work? Will you use
questionnaires/interviews? In writing your plan consider its achievability as a potential  7. Ethical issues (50 words maximum)
Do you foresee any ethical issues arising from your research proposal? If not, say why not. If so,
what are they and how might you address them?
8. References (as guidance, at least 15 references would be expected to be cited, with is no
upper limit)
Provide a full list of works that you have cited according to university citation regulations. Most of
these, although not exclusively, will be from part (3).

Worldwide Terrorist Organization

Worldwide Terrorist Organization
A thorough research on A specific terrorists organization APA format add supporting references and a title page 11 pages not including references or title page

Worldwide Terrorist Organization

Worldwide Terrorist Organization
A thorough research on A specific terrorists organization APA format add supporting references and a title page 11 pages not including references or title page