Child Abuse Essay

Child Abuse Essay

Write in your own words (paraphrase); quoting should not be necessary unless there is a specific phrase or sentence that has a special
meaning that is essential to the main point of the text.
Begin with a statement of the subject and the author’s purpose or thesis.
Explain the methods the author uses to develop and support the thesis.
Identify the primary arguments, cases, examples or other evidence used and trace the line of reasoning that connects this evidence to the thesis.
Identify the range and limits of this article.
State the author’s findings or conclusions and the contribution this particular article makes to the study of the subject.
Summarize only. This should be an objective account of the main points of the text. Do not include any evaluative, critical or personal
comments. Do not make assumptions, connections or conclusions that are not made by the author. If the author reveals a strong bias, report it but do not judge or comment on it.
MY TOPIC IS: Looking into child abuse and how abusing children might effect them while growing up and also how might it affect them mentally, physically, emotionally, etc.
Include a thesis for each source.
These are the sources that have to be annotated:
A Child Called ”It”: One Child’s Courage to Survive (book)

A Child Called ”It”: One Child’s Courage to Survive (book)
Attached is the PDF Of the book and the rest are links
Must be in MLA format!!!!