Child Practicum Essay
Child Practicum Essay
Each week you would have been using your documentation journal to observe and document the interests, abilities, schemas, and dispositions of two children. For this assignment, you will complete the following:
Noticing: Review your observations of each child (From your documentation journal) and use these observation notes to write an observation narrative for each child. In writing this section, remember to use the components of observation, identify the dispositions to learn, and the schemas that are depicted in the observation.
Naming/Interpretation– Interpret each observation narrative by speculating on what you think the child is doing and thinking. Here are some possible questions to help you interpret the child’s learning and
make meaning from different perspectives: [choose those questions that will help you in writing the interpretation].
What holistic play-based goals are evident? (Use descriptors from various related facets in flight to help you with this)
What ideas, schemas, questions, understandings, or solutions are the children discovering? (Be sure to include what you noticed that shows these schemas or dispositions—do not just name them.)
How is the child working with ideas relating to the learning domains cognitive, language, social, emotional, physical, etc.?
What gestures, facial expressions, play patterns, and words did the child use that could give you clues as to what they were trying to do?
What surprises you? Or what are you curious about?
NOTE: Your Naming/Interpretation provides a rationale and will show reasons why you will create your curriculum planning for this group of children. (Review module 4 if needed).
Child’s interests & Abilities: In addition to the information in this documentation, you should review other observation notes in your documentation journal, to help determine the interest/s and abilities.
Make a list of the interests & Abilities:
Next Steps:
What would you plan next?
In extending this play, how will you consider time, space, materials, and participation?
Initial Curriculum Planning
Now that you have observed the children and interpreted their play, create a curriculum plan for the two children. Ensure that you consider their common interests and also the abilities, schemas & dispositions of each child.
The curriculum plan includes at least FOUR (4) open-ended play possibilities that link to the children’s interests. Consider how each play possibility enhances different curriculum areas, dispositions, and schemas.
Curriculum planning ideas to include any 4- dramatic play, sensory play, construction, art, literacy. [Review content in your Art of Awareness Chapters]
NOTE: This initial curriculum plan can be the foundation of your curriculum planning. As you go through the semester, you will make changes and expand your planning template each week to reflect the children’s interests, schemas & dispositions, and the sources of your curriculum).
Submission to dropbox:
- Title page
- For each child, submit ONE documentation to include notice, naming/interpretation, and nurturing the next steps. {total: 2 documentations, one for each child} {see an example in your D2L content}
- ONE large Curriculum planning that represents the same group of children. The curriculum plan includes open-ended play possibilities that link to the children’s interest, and you have considered how each play possibility enhance different curriculum areas, dispositions, and schemas. At least 4 curriculum ideas can include Curriculum planning ideas to include any four- dramatic play, sensory play, construction, art, and literacy play possibilities. You can use the pictures to create a scenario, including schemas, disposition, holistic play-based, and what is planned for the next step. And talk about all of those dispositions. You make it more professional; you can add theories to it, you make it meaningful and there is that learning that is involved in it.
- Reference page