Choose two social identities (gender, ethnicity, class, nationality, disability, sexuality) and discuss how inequalities

Choose two social identities (gender, ethnicity, class, nationality, disability, sexuality) and discuss how inequalities are reproduced and challenged within one sport. Your essay should focus on young people’s sporting experience.
Essay Organisation
A. Introduction – Introduce the two social identities and sport that you will focus on in your essay
B. Explanation of theory – Define and explain one theory or concept related to one or both of your chosen social identities (i.e. feminism, hegemony, Bourdieu’s work, interactionist theory, socialisation, social/medical models…
C. Review of Literature – Discuss research findings on three of the following areas in relation to your sport and social identities (i.e. you could have the topic of social class and gender in tennis and then discuss family, stereotypes, and media).
• family influences (how does family background influence participation in sport?)
• School influences (How does school influence participation in sport?)
• Social stereotypes (How do stereotypes impact sport participation?)
• Media (How do the media reproduce or challenge inequality in sport?)
• Research on Interventions (What types of interventions can help to address inequalities and make sport more equitable?)
This section should have reference to academic journals and key research findings. Explain how your social identities relate to these topics.
D. Conclusion. Based on the review of literature, summarise how inequalities are reproduced and challenged in your sport. You can use examples from your experience or contemporary sport to illustrate. Based on your findings make a recommendation of how your sport could be more equitable.
Marking Criteria
Introduction, statement of the problem and definition of terms (15%)
• Definitions of key concepts
• Clear statement of the focus and structure of your essay.

• Specify what social identities you will address
• Develop a rationale for your choice of sport
Explanation of Theory
• Demonstrate understanding of at least one theory related to your topic.
• Consider how the theory helps to explain social inequalities
Review of Literature (50%)
• Use empirical research (articles that have primary data) to analyse how social identity impacts sport experience
• Demonstrate an ability to understand, synthesise and present research findings
• Evidence your understanding of research relating to each of the three topics you have chosen.
Summary and Conclusion (25%)
• Provide a summary of your findings
• Explain how social inequalities are reproduced and challenged in your chosen sport
• Provide a recommendation for how sport could be more equitable
Referencing, grammar, spelling, style and structure (15%)
Note: Not all sports are analysed in research so be sure that you can find research on your topic. You may ask for help from the module leader if you are not sure what sport will work with your chosen topic.