Coaching Scenario Paper

Coaching Scenario Paper

This assignment is meant to give you some tangible materials you can use in your future coaching career. Whether you are a head, assistant, or
volunteer coach – thinking through the various components to each one of these scenarios (parent orientations, team handbooks, or team
meetings) will be useful to you. This assignment will require you to use different areas of your textbook for reference and if outside sources are
used, you must cite appropriately. Using a handbook or outline from a team you are or were a part of can be a great model document – but all
content of this assignment must be your own. This should be typed, double-spaced, and a minimum of 4 pages. See attached rubric for
additional grading criteria.
Option 1: Complete a Parent Orientation Agenda (p. 392) for your sport. This must include the following components:
Coaching philosophy (chapter 1)
Demonstration Video [link a video you would use]
Potential Risks (chapter 20)
Specifics of Program
Athlete Policies Appendix (chapter 8)
Include a detailed set of safety rules and team policies for your athletes so your team parents can assist in supporting these same goals for the
best outcomes.
Parent Policies
Closing Comments
Option 2: Complete the following sections of a Team Handbook (p.365) for your sport. This must include the following components:
Part I – About the Team
Coach and staff welcome
Coaching Philosophy (chapter 1)
Season Goal
Part II – Athlete Guidelines
Team Policies
Eligibility Requirements

Inherent risks of participation (chapter 20)
Practice Schedule and Routine Appendix (chapter 12 & 13)
Include a detailed outline of one practice with details when this would happen in season, warm up, cool down and specifying the technical and
tactical skills you will be teaching and practicing.
Option 3: Complete a Team Meeting Agenda (p. 363) for your sport. This must include the following components:
Overview of program
Coaching Philosophy (chapter 1)
Eligibility Requirements
Team Rules
Expectations of Athlete Conduct
Risks of sport
Season goals and objectives
Season Practice Schedule Appendix (chapter 12 & 13)
Include a detailed outline of your practice schedule for the duration of the season, showing the evolution of season goals and objectives based
on weekly practice focus (e.g. upcoming games/events, tapering, various technical/tactical skill focus)