Compare and contrast different motivational theories

Compare and contrast different motivational theories

The purpose of this assignment is to help you to compare and contrast different motivational theories and apply them collectively during goal setting and performance evaluations.

In a meeting with members of Ledbetter Organic Foods operations area, you ask middle managers about the recent sub-par performance in the department and their thoughts about the reasons behind it. They state that their performance goals are set too high, with the vast majority of their employees missing their individual targets across the board.

In your education and training to be an organizational behavior consultant, you studied various needs-based motivational theories:

Maslow’s hierarchy and the five categories of basic human needs
The ERG theory which compressed Maslow’ five categories to three;
The Two-Factor theory, which describes factors that either motivate people or make them dissatisfied
The Acquired-Needs model, which describes stable and dominant characteristics in human beings that drive behavior
Other theories as mentioned in your textbook (chapter 5 &6)
Which of the motivational theory/theories do you think is best for describing human behavior in the workplace? Based on that, how would you construct a work environment using reward strategies, work-life balance considerations, and other approaches?

Assignment guidelines: Minimum requirement of 2-3 pages not counting the title page, and reference page. Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and 3 peer-reviewed references in APA format.