Constructing a frequency distribution relative frequency distribution frequency histogram relative frequency histogram

Constructing a frequency distribution relative frequency distribution frequency histogram relative frequency histogram

Volume of Altria Group Stock
The volume of a stock is the number of shares traded on a given day. The
following data in millions, so the 6.42 represents 6,420,000 shares traded,
represent the voume of Altria Group stock traded for a random sample of 35
trading days in 2014.
6.42   23.59   18.91   7.85   7.76
8.51   9.05   14.83   14.43   8.55
6.37   10.30   10.16   10.90   11.20
13.57   9.13   7.83   15.32   14.05
7.84   7.88   17.10   16.5  8 7.68
7.69   10.22   10.49   8.41   7.85
10.94   20.15   8.97   15.39   8.32
Source: TD Ameritrade
Class Frequency Relative Frequency
[6.37 , 9.241)
[9.241, 12.112 )
[12.112, 14.983)
[14.983, 17.854)
[17.854, 20.725)
[20.725, 23.596)
A) If six classes are formed, choose an appropriate lower limit for a first class
and a class width.
B) Construct a frequency distribution (use the table above to help).
C) Construct a relative frequency distribution (use the table above to help).
D) Construct a frequency histogram of the data.
E) Construct a relative frequency histogram of the data.
F) Describe the shape of the distribution.