Criminal Justice Interview and Reflective Paper

Criminal Justice Interview and Reflective Paper

Criminal Justice Interview and Reflective Paper: ( interviewing a professional working with justice-involved persons)

Instructions: Each student is required to submit a paper reflecting on an interview or observation of at least one professional interview or experience in the criminal justice field. The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of the complexities of how behavioral health disorders and the criminal justice system intersect in the community we live in. Integrate and discuss at least two specific course concepts.


Your paper should be approximately 4-5 pages in length. Good writing (e.g., spelling, grammar, sentence construction, flow and consistency of thoughts) is an important part of understandable written communication. The highest paper grade you can earn is a B+, if your paper is not well written. The paper will be worth 100 points (20% of final grade). Papers should be submitted on the course Canvas page


Examples of paper topics are observing a therapeutic court calendar, touring a local corrections facility, interviewing a professional working with justice-involved persons. Approval for activity must be obtained from prior to beginning the assignment to ensure credit will be given.