Criminal Law (Educational Programs to Inmates)

What are the benefits of offering educational programs to inmates?
Does providing inmates with education statistically improve post release outcomes and reduce the chances of reentering the system upon release?
Are there any cons to offering these resources.
Additional Instructions
Topic: What are the benefits of offering educational programs to inmates? Does providing inmates with education statistically improve post release outcomes and reduce the chances of reentering the system upon release? Are there any cons to offering these resources?
The format is to be double-spaced; include title page, abstract, an introduction, body, conclusion, and reference list of sources used. References and citations are to be in APA format. Papers are to be submitted in the designated Safe Assign area.
Besides using your textbooks as a source, you must also use at least three (3) other additional outside sources for your paper. For example, you may use the internet, academic journal databases, books, encyclopedias, videos, newspapers, etc. (Wikipedia is not a valid source)
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