Cyberbullying should be punishable by imprisonment because it can destroy someones life

Cyberbullying should be punishable by imprisonment because it can destroy someones life

Cyberbullying should be punishable by imprisonment because it can destroy someone’s life. also Cyberbullying should not be punishable by imprisonment because it is merely a minor crime.

The speech text should only be about three pages where you do ONLY ONE of the following:

i) Explain why it is a relevant topic to talk about. You might talk about its immediate and larger repercussions, what shared values are at stake, what possible developments in society or in your field will be affected, etc. In other words, explain clearly and convincingly why the issue is important to discuss.

ii) Share some technical, scientific, theoretical data or information relevant to the topic. In other words, give us information in a cogent and easily comprehensible way that will help us take a position on the topic/issue.

iii) Summarize the various positions that different individuals or groups have on the issue and give their reasons for their positions. In other words, tell us briefly (for the speech) the different takes other people have on the issue including their reasons why.