Describe the role of globalization in shaping contemporary geographies

Describe the role of globalization in shaping contemporary geographies

1)Describe the role of globalization in shaping contemporary geographies. Draw on at least three units from the course in formulating your
answer (e.g. population, environmental, agricultural, political, economic, social/cultural, or urban geographies). Employ geographic concepts
and provide examples from the course materials in the details of your answer.
2)Describe how the era of European imperialist expansion (c. 15th C – 18th C) has influenced modern-day geographies around the world,
including a discussion of continuing neocolonial relations. Draw on at least three units from the course in formulating your answer (e.g.
population, environmental, agricultural, political, economic, social/cultural, or urban geographies). Employ geographic concepts and provide
examples from the course materials in the details of your answer.