East Asian History

East Asian History

What is Soseki’s main message in Kokoro? Respond to this question in a
carefully written, argument-driven analytical essay of 3-4 pages (~1000 words) in
length. In your response, make sure to 1) support your thesis with specific
evidence from the text; 2) relate your analysis of the novel to larger themes of
modern Japanese history; and 3) discuss how you think Soseki wanted the
reader to understand the novel’s ending by describing what would have
happened in a “Part Four” if he had written one.
Your essay must be approximately 3-4 pages (~1000 words) in length and include all of
the following:
a. A thoughtful, carefully-chosen title that reflects the argument of the essay
b. An introduction that
a. engages the reader’s attention by making clear the significance of the
b. ends with a clear thesis statement that responds directly to the question
in the prompt above
c. Meaningfully distinct body paragraphs that
a. begin with clear topic sentences that connect their content to the larger
argument of the essay
b. are analytical rather than narrative in focus
c. are coherent (composed of sentences that work together in a meaningful
d. use evidence to support claims in a specific, detail-conscious way that
draws carefully on Kokoro and, as appropriate, other class readings, for
e. use footnote citations in Chicago Style appropriately
d. An effective conclusion
Formatting Requirements
§ 12-pt., Times New Roman Font

§ One-inch margins, double-spaced text
§ 3-4 pages (~1000 words)
§ Saved as .docx file (Note: you can save the essay in this format in MS Word,
GoogleDocs, or Pages.)
§ All sources—whether directly quoted or paraphrased—cited using footnotes in
Chicago (Turabian) Style