Ethics of Drug Legalization

Ethics of Drug Legalization

For this paper, the topic I chose was drug legalization, and what you will need to do is familiarize yourself with the readings of Husack and Wilson, in which have opposing views on the legalization of drugs. You will need to summarize these arguments, and include in-text citations from the ideas you derive from them, but don’t use quotes. So the structure of the essay should be:
a) Introduce the two arguments
b) using the two arguments, weigh in you personal opinion on the subject matter.
c) Personal contribution to the argument for or against drugs either agreeing or disagreeing with a given perspective.
d) conclude your arguments and justify the perspective using the provided readings.
I will provide all the reading materials necessary, please do not resort to using sources outside the reading material provided.
Below over here I will post the class instructions from syllabus as reference if any confusion arises:
For your final, you will write a philosophical paper (4-6 pages) that presents a question, two responses
to this question, and then your unique contribution to the debate. You could argue that position A is right
and position B is wrong, or that B is right and A is wrong, or that both are partially right and
complementary, or that neither are right. You could also refine a position, i.e., argue that position A is
right, but for different reasons, or you could give a stronger argument as to why A is right.