Explanations of the respective outcomes reached by the courts in the following cases which all involving sales of land

Explanations of the respective outcomes reached by the courts in the following cases which all involving sales of land

Explanations of the respective outcomes reached by the courts in the following cases which all involving sales of land

  1. Californian Copper Syndicate Ltd v Harris (Surveyor of Taxes) (1904) 5 TC 159
  2. Scottish Australian Mining Co Ltd v FC of T (1950) 81 CLR 188

III. FC of T v Whitfords Beach Pty Ltd (1982) 150 CLR

  1. Statham & Anor v FC of T 89 ATC 4070
  2. Casimaty v FC of T 97 ATC 5135
  3. Moana Sand Pty Ltd v FC of T 88 ATC 4897

VII. Crow v FC of T 88 ATC 4620

VIII. McCurry & Anor v FC of T 98 ATC 4487

(16 marks, max. 2000 words).